MYRA Bundle zum GratisRollenspielTag 2023
Heute bis 25.03. sind Gratis-Rollenspiel-Tage 2023 GRT2023). Anlässlich dessen hat auch Myra ein Paket online bei DriveThruRPG, das aktuell kostenlos (und nach den GRT "PayWhatYouWant" mit vorgeschlagenem Preis von 9€) ist: @gratisrollenspieltag #GRT2023 #pnpde #projektmyra
Wenn das Hobby zum Stress wird
Interessante Folge von DORPcast mit den Kollegen Thomas und Michael
Gerade als Person, die auch zwischen Rollenspiel als Beruf und Myra als Hobby zuwenig zum Rollenspielen kommt - und sich noch an die Valunen erinnert.
DSA Abenteuer und wo sie zu finden sind
Auch für DSA gibt es sehr viele Abenteuer, die mit etwas, zum Teil wenig, Aufwand auf unserer Kampagnenwelt MYRA anzusiedeln sind wenn man das möchte, ein solches Abenteuer greifbar hat und es statt in der ursprüngllich angedachten Welt bei uns spielen möchte.
Alles Folgende sind "Meister-Informationen" also SL-INTERN und entsprechend voller Spoiler.
Für mich selbst, aber auch für andere Interessierte, würde ich hier einige Notizen hinterlassen, was wo gespielt werden kann und welcher Art die Änderungen der Namen sinnvoll zu erfolgen haben, um kongruent zu bleiben und zugleich Abenteuerberichte und Veröffentlichen die daraus erfolgen urheberrechtlich einwandfrei zu machen. Als erstes sind darum die "Fan-Richtlinien" zu beachten, bei einer Me…
KoboldPress Material and where to place it.
Kobold Press, chaired by Wolfgang Baur, has a track record of not only providing high quality content (like the Tome of Beasts, translated into German by the German D&D-publisher Ulisses Spiele), but also providing free content, including via their blog.
The campaign world for Kobold Press is 'Midgard', just like for Pathfinder it is 'Golarion' or for most of WotC it is the 'Forgotten Realms'. How and where can you as DM put the Kobold Press material on MYRA? That is what this blog post is for:
(At the time of writing this links to the files, entries and pages where you find the mostly free material:
- Who watches the watch-fires with stats for the AGE system, Free (I trust you're able to convert the stat blocks to the system of your choice).
- While thi…
Anrash and Makval
To be honest, Anrash, the Rat God, has been underplayed in the RPG campaigns of this "Year of the Rat" 440 n.P. on Myra. Merging them with Makval, a deity suggested by ezfii on tiktok, makes Anrash more versatile for any campaign and his followers much more interesting. Now the Locke Lamora/Gentlemen Bastards type of rogue becomes a more interesting NPC counterpart to whatever the players, including Dreamknights, are up to.
Klassen neben den Traumrittern von Iridistra
Im Umfeld der AD&D Traumritter (AD&D 2nd) von Iridistra auf Karcanon werden alle möglichen Spezialist*innen gebraucht. Ihr dürft/sollt Traumritter aus eurem WdW-Land spielen, oder einen Char einer experimentelle besondere Klasse im Umfeld der Traumritter mit mir erstellen, der mit TR zusammen arbeitet. / Parana-Patron-TR von anderen Kampagnen (etwa D&D5e Kiomba) ausdrücklich zugelassen.
System ist einstweilen weiter AD&D2 - "Spezialisten" meint vor allem Klassen die mehrheitlich für NSCs verwendet werden, Sages zB, Alchemisten, Magische Detectives, Bibliothekare, Fachhandwerker... Im "Dungeon Masters Guide" von AD&D unter "Expert Hirelings", im DMG von D&D3.5 unter NSC-Classes. - Also wenn dann "unlikely adventurers" - Leute die man normal…
Pathfinder Adventures on Myra and Where To Find Them
You might find yourself in the situation of having a lot of Pathfinder material and wanting to use it in your Myra Adventures campaign - but it is all set on Golarion, so where could you use them on the best fanmade CreativeCommons campaign world, MYRA?
