
Attuned: Unified Force [Force]

“Concentrate...feel the Force flow. Yes. Good. Calm, yes. Through the Force, things you will see. Other places. The future...the past. Old friends long gone.” – Yoda, Empire Strikes Back

Requires Force: Great


  • When the character gets Spin on a Force sense test, the result will be inflected by their close association to the Unified Force perspective, usually granting the character some additional insight associated with this perspective.
  • (Meditation) May use Spin on an extended Force Ability test (as meditation) to enter a trance where they can intuit a new fact about something, from a remote "big picture" perspective.
  • (Visions) May spend a Force Point (player or GM with player consent) once per Chapter to receive a Force Vision.

Notes The Character is attuned to the "big picture" of the Force, and will tend to perceive things from that perspective.
