
Classical Dreamknight in typical full armour with the recognizable sword and shield.

Part of the Myra Adventures Roleplaying Rules. (See the complete MYRA Wikia)

(As of June 2020 it is a work in progress and in an extensive playtest in official Myra Adventures, based on 5e OGL 1.0a with the Dreamknight as a new charakter class. Third group with a wide variety of Myra races starting April/May 2020 in Ashcaran on Gwynddor((You won't need to be able to read German to play.)) - Feel free to playtest in your other campaigns and please give feedback.)


Dreamknights or are the oldest known order of knights in the world Myra (in older times called "Nightmareknights" - fighting Nightmares - see image right) and especially trained with sword and sorcery to fight against demons and demonkind, and the nightmares they produce.

  • Standard Races: Human, Elf, Half-Elf, Aegyr / On Gwynddor see List of Gwynddor Campaign Races.
  • Alignment: Good. Most will prefer order over chaos. Some deities will as patrons require that you are Lawful, but until you pick one of them you can be NG or CG, and start a bit away from LG.

Creating a Dreamknight[]

Roll your stats according to these rules or distribute 80 points.

For a novice among the Order of Dreamknights, the following stats are recommended

  • Either STR 12 OR INT 12, the latter especially if you join with a previous level of any magic using class.
  • CON 11
  • WIS 13
  • CHA 15

Minimum 6 for the other stats as a Novice, which would make 65 stat points and leave a lot of room for individual strengths and weaknesses if you have 80 or more points to distribute.


Dreamknights serve no particular deity of Myra but serve the principle of light itself. The organised religion, i.e. higher priests of the philosophical idea of One God, who created the other gods, the AEne religion, is always working as superiors to Dreamknights and can always command obedience.

Dreamknight governments as superiors: There are a select few coutries and states which are governed by dreamknights and have one of the master circles of the order in their center. Following these governments and their representatives is also a requirement of the order. These governments are ruled by the High Knights of the order on their continent, aswerably only to the Master Knight in the home of the order on Kaurias, and orders of an agent of the government are to be treated as orders from a superior, because ultimately they come from a High Knight.

Before a Dreamknight can use a certain ability bestowed upon by one of the old gods of the Pantheon, he must either

  • perform an act of valor for a temple of the deity or
  • visit one of the Major Temples of the deity or
  • decide for a new patron and follow its rules for one year before getting the benefits or
  • be introduced by a higher level follower of the same order.

Thereafter, priests of that religion, if they are of a higher level than the Dreamknight, also serve as his superiors and their orders must always be followed. Contradicting orders can become quite a major restriction.


Traveling on adventures if not on a mission by a superior or on a dream-quest, Dreamknights will aid any group of adventurers which are likely to fight demons, demonic magic or the like.


Sword & Sorcery - the symbol is a sword and a magic wand, crossed. The sigil ring with this symbol is gifted to a person in level 9 and loaned to a group as a passport on longer away missions. Dreamknights who wear the typical full black armour (black plate armour given by the order at Lv.9, just as black chain mail is at lv.5 and black leather armour at lv.1) will probably be recognized without any further symbol.

Weapon proficiencies[]

  • Culturally, all Dreamknights will have learned- or will have to learn as soon as they are accepted into the order - the use of the longsword, in addition to a weapon of their choice.
  • Ruleswise, you are proficient with all armor and shields, simple weapons and martial weapons, not all of which you can master and carry at once.
  • Proficiency bonus goes up like for the paladin: in Tier1 it's 2, in Tier2 it's 3... (PHB p.83)
  • Saving throws: go on Wisdom and Charisma

Nonweapon proficiencies[]

Culturally, all Dreamknights will have learned- or will have to learn as soon as they are accepted into the order - about the use of magic (Arcana), before they can enjoy the benefits of a patron deity. Therefore

  • Skills: Arcana and any one of Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Persuasion and Religion.



Classical Dreamknight in typical full armour with the recognizable sword and shield.

All Dreamknights with sufficient means or support will have (at least own, not always wear) full black armour, with a hallmark red tassel on their helmet, a longsword and the shield with its recognizeable form. In order to get from one place to the next, Dreamknights will have a mount, usually a horse. You get from the order

  • A shield (AC+2) plus Studded Leather armor (AC12) in level 1-4, Ring or Chain mail in level 5-8 (AC14/16) and full plate from level 9 (AC18)
  • A longsword or equivalent as your martial weapon
  • A short bow or small crossbow or any simple melee weapon
  • A priest's pack or an explorer's pack
  • A standard mount, usually a horse, while on a mission
  • A holy symbol of your first patron deity

All Dreamknights from level 9 will have their sigil ring - except in the rare cases when they have given this away in order to enable safe summoning in dream state.

Class Features: Special Benefits[]

After learning the use of a longsword and about the use of magic (arcana), Dreamknights, who have none of the automatic benefits of regular paladins, can go and choose one patron deity per level, which can grant one favour or ability as a special benefit each, up to a maximum number of deities equivalent to the one highest score in a Paladin's minimum requirements; often this will be Charisma.