This post is meant to help you as well as myself, and will be added to in the future:
- 1 Pathfinder Campaign Settings
- 1.1 Im Dezember 2019 HumbleBundle
- 2 Pathfinder Society Scenarios
- 2.1 Pathfinder Society Scenarios 5 - Year of the Demon
- 2.2 Pathfinder Society Scenarios 6 - Year of the Sky Key
- 2.3 Pathfinder Society Scenarios 7 - Year of the Serpent
- Guide to Absalom - Karcanon - Helion
- Guide to Katapesh - Von den Namen abgesehen passt Katapesh nach Karcanon - Nova Helion als Grosse nichtlichte Handelsstadt…
Dämonen, Monster Manual und Myra
Die spieltechnischen Bezüge sind unter der OpenGaming License OGL; Weltbezüge nicht.
- Sethoiden: Dienen Seth, LE - Mit Schlangen der Finsternis werden die größten unter ihnen belohnt, alle Dämonen der Caer gehören hierzu. Kleinere Sethoiden vgl. Sethoiden
- Xnumiden: Folgen so halb Xnum. CE - vgl. MM1 Dämonen
- Kurtulmiden: Haben Kuor-Tulmak als Schutzgott, NE - Demodand
- Marlithiden - Mezzademons
- Runzelharte - Typ I - Ursprünglich von Schamanen beschworen und gegen Riesenspinnen eingesetzt, 1d4 x400 pro Mob, bewegen sich unkontrolliert in eine zufällige Richtung 1KF/Monat, mit gesegneten und magischen Waffen, bzw von mit MyraMagie SEGEN/STÄRKEN gestärkten Kämpfern leicht zu töten.
- Geivrer - Typ I - 1d6x100 pro KF Dämonenebene, 1d3x100 in 1KF Abstand z…
Solo-Abenteuer - Notizen zu Orten und Namen
Nachdem ich mit einem (Antor) ein Prequel-Soloabenteuer angefangen habe, das die Zeit vor der Aufnahme in den Orden der Traumritter behandelt hat, kam die nächste Person mit dem Wunsch nach einem Prequel-Solo was ich mit Grianlynn nun auch angefangen habe. Im Rahmen der Gleichbehandlung würde ich ein solches Solo-Prequel allen D&D Spieler*innen auf Kiombael anbieten, für einen ihrer Charaktere.
Warnung: Während klar ist, weil es ein Prequel ist, dass der Charakter überleben sollte, können Charaktere durchaus emotional, körperlich oder moralisch dauerhaft Schaden nehmen... und im schlimmsten Fall würde ich definieren, dass wir offensichtlich als Vorgeschichte die Geschichte eines Elternteils gespielt haben, das den selben Namen trug... und g…
Rollenspiel Handbuch
- MYRA - Abenteuer in Myra - Hausregeln
- Traumritter (AD&D 2nd)
- Traumritter (D&D 5e)
- Götter
Marketing thoughts on rebranding MYRA
Project Myra has started as a game world in the strategic simulation of fantasy countries, for German language users, as Play-by-Mail before mailboxes or the WWW were invented. It was a backdrop for pen&paper roleplaying (Dungeons&Dragons style) and for creative writing (Tolkien-style or R.E.Howard, depending on preference). All nice and historic and a great tradition to keep alive over 35 years. But... in a time where WoW and other MMOs are not only cultural mainstay but also far from fresh, this world seems as appealing as hand-knitted socks instead of Nike shoes. A full rebranding needs market research for a reasonable segmentation which allows for successful niche targeting. For that qualitative research is the first point:
Only qualita…
Mein Blog und Debatte in der MyraPedia
Meine Gedanken schreibe ich zur Zeit vor allem "drüben" auf:
Und natürlich auf Discord:
My Huge Space Game, the Experiment
The weekend of October 28, 2005 five intrepid gamers met in Ft. Meyers FL to engage in an experiment in gaming. As a brief introduction my space game has been in development since I was in college (1988). It draws (steals) from Warhammer 40K, Traveller, Starwars, and Aliens. I’ve run several campaigns in the environment and as long as I’ve been running it has been a set of experiments in campaign development. The first campaign was a pretty standard space game, get a bunch of lowlife players,…I mean characters together, give them a ship, and let them play. In this case one of the players played the ship, or more precisely the ship’s AI, that was fun. They romped around my galactic playground doing fed ex missions till I was comfortable and…
Pura and I
Inspired by the "LoreSmyths Guide to Remarkable Inns & Their Drinks" I came up with "Aliza, my children and I", a tavern for Gwynddor, probably located in the Aisenatha/Siraidon area. Innkeeper always passes the bar on to one of his children, usually a son, who seems to be a half-elf.
