
DARRA RA H, SX F, AL NG, CL MU, LV 5, HP 17, AC , AG 32, FP «(G w/WN)

  • Str 14,
  • Int 17,
  • Wis 16,
  • Dex 17,
  • Con 16,
  • Cha 17,

CL C/F,LV 3/2,XP 12385, MA G,MI sb,WN Dagger (wielded) ,Longt>ow.

Darra is a very beautiful and somewhat haunted figure. She has a pale skin, and long dark brown (nearly black), hair, mostly worn in two curls on her sides. Her eyes are one dark brown, the other (a mix of)dark(green and)brown. She is very beautiful (appearance: very good) but at times has a splemn look on her face that makes her less (or more?) attractive. She is not very cheerfulk as she knows she ’ s fated to live without love to keep her magic pöwers. She typically wears a green robe adorned with a symbol showing an oaktree on silver and gold (Älaya) (when in ro'om 12) or 8 ° light white dress with a black cord around her waist (see Manet page 315, Nr 121)

DARRA (Cont.) Darra got her magic abilities from a esoterian/san- dramoric sect called the Drummers of Moon. She has no Myra-Spell ability, but has a vide ränge of dungeon spells, though only of C2,C3,C5 and 08. She changed to Cleric/Fighter to conceal her former profession dass and got along with it quite well, as she already gained about 12ooo XP. If she's asked hy a partymember she particularly likes to go along with the party, she might do so (for one task only) on a reactionroll above 9« (Add 2 to roll if the mission is against evil KU's) She does not like fighters mach (amazons apart from it) and will soon be bored of a boasting one. She came to Wohlthat to be one of Esoterias silent ears and eyes, and will sometimes have a "special guest" on a guided tour to Nr 12. (Spy contacts or Esoteria messengers). As she has her own buisiness tö do, she does not like anyone snooping around in the museum and will quite soon show this. She might even back up the unloved Viron to keep the museum running as it is. She dislikes Viron and sees her work in steady competition to his, as she's for Nessur and he for Athania. She is not aware of his wanting and longing towards her, but takes his all-the-time attempts to be near her as curiousity and snooping.
