This is a Magic system for Fate Core which aims to introduce a traditional “Fantasy” magic feel to campaigns. They are aimed at low-TL settings where magic is rare, but not entirely non-existent. Characters which use these rules will play like an “old-school mage” within the bounds of the Fate Core system.
Magic Skills[]
These rules add three new skills which mage characters must learn in order to effectively cast spells. The skills are:
Channelling: The ability to concentrate and channel raw spell power. This skill grants the character an amount of “spell slots” which are used to cast spells in conflict scenarios. Each skill point grants the character five spell slots. Spell slots are fully replenished at the start or every scene. Mage characters can spend one Fate Point and recover 5 spent spell slots at any moment (though not beyond their maximum).
Spellcraft: The study and knowledge of formal magic theory. This is the skill used in casting rolls as well as the skill required to create a magical construct known as the “spell matrix”, which is fundamental for casting spells within a conflict.
Memorize: The ability for the character to commit to memory extensive texts. Sometimes, entire encyclopedias. This is not specific for magic. A character with this skill could memorize any extensive text, but it is especially required for magic as it allows a mage to cast memorized spells without the need for having an entire magical library at their disposal.
Magic is cast through the knowledge of specific spells. A spell is a supernatural effect which can take place after a certain ritual is observed. These rituals are extensive and lengthy, and even the weakest spells require long, worn-out rituals to be cast.
Each spell has two relevant attributes: the spell level and the spell power.
Spell Level[]
Each spell has a defined “level”, which is the base level at which it is cast with minimal parameters. When a spell is actually cast, it can be cast at its “base” level, or it can be improved by additional parameters to a higher spell power.
The spell list presented below orders spells by their spell level.
A character can memorize any spell but can only cast spells whose level is equal to or lower than their “Spellcraft” skill.
Spell Power[]
A spell power is the actual level at which it is cast. This incorporates the spell level plus any modifications due to additional parameters. When a spell is cast, it expends an amount of “spell slots” which equal its spell power.
Spell Parameters[]
Spells are listed by their level and described in terms of their minimal parameters. When cast, these parameters can be enhanced by additional levels, which increases the spell power and their cost in spell slots. Each different spell lists which parameters can be improved. Spell parameters which can be improved are:
- Duration: Spells are usually “instantaneous” or “concentration”. On some rare occasions, they may last for a determined amount of time without requiring concentration. In these cases, each level in the “duration” parameter increases the spell’s duration by one time shift (for time shifts, see Fate Core p. 197).
- Permanent: Some spells have a permanent effect that lasts indefinitely. Even so, these effects may go away if the spells are dispelled or nullified as normal. Any permanent spell requires 1 Fate point to be cast, in addition to their spell slot cost.
- Range: Spells are either “contact” or “ranged”. Contact spells can only affect a target which the mage touches, whereas ranged spells affect any character within the same zone as the mage. Ranged spells can have their range improved. Each level in “range” allows the spell to affect a target one more zone distance away. “contact” spells can become “ranged” by adding a spell level.
- Damage: Spells which cause damage almost always cause one fixed point of physical stress damage to the target. Such spells can be improved by adding spell levels to damage. Each spell level adds one more point of damage to the spell. Spell damage is not enhanced due to a good spellcasting roll. Only additional “damage” parameters can cause a spell to deal more damage than baseline.
- Damage-: This parameter works like “damage”, but each 2 spell levels add 1 to damage.
- Targets: By default, spells only affect one target, which is usually one character or one object. Some spells can be enhanced to affect more than one target. Each level in the “target” parameter allows the spell to affect one more target. This must be a different target than the first. This parameter can also be used to remove specific targets from an area spell.
- Area: Some spells are “area” spells. They affect all targets in the same zone as the caster. These spells can also affect greater areas. Each 1 level in this parameter allows the spell to affect one more neighboring zone. That is ONE more zone, not ALL neighboring zones.