Players need to stop reading here
Adopting the RPG Wiki
As the community from MyraPedia becomes more active here, but has been hereabouts for a decade now, and as none of the admins has been active here in more than a few weeks, I'd like to make a plea for adoption of this Wikia, in order to get more editing rights and more options in formatting the pages etc around here.
If granted, I'd be willing to give admin/editor privileges to each and all other RPG game masters who run their own campaign (or some homerules and/or background material for it) on this Wikia. Prerequisite would be the usage of interwiki links, wo make this RPG Wikia more a part of the Wikia network and less a collection of pages.
Any comments or objections?
Phantastische Orte und wo sie zu finden sind
Ein weiterer Blogpost zum Thema: Welche Orte und Plothooks können wo auf Myra - meist Karcanon - angesiedelt werden.
Wird erweitert wie es anfällt:
- Lean Tree House Gambling Inn (Kobold Press, kostenlos) - Thumgal am Grünen Meer oder auf Kiomba an der Grenze zu Ysanta an einem Fluss, beide Male mit einem Turock statt einer Weide, um Spieler/Leser*innen auch an diese myranische Art heranzuführen. Mistress Smedge = Adrian Stahl.
- The Babcock Place (Kobold Press, kostenlos) - Shodo Wun am Grünen Meer oder auf Kiomba jenseits der Grenze zum Hochland von Kokyo, mit der offenen Frage, warum die Shrch Rssn (Hobgoblins am Grünen Meer) oder die Buka Boos (vgl. Grimlocks vom Fiend Folio, früher auf Kiomba) diese Familie so in Ruhe lassen wie die White Wa…
- Dorf Fessel, Priester Balmeros Elmyra, Priester der Myra als Mutter der Welt. Ziehkinder Jassonos und Aluiana
- Byscos, Wirt des "Kiesel"
- Lergachos, Schurke. Beauftragt vom Magier, der sich nur "Der Magister" nennen liess. Einmal hat er aber gehört wie ihn jemand, einer seiner anderen Leute, "Rasal" nannte. Vier Gefolgsleute(Schläger hat Lergachos: Fyros, Tyros, Tolcan und Mancor
- Rabennebel - Luthic/Pottundy, Kuor-Tulmak statt Gruumsh, Chnum statt Corellon, Nebelsucher Quinti, Knott und Larinja.
Arikhoch - Schattenpriester nicht mehr Söldner Cor - Shah Raltas (vor Ataris) -
Grau/s)e Enthüllung, Dilahen.
- Schmiede zuerst in Tardims Feuer
- Zwei Küsse gebe von Alizas Tochter
- Bade drei Tropfen der Schönheit auf Elvils Spitze
- Dann soll Aros Mittagssonne str…
Verwendete Abenteuer und Ideen
- AiM 001-008 - AD&D 2nd - FRQ1
- AiM 010 - D&D 5e - Wild Sheep Chase / Winghorn Press
- AiM 011 - SAGA - My Lord Tiger / Polyhedron 131 (Vol.18, No.4)
- AiM 012-017 - DSA - Romanze ohne Wiederkehr / Schlangenbanner 3, S.21-29 (S.30ff fehlt noch)
- AiM 013 - DSA - Abschlussprüfung / rsct94 - 117
- AiM 018 - D&D - Salvage Operation / Dungeon 123, S.20ff
- AiM 020 - aktuell, - Pathfinder - Crimson Eye / Origins01 // D&D5e Shoggoth among the Sheep / Adventure Chronicle 1, p.4-7
- AiM 021 Crimson Stars / Dungeon 123, p.32-38
- AiM 022 - aktuell ?
