After the epic battle at the Shrieking Sow, Finch had installed a basement man-cave for the group to conduct its pimping business in style. He delevoloped a task list for the group, each item dealing with ways to help the brothel business grow and spread. What was not know to the character, but known to all the players (because the DM hinted at), but each would have to deal with some aspect of the character's past. Whoa, backstory ho!
- Finch had a contact to the source of the hobgoblin progpaganda being passed out. As inconherent as it was, it was able to put strange ideas into the townfolks such as equal rights, unions, and fair wages. All this could be very harmful to the brothel business and had to be put down. Finch had contact with an old hobgoblin grandma out in the forest. Without much prompting, she told you about her grandkid who lived her basement and she couldn't get out. The group walked into the den of weed smoke and failed the skill challenge to resist the hobgoblin propaganda and weed smoke. Only Thom had resistent to the smoke, and the party fought through smoke and illusion to kill the hippy hobgoblin. The prolong expouse to the smoke altered Thom's powers, improving his ability to see the future. The party burned down the basement and most likely left an old hobgoblin women homeless.
- Finch needed the party to find out why the business coming from sailors in the port town had dried up. The group went down to the habour and after a successful dectective skill check, found out that a ship in the habour was taking the men folk from the town and turning them gay aboard the HMS Gloryhole. The IHEM cult plan is to destory the human race (and fellow non-humans) by turning everybody gay using the magical powers of a mysterious asteroid called "Homo-stone ". Only Zan-Kyri was not affected by its powers and the rest of the party suffered the gay radiation. After the defeating the cultist pirates, Zan-Kyri was able to absorb the power within his body, gaining a boost to his earth element powers.