- Horizon: These spells affect everything within one horizon of distance, plus another horizon radius per level in this parameter. This is based on the caster’s current visible horizon, so the range may be lower if cast on a valley than on a mountaintop. For reference, on earth, the horizon at sea level is 4.8 km. Horizon spells can only be cast outdoors.
- Resistance: Many spells are resisted by a specific skill. If the target doesn’t have the skill, they can still always resist with a simple roll. Levels added to this parameter grant the spell target a -1 to their resistance per parameter level.
- Metamagic: Spells with this parameter alter the way in which other spells work. A metamagic spell must be cast at the same time as the spell being altered. If the mage is the one casting both the metamagic spell and the spell being altered, he is able to cast both spells simultaneously. Any number of metamagic spells can be used simultaneously to alter another spell’s behavior.
- Ritual: These spells cannot be stored in a spell matrix and can only be cast as a ritual (see below). Therefore, they do not expend spell slots, but instead take much longer to be cast.
- Attack Modifiers: These attack spells can be modified to become explosives, cones or jets. Each of these modifiers require 1 more spell level, and only one of them can be selected.
- Duration: Spells are usually “instantaneous” or “concentration”. On some rare occasions, they may last for a determined amount of time without requiring concentration. In these cases, each level in the “duration” parameter increases the spell’s duration by one time shift (for time shifts, see Fate Core p. 197).
Concentration Spells[]
Some spells last while the mage concentrates on them. These are marked as “concentration” spells.
The mage can only maintain one such spell active at any given time. To cast another concentration spell, they first need to relinquish the maintenance of the first one. The mage is free to cast other spells which are not “concentration” spells while maintaining a concentration spell.
The maximum length of time a mage can maintain a concentration spell is one scene. If it is necessary to determine this length of time outside of a scene framework, assume concentration spells can last for, at most, an hour.
While maintaining a concentration spell, if the mage takes any amount of damage, they must be successful in a “will” skill roll to maintain the spell. The difficulty for this roll equals the number of damage points taken. If the mage does not have the “will” skill, no roll is allowed: they release the spell by default when taking any amount of damage.
Spell matrix[]
Mages are able to use their spellcraft knowledge to create a magical construct called a “spell matrix”. A matrix is a receptacle for the pattern of spells. A spell can be cast into the matrix and have its pattern stored in there. Afterwards, the mage may cast spells stored in the matrix simply by channelling magical power into the matrix and manifesting the spell effect. This is the way to cast spells in a conflict situation, since otherwise even the simplest of spells would take several minutes of concentration to be cast.
A spell matrix can store an amount of spell levels which equals five times the mage’s spellcraft ability. A spell stored in the matrix occupies as many spell levels as its entire spell power. Therefore, a spell can only be cast from the matrix with the exact same distribution of parameters with which it was stored.
Once stored in the matrix, a spell’s pattern remains there indefinitely.
0-level spells that have not been modified by increased parameters still occupy 1 spell level when stored in the matrix.
The time to cast a spell from the matrix is one turn for any spell. These spells are cast in the mage’s initiative turn.
Spells cast from the matrix expend the mage’s spell slots gained from their “channelling” skill.
A spell matrix can store any spell, even one that the mage themselves have not memorized. However, this situation requires an assisted ritual casting, described below, in which one of the involved mages casts the spell to be stored in the matrix.
A spell matrix is an actual construct which can be targeted by spells. A spell matrix has a number of magical stress points which equal the mage’s “spellcraft” skill level. Once a spell matrix’s stress levels fall below zero, the whole matrix crumbles and all stored spells are released at once. Unless a matrix is completely destroyed, it continues to function as usual. A spell matrix’s stress points are completely replenished at the start of every scene.
A mage creates their own spell matrix by concentrating for 8 hours. This is also the time required to reform a destroyed matrix. Spell matrices are created with empty spell slots.
Magical Consequences[]
If a mage’s spell matrix is about to be destroyed, the mage may opt to soak some of the damage and assume “magical consequences”. These work like physical or mental consequences: there is one -2 “mild” slot, one -4 “moderate” slot, and one -6 “severe” slot. They are recovered like normal consequences as well: a scene for a mild consequence, a game session for a moderate consequence, and a scenario for a severe consequence. However, the character doesn’t need to perform an action which justifies recovering a magical consequence. These recover normally through time.