- AiM 025 - der abstruse Wunsch, Traumritter zu werden
- AiM 026 - der Orden des Opals? / Dungeon 84, S.107
- AiM K002/3/4 Path Demon Year #5-01 Lord Daltor / Passad / PZOPSS0501E-Glass River.pdf
- AiM K05 Tomer Abramovici fierygrog... u…
Welcome to my RPG Blog - Willkommen
Thanks for stopping by. I'm mostly active on MyraPedia, because I don't have time for this wiki. But if I had, I'd add much more on Myra as a RPG world to present it in a directly playable version for prospective DMs/GMs. As it is, you'll have to check out - or for the english language version go to
--IrasCignavojo (talk) 14:40, August 3, 2015 (UTC)
- MyraPedia for everything around the 193 pulp novels, 17 hardcover and 5 paperback books of the Mythor-Series and the PBM SharedWorld of Myra, where NaNoWriMo-writers can set their fantasy stories.
- TardisWiki for everything Doctor Who, SJA or Torchwood related
- RPG Wiki for all self-created RPG content, mostly D&D compatible
Fate Gedanken
Ich lern immer noch jedes Mal was dazu, wenn wir Fate spielen. Aspekte, Fertigkeiten, Stunts, Fate Points, Konsequenzen... Da kann einem schon der Kopf schwirren. Beim letzten Episode von Büro Brauner in Kirchberg am Wagram, Teufelskerle, waren mir ein bisschen zu wenige Szenen-Aspekte, aber der Soziale Konflikt zwischen Ferdi und dem Franzl von den Eisensäuen war cool, und die Konsequenzen auch. Dieses Mal ist auch der Horror-Aspekt des Settings besonders gut zur Geltung gekommen.
Mit starker Auswirkung auf zumindest meinen Charakter, den Ferdi Gmeiner. Vom "vollen Risiko" ist sein Dilemme zu "goschert" gewandelt, vom Risiko für Leib und Leben hat er genug. Und die Entwicklung spielt sich eher unterschwellig ab, ohne dass der Ferdi das unb…
The world of Humans!
Hello! I dont know if i am allowed to do this but this is a blog so i should be... either way! I have created a Roleplaying Site recently and i am looking for members, to join a Rp and many more to come! As of now we have one open but more will come, our Directors are working on them as i type this and prob as you read this... depending on when you read this.
This is Forum Based Roleplaying, most of us are really professional so we do know what we are doing (me and the staff). But anyone can come! You could be completely new, or a veteran, this community is for the sole purpose of Roleplaying with a really great community, where people can interact, fight, compete, and enjoy a nice game of Roleplay. There are also contests, tournaments, an…
Wikia Maps Feature enabled
Hi RPG Wikians,
I just enabled the new Wikia Maps Feature. I've just uploaded a Map of Kay Eriya, and maybe you want to share and collaborate on a map for your own game world (I see a lot of Exalted gaming groups are active on the wiki: care to share where your characters are adventuring?)
Here's a link to a tutorial video on how it works.
Hope you like the new feature! All the best, and happy editing!
KainNiemand (talk:-)) 21:52, July 29, 2014 (UTC)
Alle Kategorien sauber
Juchu, ein kleiner Erfolg - alle Seiten am Wiki sind kategorisiert :-)
Ich bin gerade wieder am weiterbasteln an Kirchberg am Wagram, wie sieht es bei euch aus? Habt ihr Lust, in Kirchberg weiterzuspielen, oder vielleicht auch auf Kay Eriya?
Let me know...
KainNiemand (talk:-)) 14:36, June 20, 2014 (UTC)
Wikia RPG
I propose we publish a new game called Wikia RPG wich would be a pen and paper RPG game curated by the RPG Wikia community. We would also have forum just for playing it. What do you think?
An Online Rping Wiki
I've got my own online Rp wiki which needs users. If anyone here is interested, please join!
Gen Con 2013
I had so much fun at Gen Con! I played Marvel Nextwave, Avengers v. Transformers, Mouse Guard, Murder in Balder's Gate, Velociraptor Cannibals, We Be Goblins!, and a Brass & Steel LARP. I got to RP with my ex in Brass & Steel, and then we all went out for dinner afterward. It was cool to hang out with ppl I'd LARPed with a couple of times already but (aside from my ex) hadn't gotten to hang out with as their real selves since they're from all over the US.
