This will be prettied up soon.
  • Height: 5'9"
  • Weight: 143lbs
  • "Lithe is the theme."
    • Not Elfin
  • Longish fingers, hands slightly tapered
  • Heart/Pentagon shaped face.
    • Not a firm angry jaw.
    • Highish cheekbones (not very)
    • Eyes green and wide (not big)
    • Widow's peak
    • Detatched earlobes
      • Two piercings each, and a cuff on the upper ear
    • Hair as in Gaia pic
      • Shoulderblade length
      • "poofy upness" in front
      • Pastel brown
    • Low small straight nose, slight upturn, small nostrils.
    • Very fair complexion, not pallid/pasty.
    • No freckles.
    • Evident (not soft or pronounced) jawline
    • Mouth ~~ 2 noses in width
    • 3.3 on 1soft-5chiseled
  • Not wide, but high shoulders -- good posture.
  • Arms extend to just above knees, long.
  • Visible collorbones.
  • "The plain, pretty one": no scars of anything really distinguishing.


A costume that was from a satire/comedy: it went with the Solar Anathema character. Light browns (leather) with a lot of golden paint meant to look like orichalcum. An underbust number, not quite a corset. Sleeveless, strapless, low-cut. Similar pants- to the ankle. shoes like black loafers. Pants are just long enough that socks are invisible. Deep brown, grayish (bark like) colour on the pants.

3 hearthstone sockets - forehead & back of each palm. Red jade hearthstone bracers. Discreet essence armor : orichalcum bands @ wrists and ankles. Fancy necklace thing (see panoply). Ragged black fingerless gloves. Violin bandolier for it & the bow. (quick release, a series of snaps that pop out. Tube for the bow.)