Magical consequences should be named as aspects which interfere with magic. Extra cool points if their descriptions match the way in which they were acquired. Examples are: “spells fail in contact with cold iron”, “unreliable fire spells”, “plagued by visions of my zombie’s deaths”, etc.
Every spell is cast as a roll of the mage’s “spellcraft” skill against a difficulty which equals the spell level (not the spell power).
If a spellcasting roll from a spell matrix succeeds with style, the mage does not expend the required spell slots for that spell.
There are, fundamentally, two ways of casting a spell, matrix casting and the ritual casting. Matrix casting is related to casting spells stored in a spell matrix which take place within the mage’s turn. Such spell casts expend the mage’s spell slots.
Ritual casting requires further explanation.
Ritual Casting Spells[]
Any spell can be cast as a ritual. In fact, ritual casting is the original way of casting spells, from before the time in which the spell matrix had been invented. It is a lengthy way of casting spells, but it does not consume the mage’s spell slots, and therefore does not depend on the mage’s “channelling” skill.
A ritual spell takes a number of minutes to be cast which equal the square of its spell power times 10. 0-power spells take 1 minute to be cast as a ritual.
If a spell is marked with the “ritual” parameter, this means it can only be cast as a ritual.
The mage may cast any spell which they memorized as a ritual spell, or any spell at all if they can quickly access the spell’s reference diagrams, which means having the spellbook for that spell ready.
More than one mage may enter the same ritual for a specific spellcast. This is known as “assisted ritual casting”. In that scenario, the final spellcasting roll is made with the highest of all the involved mage’s spellcraft skills, plus 1/5 of the sum of the other spellcraft skills. The base spell level cannot exceed the final effective spellcraft skill, thus allowing groups of mages to cast very powerful spells.
Ritual casting is also the required way for mages to store a spell in their spell matrix. An assisted ritual casting can be used to store a specific spell within the matrix of a mage who haven't memorized it and has no access to its written reference, if one of the assisting mages knows the spell.
Memorizing Spells[]
Mages may cast ritual spells from spells they have memorized or directly from spellbooks, but how many spells can a mage memorize? That’s where the “memorize” skill comes into play.
Each spell is an extremely complex set of instructions on which words to utter, which gestures to perform, and how to position one’s body. Even the simplest of spells are extremely complex. It takes an entire 50-page book to outline the workings of a 1st level spell, and higher-level spells, such as 6th level or above, may require entire encyclopedias. Therefore, it is impractical and unfeasible for mages to carry with them whole libraries wherever they go.
Enter the “memorize” skill. A mage is able to memorize a number of spell levels which equals five times their “memorize” skill. These are spell levels (not power). Thus, a mage may cast a memorized spell with any configuration of parameters they want.
Since spells require such complex instructions, it is expected that unless a mage is constantly exercising their memories, they may eventually forget a memorized spell. At every campaign milestone, the mage has the option of exchanging their memorized spells, as long as they don’t switch more than half their total memorisable spell levels and are able to access a written reference for the new spells they intend to memorize.
Memorizing a new spell is an activity which requires one whole day of study per spell level being memorized.
0-level spells do not have to be memorized. Any mage knows all these spells by virtue of their “spellcraft” skill.
Reaction Spells[]
Some spells can be cast as a “reaction” to specific situations. These spells can only be cast from a matrix, but they can be cast by the mage at any moment, even outside of their turn.
A mage may only cast one reaction spell per turn, and such spells can only react to a situation which occurs in an initiative value that is equal to or lower than the mage’s (thus: only if the mage can act quicker than the target).
Subtle Spells[]
Any mage casting a matrix spell must perform gestures and speak words of incantation. Mages may hide the casting of a spell to prevent opponents from realizing what it is they are doing.