Any other RPG Wikians get to Gen Con this year?
Leben auf Kay Eriya
Hey, hat jemand von euch Lust, Kay Eriya wieder ein bisschen Leben einzuhauchen? Wenn ihr Lust habt, macht mit - ich bin schon seit einigen Tagen wieder am Aufräumen am wiki, kategorisiere Seiten und hab auch neue Features freigeschaltet. Wenn ihr mögt, würd ich mich auch anbieten, mal wieder eine Session auf Kay Eriya zu meistern, aus reinem Jux und Tollerei. Ganz nach Wunsch, in Silberschein oder anderswo, mit bekannten Charakteren oder neuen, Figuren aus Tempus Interiectum oder anderen Personen aus Kay Eriya . Habt ihr Lust? LG, KainNiemand (talk:-)) 15:53, May 19, 2013 (UTC)
Playing Roles
Yeah, this is kind of how I feel when I get to roleplay:
Google Glass Team: ‘Wearable Computing Will Be the Norm’
Cyberspace is ever closer:
Google Glass Team: ‘Wearable Computing Will Be the Norm’
2161 December 7: Vault 15
I’ve arrived outside Vault 15. It looks abandoned and quiet, as reported. My trip here was uneventful, although the battery on my four-wheeler is dangerously low, and I worry about being able to make the trip back. I’ve left it outside rather than waste more power driving it up the ridge. My skin is red and painful to the touch, but otherwise I am well and my Pip-Boy reports radiation levels within tolerable limits. Tools in hand, I decend now into the Vault.
2161 December 6: Shady Sands
This is Wesley Fraser, and I have so much to report! Today I met other people out in the not-so-uninhabitable wasteland – a whole group of them, as a matter of fact! They looked pretty scary at first, but they turned out to be very friendly. They took me to their leader – a man named Aradesh – and he explained that his people left Vault 15 almost 20 years go, and formed an aboveground community called Shady Sands.
This is both good news and bad news. The bad news is that Vault 15 is abandoned – there may not be an intact water chip to recover, although Aradesh said with enough time I might be able to find one through wandering traders, not that we have that much time. There are also raiders to contend with, although I’m told they mostl…
2161 December 5: Mission Commenced
This is Wesley Fraser. I have been assigned the important mission of obtaining a new water chip for Vault 13, my home, and for this reason I have ventured aboveground. I am humbled by the important task before me, but determined to succeed. I was under the impression I was the first person chosen for this task, but evidence suggests that may not be true. No matter – I will succeed where others have failed.
I have secured transportation for my endeavor. It is a four-wheeler that I found abandoned in a garage outside the Vault. I managed to repair it to a functioning level, as well as charging one battery for my trip. I’ve never travelled farther than I could walk before, so I wish to leave nothing to chance. I can’t imagine this miss…
PLZ Help
can anyone tell me if this stile is still active and if yes do's anyone really even role play on this site??Shirokei1 00:28, March 21, 2011 (UTC)
Dyl woke up without feeling as if she had had any rest at all. But also no dreams and no monsters either. She checked email, sent texts to Kahmel and had the realtor send over prints and info on a few houses and condos she had found. Dyl was restless and wanted to be active so after a cigarette, she headed to the gym. Though she jogged for about an hour and practiced Jujitsu, her nervous energy never dissipated.
Back in her room, Dyl received the printouts of Alex's music that she had requested from the library and set about trying to analyze the lyrics while listening to the music. A scholarly perusal provided a plethora of portents and signs that fit with all of the prophetic texts Dyl had previously been familiar with. But the feeling of…
Girls, Guns and Grand Adventure!
Dyl woke up without feeling as if she had had any rest at all. But also no dreams and no monsters either. She checked email, sent texts to Kahmel and had the realtor send over prints and info on a few houses and condos she had found. Dyl was restless and wanted to be active so after a cigarette, she headed to the gym. Though she jogged for about an hour and practiced Jujitsu, her nervous energy never dissipated.
