This page is for the Chicago Kindred in the End of Days campaign. For the Bureau 13 Chicago Kindred, see Kindred of Chicago

Camarilla City Positions[]

Prince: Luc (interim) (Ve)

Seneshel: Marc Deprez (Ve)

City Whip: Maxwell (Br)

Keeper of Elysium: Miss Gertie (To)

Sheriff: Balthazar (Br)

Scourge (Proposed): Crystal (Tr), Damien (Br), Jason/“Son” (Ma), Kathy Glens (To), Nathaniel (No)

Council of the Primogen[]

• Brujah: Critias
• Malkavian: O’Leary
• Nosferatu: Khalid
• Toreador: Annabelle
• Tremere: Nicolai
• Ventrue:

The Learned Clan (Brujah)[]

1. Primogen: Critias (“Doctor” 5) In charge of courts, universities (Aus6,Dom5,Pres5)

2. Clan Whip: Damien (6, Cel4)

3. Sheriff: Balthazar (8 – Sheriff, Dom5)

4. Maxwell (6 - Former Prince, Cel5,Pot5,Pres7,Prot5) Inf: ChiPDIntAff– new!

5. Erichthro (7 - actually Tremere Caitiff) – new!

6. Joshua “Blackjack” (8 – social anarchist) In charge of unions

[Msg, believed dead: Bambi, Vinnie, Hank Cave, Theodore “Daddy D” Dooley, Ghengis, Gordon Keaton]

[Known Dead: Neil Graham, Marc Levesque, Travis Fett]

The Moon Clan (Malkavian)[]

1. Primogen: Maureen O’Leary (7) Aus5, In charge of health care community

2. Clan Whip: Jason (“Son”) (8, Aus3,Dom3,Obs3,Pres3) Inf: personal terrorized contacts

3. Bryan (7) – Bipolar loner, loves Bronwyn Inf: None

4. Bronwyn (8) – Bon Vivant, club owner, hates Corbin – new!

5. Claire (9) “Granddaughter”

6. Corbin (9) - Paris Hilton. Dilettante, judge, hates Bronwyn– new!

7. Raymond (9) In charge of police

[Msg, believed dead: Ben & Paula Smith, Neon]

[Known Dead: Horace Turnbull, Johann Weltman; Dr. Animus, killed since last Conclave – terrible fire]

The Clan of the Hidden (Nosferatu)[]

1. Primogen: Khalid (GEN: 6) (Loner)

2. Clan Whip: Cedrick (GEN: 8) Politician– new!

3. Tammy (GEN: 7) (Child)

4. Nathaniel (GEN: 8) (Hateful)

5. Eddie (GEN: 13) – Tremere Ally

[Left Town: Carl, Duck, Sammy, Selma, Thomas, Timmy]

[Msg, believed dead: Amareth, the Chancellor, Elzbieta Jurofsky, Jurgis Rudkus]

[Known Dead: Peter Walenski, Tommy “Euclid” Walker]

The Clan of the Rose (Toreador)[]

1. Primogen: Annabelle Triabell (Gen6)

2. Clan Whip: “Portia” – Bon Vivant (Gen4)

3. Eletria: Bon Vivant – guards Portia (Gen5) – new to city

4. Miss Gertie – Storyteller. (Gen7)

5. Kathy Glens – Guitar fanatic (Gen10)

6. Bryn Shaw - Artist, (Gen13) – alive after all

[Left City – Hamilton]

[Msg, believed dead: Maria, Michael & Sharon Payne, Tasoszius Kuszleika]

[Known Dead: Sophia Ayes, Sir Henry Johnson, Bret Stryker]

Tremere: the Clan of Usurpers[]

Primogen: Nicolai

Pontifex of the Central Order of the United States: Nicolai

Lord of the Greater Chicago Realm: Abraham DuSable

1. Regent of the Chicago Chantry Province: Roreca

2. Clan Whip: Garwood Marshall

3. Applicant for Scourge: Crystal

Messenger from the Council: Astrid Thomas

4. Apprentice: Jing Wei


5. Alexandria Westrick– newish!

6. Dyliana Carter

7. Kyrissa Lyrien, horror writer– newish!


Chicago Chantry Gargoyles: Golderath, Ublo-Satha

Confirmed Deceased:

Eaton Hill, Doug/Usel, Lewis Brooks III

Disappeared, Presumed Dead: Rebecca

The Kingship Clan (Ventrue)[]

Prince: Luc

Seneshel: Marc Deprez –– OW Lt

1. Primogen:

2. Clan Whip: Michel “Mike S” Sordinia – Italian female– – OW Lt

3. Horatio Ballard: Huge, Gen8, Inf: White-collar Business (surprise! Alive) – new!

4. Capone: Burned, but alive! Inf: Chicago mob– new!

5. Christoph Den Tandt – German male, in charge of Business– OW Lt –

6. Allister Warthington –new!

7. Chuc Luc –– new!

9. Vanessa Cooper –new!

10. Melinda Lossman –– new!

[Left City: Millicent, Warren]

[Msg, believed dead: Lodin, Lorraine, Tommy Hinds, Brennon Thornhill]

[Known Dead (helicoptor crash): Lawrence Ballard, Jackson, Peterson, Sovereign, Jacob Schupeter, Neally, Hurricane Weatherbottom, Edgar Drummond, Frank Gaughn, Phan Hong]

The Clan of the Hunt (Assamites)[]

Primogen: (None – report to Morgan)

3: Brian, Enigma, and Nik

Clan of the Family: Giovanni[]

1. Morgan Castrucci (unofficial Primogen)

2. Dr. Oliver Genet (11, medical comm.)

The Clan of the Beast (Gangrel) (Camarilla until 1999)[]

1. Inyanga: (None – unofficially Primogen, Gen6, Ani5,Aux6,Prot6)

2. Sledgehammer Doyle – Gen7, Ani6 (Sab)

3. Rose – Gen8, Ani4,Prot4

4. Shejana – new- secr. Gypsy Ravnos

[Wolf Pack: Outside Chicago, but ready if needed]

[Msg, believed dead: Jackie Goodman, Charles Waterstone]

Unwelcome in the City:[]

  • The Night Clan (Lasombra)
  • The Clan of Shapers (Tzimisce)
  • The Wanderer Clan (Ravnos)
  • The Unclaimed (Caitiff)
  • The Snake Clan (Setites)
  • The Clan of Death (Cappadocians)
  • The Healer's Clan (Salubri)

OOC Note[]

Many of the original Ventrue new to the Chicago campaign were named after members of The Passengers. The Passengers were a late-1970s Brussels postpunk / new wave band that later became better known as The Names. Original line-up included Michel Sordinia (bass, vocals), Marc Deprez (guitar), Robert Franckson (guitar), and Christophe Den Tandt (drums).


VTM: Chicago By Night, VTM: Chicago By Night 2nd Ed.