This is achieved with a “Stealth” roll at the same time as the spellcasting roll. Anyone who can see the mage must overcome their Stealth in a “Notice” roll to realize they are casting spell.
This also interferes in the mage’s spell. Their spellcraft skill suffers a -1 penalty when attempting to cast subtle spells.
Several spells, particularly black magic spells, are marked with the “curseable” parameter. These spells can be cast permanently as a “curse”. Curses do not require concentration and maintain themselves. Most “curseable” spells are concentration spells, but when cast as a curse, they do not require the mage to maintain concentration.
Curses are cast one level higher than their normal counterparts. For instance: Slow is a level 3 spell, but if casting a Slow Curse, it would be a level 4 spell. This means that curses must be stored separately in a mage’s spell matrix.
Also, as for any permanent spell, curses cost 1 Fate point to be cast in addition to any other cost they may have.
Curses can be countered as they are being cast. If that happens, the casting mage does not expend the Fate point.
Curses, however, cannot be dispelled or nullified once cast. There is a special blue spell, called “remove curse” for that.
Although they are permanent, any curse must always contain a condition which will nullify it. This condition must be achievable, even if improbable. If a condition becomes impossible, or so improbable as to be effectively impossible, the curse ends.
For instance: “Cursed to be petrified until kissed by a virgin maiden”, “Curse to fumble in combat until they save the life of a princess”, “Cursed to see into the spirit world for as long as the caster lives”.
Very, very improbable curses are not allowed. For instance: “Cursed to turn into an opossum until a meteorite falls on their head”. Although that would be, in theory, possible, it is so, so improbable that it can be declared, in practice, impossible.
Spell Damage Types[]
Spells which cause physical damage to targets can have specific follow-through effects that depend on the type of damage they cause. For any of the damage types below, if the target suffers at least 1 point of damage from the spell, and the spell roll succeeded by 3 shifts or more, they become affected by a specific boost as described. If the target is affected by the same boost again (on another turn), then that boost becomes an aspect which lasts the entire scene. If the character is again (on another turn) affected by the boost while also maintaining the scene aspect, then the aspect is immediately compelled on the character.
When these boosts or aspects are invoked or compelled, the character does gain a Fate point as usual.
Boosts that negate each other cancel out and both go away. If one such boost is negating an aspect, then the boost is not applied, and the negated aspect becomes a boost.
Force Damage: This is damage caused by physical kinetic energy which is otherwise subtle enough to have no lasting consequences. It does not add a boost to the target.
Fire Damage: Adds the “on fire” boost. When this boost is invoked, the character takes 1 point of stress damage. This boost negates the “frostbitten” boost.
Cold Damage: Adds the “frostbitten” boost. When this boost is invoked, the character takes -1 to all rolls for one turn. This boost negates the “on fire” boost and the “electrocuted” boost.
Electrical Damage: Adds the “electrocuted” boost. If this boost is invoked, the character is stunned and loses their action on the next turn. They can still use skills to defend. This effect is not applied if the target is entirely covered in metal.
Impact Damage: Adds the “staggered” boost. This boost must be invoked immediately. It grants a -2 to all “defend” attempts by the target for one turn, an additional -1 for defending against subsequent impact damage spells, and -2 against attempts to knock down the character.
Illusory Damage: Damage which isn’t real, but the target may believe it is. Whenever a target is hit with illusory damage, they may make a “notice” roll against a difficulty which equals the amount of damage taken. On a success, they disbelief the damage, and lose all illusory damage points they may had accrued up until that point. Illusory damage cannot deal consequences to the target. If a target with no more stress slots is hit with illusory damage, and they fail their “will” roll, they are knocked unconscious.
Defending Against Spells[]
Some spells can be resisted by specific skills, as stated specifically in each spell’s parameters. In these cases, the target (or targets) of the spell can roll against the resisting skill and, if their success shifts overcome the spellcasting successes, they are not affected by the spell.
For other spells, the target may defend against them by dodging away from the spell’s energy with a successful roll of athletics, fight or notice (whichever is best). It is assumed that spells have a distinct visual signature and that their targets can get out of their way if they are aware of the spellcast. This is resolved as a contest against the spellcasting roll.