In order to gain one of the deities of light as a patron, a Dreamknight must perform a greater service for a small temple or higher priest - a Geas Quest - or make a Pilgrimage to one of the high temples - of that religion, or have a higher dignitary of that deity introduce them with a ritual. If a Dreamknight novice has been a priest, druid, or paladin of one of these deities before becoming a Dreamknight, the novice can choose to automatically get this deity as the first patron without having to do a quest.

Class Features by Patron deity - you pick one per level[]

Listed below are permanent favours - as permanent as the Dreamknight stays within the favour of the patron deity (loose grace, loose, the bonus, atonement possible as per rules).

  • Anur will give you the ability to turn undead, demons and devils like a Paladin of Lv 3 or higher with "Channel Divinity: Turn the Unholy", from Lv6 "Destroy Undead" like a cleric 1lv below yours; with Anur first also "Turn the faithless" including dissolve cloaking illusions on turned beings (PHB p.87).
    • He will ask you to bury all dead and burn all undead after any fight, and fight any undead you can find.
  • Artan will give you a bonded mount from the moment you take him as a patron deity and you have learned "riding" as a proficiency (Land vehicle:Horse, chapter 5 of the PHB) and have reached level 5, but you can call on another one 5 years later at the earliest. / If he is your first choice, you can cast a protection from chaos per level/day and get horseriding as an extra skill; your bonded mount might then appear in the first five levels already.
    • Artan will demand you to be completely lawful, so your alignment needs to be LG from the moment you take him as a patron deity.
  • Borgon will give you an added 1d4 on your strength (up to a maximum of 18 for humans; gives +1 if you had 18 before) / If this deity is your first choice, you get an extra +1 on the stat (up to a maximum of 20).
    • He will demand you to (1) fight and if possible kill any werewolf on sight (2) attack and destroy to rubble any temple of Pottundy or Marlilith (3) instigate and join any war on lawful evil governments.
  • Chnum will give you divine grace (a bonus equal to your charisma bonus on all saving throws), an aura of good, protection from evil, once per day a daylight spell of 60" radius, once per day protection from evil 10" radius. / If he is your first choice, you get an extra +1 on your hitpoints per level. Bonus: Large temples for support are basically in every country.
    • He will demand you to donate 1/5 of all you earn, find or otherwise get to him, in any of his temples. If there is none within reach, he expects you to found and fund one. This is regardless of what you give to other religions, your king&country or a charity of your choice.
  • Dena will give you divine health, that is immunity to all diseases, including black magical ones. Once per day you can either "detect lies" or cast a "zone of truth" within 10 feet, in which noone can lie. 1/week you can "neutralize poison"./ If Dena is your first choice, you can cure wounds on yourself, 1d6 per 5 levels.
    • She will demand you to stop lying. You can sidestep the truth if necessary, but you can not tell any outright lie.
  • Dondra will give you an aura of courage and make you immune to fear, it will help those in a 8 feet radius of the conscious Dreamknight with a +8 bonus on morale for saving throws against fear effects. / If he is your first choice, you get an extra "Shillelagh" per day+level.
    • Dondra will demand you to free any slaves you see. If by force or by buying and then freeing them is none of his concern.
  • Grewia will give you a bonus on your wisdom and intelligence, +2 on the lower and +1 on the higher, up to a maximum of 18 for humans, or +4 if one is under 9 on this one value (+1 on one if both had been 18 before). Additionally she gives you the chance to befriend any cat of less than a third your weight Animal Friendship (felines) and to speak with cats if your intelligence, wisdom or charisma is 18 or higher Speak with Animals (felines). Once a week you can direct a Ray of Moonlight (as per Lv5 priest spell), once a month you can use a pool of water for a Vision.
  • Horcan will give you 1-2 on dexterity (up to a maximum of 18 for humans) plus the ability to make a sanctuary (as per priest spell) 1/day, slow poison 1/day, precognition 1/week, prophecy 1/month, and speak with dead OR [1] 1/year.
    • Horcan demands you to bring the body of your dead comrads home for proper burial. Depending on your level of piety and diligence this can mean just bringing the bodies of fallen Dreamknights back to the fortress of dreamknights - or preserving the bodies of Dreamknights and henchmen who fell fighting on your side to bring them to their ancestral home.
  • Jaffna will give you an added 1d4 on your charisma (up to a maximum of 18 for humans; gives +1 if you had 18 before) and once per day the abilty to "Bless Water" (make holy water) or Purify Drink (water) / If this deity is your first choice, you get an extra +1 on the stat (up to a maximum of 20).
    • Jaffna will demand you to keep your purity and keep sexual abstinence if you are single or keep love and its practice inside your relationship if you are married. Mendoria means you can ever only have one single love in your life. Wait for that.