Back in her room, Dyl received the printouts of Alex's music that she had requested from the library and set about trying to analyze the lyrics while listening to the music. A scholarly perusal provided a plethora of portents and signs that fit with all of the prophetic texts Dyl had previously been familiar with. But the feeling of…
Dyl Campaign: One Perfect Day
I started the campaign where we left off last time – Dyl’s character heading back to the Chantry with Jing Wei, after both went to examine Dyl’s sister. Dyl’s sister has been bitten in a mutual dream they’d had, and had manifested a festering magical wound in real life once they’d awakened. Jing Wei went to Dyl’s family’s place to examine the girl, and her prognosis wasn’t good – if they didn’t find a cure quickly, the girl would die. Dyl asked if there’s anything she could do, and Jing Wei extracted some of her blood.
Dyl grabbed Alex for a cigarette when the got back to the Chantry, and Alex told her Garwood Marshall had been looking for her – he wants both Alex and Dyl to go undercover for him at the upcoming Succubus Club event. Alex…
Dyl Campaign Notes
Dyl Campaign
RL Date: 08.15.10
Campaign notes:
Dyliana’s latest campaign started out mid-dream. Rosita in peril. Dyl has super-soaker of holy water. Free sister, but Rosita bitten. Get to Rosi, grab her (burn hand), fly away. Sister wake up, disappear. Dyl wake in bed, hand still burned. Call home – Rosi freaking out from bite. Dyl calms parents – will visit that night. Talks to boyfriend – disturbed he’s hiding something.
Kyrissa arrives with letter from Lord Wainwright – blood-to-water could be a sign of the apocalypse, but could also me a ruse attacking the Tremere while diverting suspicion from the true source. Kyrissa forced to research all night and desperate for blood – both go to desk for new blood reserves. Dyl goes to smok…
End of Days: Quick Recap
Last night started with Dyl (Dyliana's character) having a dream about being a little girl taken by an angel, and when she woke up all of the blood in her vampire abode had been turned to water. Not knowing if this was a specific attack or a sign of the apocalypse, she spent a few hours researching similar events in the past... and then had to go to a family reunion with her boyfriend (who knows something is up with her) and her family (who have no idea she is a vampire). At the picnic her sister Rosita revealed that she'd visited Dyl in her angel dream. After carefully navigating the family gathering, Dyl went to a hotel with her boyfriend, and when he was a sleep snuck off with the bellhop to feed. >B)
Heading back to the Chantry, she…
RL: Crappy Day, Nice Night
Yesterday was kind of a shitty day – it started with scheduling stress and went downhill from there. After I escaped work I didn’t really want to go to derby practice, but I went anyway, since I usually enjoy it once I get there. Luckily, this was the case again last night – after skating around for two hours and getting pummeled by Uzi Q (who hits like the steel telephone pole), I felt a lot better.
I grabbed some food with IceSpark and then Ke, and after a long shower I felt a lot better. Unfortunately since I’m working an earlier shift I couldn’t stay up too late, but I did get to watch The Daily Show and The Colbert Report with her before she put me to bed. B)
Dyl & Robert
Dyl & Robert met in the park and talked about the nature of the Celestial Chorus. Robert assured Dyl the main faction wasn’t violent, although he warned there are occasionally splinter groups with different goals and methods. He warned Dyl the Celestial Chorus might pressure Kamel to break ties with Dyl, however. Dyl & Robert talked about the different mage paths for a while, and Robert hinted a bit about his past.
Back to Chantry. Robert reported to Roreca, and used a Mind link to show her directly the events he witnessed in Hong Kong and Las Vegas. In return, Roreca released Robert from his life boon to the Tremere, although told him they remained in friendly terms should either require the VOLUNTARY assistance of the other.
Dyl went …
Milk Run
Milk Run
Before sleeping, Dyl wrote to Roreca (sp?) for some guidance about getting property for her family and herself. Roreca wrote back with the name and number of a real estate agent for Dyl to go through and some interesting info about money. It seems there has been a trust set up to take care of Dyl’s family. It is enough money that Dyl should be able to concentrate fully on being a good Tremere and throw money at any other problem that may come along. This includes, first and foremost, the purchase of a house for them. She also instructed Dyl to take a ghoul to the final purchase of her property to ensure that it was able to be fortified as necessary.
