Aberrations are creatures with a nonstandard anatomy, alien outlook, or some combination of the two. These creatures tend to originate in distant worlds or distant realms (particularly the Far Realm), or they may come from the very distant past (before the familiar world existed) or even the distant future (after the familiar world is superceded by something new).
Common Traits[]
The master aberration races - aboleths, beholders, and mind flayers in particular - are extraordinarily intelligent, perceptive, and strong-willed, possessing lore and knowledge beyond that gathered by any human or even elven loremaster.
They are also alien to the natural order of this world. They have no place here, and their very presence can cause the downfall of an entire ecosystem, even if they are not willfully seeking to bend nature to suit their own needs. In addition, the master aberrations do not see their actions as evil, setting themselves above such moralistic determinations.
Unfortunately, not much is known about aberrations - because the act of collecting more about them is dangerous, often shaking the researcher's entire world to its core. Learning too much can easily drive a man insane if he is not careful. Even those trying to study the ruins of the Nine Kingdoms of Khaphtela must be careful not to study the malevolent architecture or the decorative friezes too closely.
List of Aberrations[]
- Aboleth
- Artifact Bat
- Athach
- Beholder
- Beholder Mage
- Elder Orb
- Hive Mother
- Beholderkin
- Death Kiss
- Death Tyrant
- Director
- Eye of the Deep
- Gouger
- Overseer
- Spectator
- Chilblain
- Choker
- Chuul
- Cildabrin
- Cloaker
- Cursed Cold One
- Delver
- Destrachan
- Drider
- Dustblight
- Ethereal Filcher
- Ettercap
- Gas Spore
- Gibbering Mouther
- Grell
- Grick
- Hook Horror
- Ixitxachitl
- Malasynep
- Mimic
- Mind Flayer
- Alhoon
- Elder Brain
- Ulitharid
- Uriophion
- Vampire Mind Flayer
- Neogi
- Otyugh
- Phasm
- Rust Monster
- Silthilar
- Skum
- Snowcloak
- Tako
- Tsochar
- Umber Hulk
- Will-o'-Wisp
- Zeugalak