  • Kandy will give you an added 1d4 on your constitution (up to a maximum of 18 for humans; gives +1 if you had 18 before) and once per day the ability to Endure cold/heat / If this deity is your first choice, you get an extra +1 on the stat (up to a maximum of 20).
    • Kandy will demand you to not amass a fortune. You can only keep modest sustainable means for yourself and have to donate the rest to your good religion temples.
  • Norto will give you the ability to recognize fools gold (automatic), and counterfeit money (DC10 wisdom roll once per day), he gives you the abilty of the convincing deal once per week: If you offer something fair, your opponent will accept it, if you manage your Charisma roll. Additionally you can Control Water OR breathe in water OR calm the sea once per month. When you take him as a patron he will offer you a fair deal: you can switch 1d4 of stats on a 1:1 base, this moment only. Only if you take him as a first patron, he gives you the abilities to navigate at sea and to appraise goods, plus anti-chaos: Lv1 protection from chaos (needs Wis13, gives +2 AC/saves against chaos creatures and spells), Lv6 Magic circle of protection against chaos (needs Int+Wis+Cha 39, gives 10ft radius), Lv12 Dispel Chaos (needs Str+Int+Wis+Cha 52, gives +4 bonus against attacks by chaotic creatures)
  • Norytton will give you an added +1 on a stat of your choice (up to a maximum of 18 for humans), if you are lacking full dreamknight stats in some way, it will always go there with a maximum of +2 to a lacking stat. Norytton will also give you the ability to swim as an athletics feat. In situations where you would otherwise drown, a successfull roll against Luck will save you. / If Norytton is your first choice, you get an extra extra +5 (as if your weapon was a magic+5 weapon) against deep sea creatures and an extra +1 on a random lacking stat (and an extra +1 on a random stat if no stat is lacking;
  • Orphal will give you 1-2 on dexterity (for better dancing) (up to a maximum of 18 for humans; gives +1 if you had 18 before) and the ability to learn one musical instrument (including a singing voice) even if you have no skill points left, he will give you the ability to get drunk only when you want it (immunity to alcohol: Saving Throws against the effects of alcohol succeed at will), additionally you get the chance to transform water to wine in the amount of 1 cup per Lv once per day. (Chance = fails if you fail a DC7 Charisma roll), once per week you can charm persons (as per priest spell).
  • Parana will give you an added 1d4 on your hit point rolls (up to a maximum of 4 including const.bonus for humans), and the skill to Dreamtravel plus the ability (1) to remove disease 1/week per full 3 levels and (2) to Cure Wounds for 2d8 +1/level -or- cure deafness/blindness -or- cure paralysis 1/day per full 6 levels, and (3) Restoration to restore attributes from drain spells, 1/month per full 12 levels / If this deity is your choice as first patron, you get 1/day Cure Light Wounds 1d8 extra.
    • Parana will demand you to kill no humans and the like on purpose and to show (and get your group to show) mercy against all humans, demihumans and humanoids whenever possible. Your healing shall be applied to all humans and demihumans. As this seems impossible within the normal adventuring experience of Dreamknights who are still far from challenging demons to duels, most Dreamknights skip this patron deity until they are in the highest levels. Those who do the opposite and pick her in the first three levels get her Parana's Sweet Sleep for a peacful resolution to conflicts.
  • Pura will give you an added 1d6 on your luck (an extra 3d6 attribute for roleplay on Myra) (up to a maximum of 18 for humans; gives +1 if you had 18 before) / The extra luck can not be used for enhancing divine graces / If this deity is your first choice, you get an extra +1 on the stat; from Lv 6 she will give you the ability to Bless someone 1/day per full four levels, from Lv 9 the ability to Remove Curse 1/day
    • Pura will demand you to help all those less lucky than you and give them money if you have any, to loose at luck-based games if you play them at all, and to assist any midwife who asks you for help.
  • Seeker will give you Divine Sense (PHB p.84, including Detect Evil), and the ability to Detect Evil (up to 18m radius). He grants you an extra +1 on Arcana checks at level 5 and +2 at level 9. Seeker will demand you to learn Spellcraft (Knowledge of the Arcana), History (Knowledge of history), Religion (Knowledge of religions) and Knowledge of the Planes after you have him as a patron,
  • Thagoth will give you an added 1d4 on your intelligence (up to a maximum of 18 for humans; gives +1 if you had 18 before). You get Detect Magic 1/day / If this deity is your first choice, you get an extra +1 on the stat. And from Lv.10 you get Dispel Magic 1/day
    • He will demand you to keep no more than a maximum of ten magic or holy items (up to a bonus of +10 on your equipment, that would also put the limit on one +1 and three +3 or on two +5 items).
  • Zamnait will give you healing hands (lay on hands, limited to once/day/target, including self), which also works as "burning hands" on Undead. If this deity is your choice as first patron, he lets you also learn and cast 1x(1+CHA bonus) wizard cantrips per four full levels (so 2x at lv.5, 3x at lv.9).
    • He will demand you to heal all humans after a fight, regardless of which side they were fighting on.