The next morning, Dyl received an email from Meekus St. James (?) of MadPyramid. He…
Us against the world
This session really helped Dyl and Kahmel reconnect and reaffirm their commitment to each other -- both physically and supernaturally -- and added a bit of intrigue.
Dyl woke to the sound of a ghoul knocking on her door. She felt sure that she had been dreaming of Kahmel but as she could not remember a single detail, she decided she must have just been thinking of him when she laid down to sleep for the day. She rose to check her email -- first sending two messages 1. a text message via computer to Kahmel asking him to call her landline. And 2. An email to Robert asking him to contact her because she had questions about choir boys in pointy hats. She had two emails of notice. First, Angar (Mark to Cleopatra) confirming his arrival in Egypt…
Slaughterhouse Encounter
- 1 Dyl prelude:
- 2 Group Session:
- 3 Post Session – Dyl
- 4 See Also
Dyl’s prelude started with her waking in the evening and receiving an invitation from Garwood Marshall to meet him to discuss the return of the Succubus Club to Chicago. Dyl got the address, which was close enough for her to walk there alone. She donned a headscarf to cover her new third eye (ajna) and met Marshall at his haven, a closed but well-maintained jazz club from decades past. They joked and talked, discussing Marshall’s plan to infiltrate the Succubus Club.
Suddenly Dyl received a vision of what was happening at the slaughterhouse, shortly before it actually took place. Falling off her stool, she alarmed Marshall, who ran around the bar to see if she was alright. Dyl told …
Dyl - Third Eye! II
Monday on the drive back from Chicago Dyliana and I continued our campaign.
Dyl entered Nicolai's small, cramped, book-lined personal chamber, and immediately asked if she was going to be killed. Nicolai responded that he hoped not, and spent some time examining Dyl's new third eye. After careful study, Nicolai placed a mystical mark on Dyl's forehead to identify her as a Tremere (rather than a Salubri) to other Tremere seers.
Nicolai then revealed to Dyl that she was not the only Tremere to have this happen -- two other Tremere seers have developed third eyes as well. Warning that Vicissitude wasn't a safe choice to deal with the situation, Nicolai said he would try to arrange for Dyl to learn Obfuscate from the Nosferatu for now until a…
Dyl - Third Eye!
This past weekend we got in two sessions of the Dyl campaign.
Saturday's session started where the last left off -- with Dyl in front of Bert's door with her phone ringing, Garwood Marshall on the caller ID. We started the session with her answering the phone, luckily only to be told Marshall wanted her help for a club-infiltration mission sometime in the near future, but not that night.
Dyl got off the phone quickly, and then went upstairs to Bert's apartment for some brief awkward conversation followed by crazy bed-breaking vitae-infused sex. They finished just early enough for Dyl to shower and grab a cab back to the Chantry. During the cabride home, Dyl tried to return the phone call from her boyfriend Kamel that she'd ignored during h…
Dyl, July 20, 2003
Last session began with Dyl recording her dream from the night before. She was slightly disturbed to realize her eidetic memory wasn’t working when it came to details of her forced dreaming, although she was slightly reassured that it did still work in terms of things she’d witnessed while waking. She typed up her report and emailed it to Roreca, the new Chantry head.
Dyl printed and brought hard copies in case the vision was important. Roreca was downstairs, so Dyl chatted with the ghouls until Roreca returned, wearing a bloodied apron and long rubber gloves. Handing off the soiled garments to Taz, Roreca took Dyl into her office and got a verbal report of Dyl’s notes, asking questions and taking notes. She told Dyl to continue to brin…
Journal of Kyrissa Lorien, July 19, 2003
Still dealing with the weirdness of being a vampire. That still doesn’t sound believable. I’ve written many books about vampires, explored their history and myth, and yet I never thought I’d come face-to-face with one, much less become a clichéd “creature of darkness.” And, yet, here I am. Tonight I even fed on another human for the first time. I don’t think I’m completely processed that point.
The evening started with kind of a “Vampire 101” how-to lecture by Jing-Wei, one of the elder vampires. It was actually somewhat interesting – so many things vampires can do with blood that I had no idea. I learned how to use blood to heal wounds, and increase my strength and speed. Dyl, one of the other new vampires, can even use blood to ma…