
Exchequer is not just the actual amount of money you have on your person, but also your general economic status.

  • Poor attribute means just that; you have money rarely if ever, and cannot produce ready credit. If it costs more than a few pennies, you can’t afford it. You are likely to have up to 2 pounds/marks in your pocket.
  • Average assumes that you have a basic, middle class income: You can buy decent food, pay rent on a modest flat or cottage, and perhaps have an outing on holidays. If it costs less than a few pounds or marks, you can afford it. You are likely to have up to 20 pounds/marks in your pocket.
  • Good Exchequer assumes you are considered to be well off: You own or rent a moderately-sized home or townhouse, dine out several times a week, can afford a club and to attend the theater and other entertainments once or twice a month. Your parties are small but tasteful. If it costs hundreds of pounds, you might shy away from the expense. You are likely to have up to 50 pounds/marks in your pocket.
  • Great Exchequer means you are considered to be wealthy: You go out to dine nightly, attend the theater in your own box, are a major player in your club, own estates and perhaps a townhouse in the City; you may even keep a mistress. You throw lavish parties on a monthly basis, and your soireés are known throughout your social circle. You can buy small yachts and unless it costs thousands of pounds, you don’t even flinch. You are likely to have up to 100 pounds/marks in your pocket.
  • Exceptional Exchequer assumes you are extremely wealthy, on the scale of kings and potentates. You buy palaces and fleets of yachts. You establish private clubs. If it costs hundreds of thousands of pounds or marks, you might think twice. You are likely to have up to 200 pounds/marks in your pocket.
  • Extraordinary Exchequer means you are one of the wealthiest people alive; you are worth millions of pounds/marks, and never think of money at all. You are likely to have up to 500 pounds/marks in your pocket.

Reference: Castle Falkenstein Core Book, pp160-161
