
The Caldefor Party

  • Oarkalize Dak'annalle, aka Spring -- Xeph Wu Jen, deceased, a former slave who enrolled in the 8th Special Caldefor Defense Auxiliary Forces Brigade.
  • Kankaliim Dak'annalle, aka Buzz -- Xeph Egoist, a former slave who enrolled in the 8th Special Caldefor Defense Auxiliary Forces Brigade. Spring's sister.
  • Toby McGillicutty -- Musketeer of Whimsey
  • Qongqothwane, aka Twang -- Kobold sorceror, frail but scary.
  • Konrad Jagger -- Human licensed diabolist, with rather more intelligence than sense. Enlisted in the 8th, somehow survived.
  • Kenshir - Human bodyguard to gerda, who never really gave up after quite a failure
  • Gerda - Heir to a human noble house who died gloriously in service to the 8th.
  • Ulrich Lars - Brigade supplier (and potion seller) who seems to be part of the brigade now, but who still has a cure for what ails you.
  • Sideh - Tarkenian attache of the Order of the Shield of Light. Outrider, demon hunter, and cleric of Glor'diadel.

The Canberry Party

  • Delbon Glittercheeks -- Spark Halfling Sorcerer playboy extraordinaire
  • Alistair -- Archduke of Canberry; mostly retired as a PC (see full write-up)
  • Kit -- newly appointed spymistress of Canberry
  • Stythus -- a djinni devoted to Alistair's protection
  • Mahler Fife -- a brooding, androgynously handsome youth - Exchequer of Canberry
  • Dame Brionna -- Captain of the Archducal Guard in Canberry, a knight of the Order of the Knights of Valor, and a refugee from the Confederacy of the South Kingdoms

The Out of State Game

  • Turak -- Rakasta melee combatant who can track (Ftr/Brb/Rng)
  • Gwen -- pixie cleric (Priestess of Whimsey?)
  • Lady Varia, Hsiao -- (Owl) wizard Devout Whimseyite. Would rather talk her way out of conflict rather than fight (except for slavers) Very fond of her bracers of pink lightning.
  • Belle -- pixie psion
  • NameHere -- dwarf fighter
  • Endrin the Magnificent -- Elf Bard Extraordinaire follower of Galadriel. Deathly afraid of Whimsey.
  • Prince Melithandar the Great (which is better then Magnificent) -- pseudodragon rogue
  • Rose -- human devotee of the lady of flowers who has taken a vow of poverty and has the blessings of flowers
  • Bonnie Tyler -- human lifeguard