However, no such defense is possible against area effect spells, or spells which the target is unaware of (such as if they are in darkness, unconscious, or cast from a hiding spot). These spells will simply affect their targets as specified.
When a target is allowed a defence roll against a spell, they can always attempt the roll. If they have no levels in the required skill, they can still make a simple roll with a modifier of +0.
Attack Types[]
Explosive attacks[]
- Attack spells can be altered to be "explosive". They affect everyone within the same zone, but the attack itself radiates from a central point. These attacks must to increase their spell level by 1 to pay for the explosive effect.
- It is possible to defend against an explosive attack with an "Athletics" test that beats the attacker's success shifts. This indicates that the targets are trying to take cover behind any cover that exist in the zone. If it is established that the attack zone is completely clear of objects, and there is nowhere to hide, the characters can still defend themselves by trying to use each other as a cover. In this case, at least one character must withstand the full effect of the attack. Characters with shields can defend against explosive attacks with a "Fight" check without needing cover (and can serve as cover for others).
- If the attacking mage wishes to manipulate the spell to remove one or more targets from the area effect, each target removed costs 1 Fate point.
Cone or lightning attacks[]
- Attack spells can be altered to be cast as jets that cover an arc, or beam that affect multiple targets simultaneously. These attacks need to increase their spell level by 1 to pay for the cone or beam effect.
- Defending against a cone or beam attack uses the same mechanics as defending against explosive attacks, with the modification that targets can defend themselves with "Athletics" even if there is no cover in the zone.
- Beam attacks can only affect 2 targets in the same zone as the mage, but can affect additional zones if they are in a straight line and within visual range. Each additional zone imposes a -1 penalty on the test, and allows the mage to select one of the zone's targets to receive the attack.
- Cone attacks affect at least 2 targets at the attacker's choice, up to a maximum of half of the targets present in the zone. They do not affect additional zones.
Area Attacks[]
- Magic attacks can be set to attack an entire zone at once, affecting everyone within it (friend or foe). These attacks need to increase their spell level by 2 to pay for the area effect.
- Area spells can be cast to affect additional zones. Each zone boundary the effect crosses costs 1 extra spell level.
- If the mage wishes to manipulate the spell in order to remove one or more targets from the area effect, each removed target costs 1 Fate point.
- Characters can defend against an area attack by jumping to nearby zones that are not also being affected by the same attack. Each character can only do this if they haven't yet used their move action for the turn, and this defense consumes their move action. The defense roll is performed with "Athletics" against the attack's margin of successes. Shields do not protect against area attacks.
Schools of Magic[]
Spells are grouped in “schools” of magic, which are categories that group together spells that share similar effects, also referred to as the spell “color”. There are five schools of magic. They are:
- White Magic: Spells which protect, improve and which affect invisible targets, such as creating magical barriers or telekinetically moving objects. Also, spells which positively affect a target’s mind.
- Blue Magic: Spells which affect other spells, sometimes countering them, sometimes improving on them.
- Black Magic: Spells which diminish or harm living targets. Spells which affect the dead and also the spirit world. Also, spells which negatively affect a target’s mind.
- Red Magic: Spells aimed at destroying or rapidly transforming targets. Blowing things up, electrocuting targets, disintegrating or freezing them to death.
- Green Magic: Spells which control, transform, enhance or impair the physical body of living targets, be they intelligent creatures, irrational animals or even plants. This is where healing spells are found.
- White Magic: Spells which protect, improve and which affect invisible targets, such as creating magical barriers or telekinetically moving objects. Also, spells which positively affect a target’s mind.
This division of spells into schools, however, is purely academic. A mage is free to study any spell from any school. There are no “prerequisites” as each spell already contains the whole instruction set on how to use it. Usually, the term “white mage”, or “red mage” is applied to mages who memorize a majority of spells from a single school.
Spellcasting dangers[]
Spellcasting is not without its own dangers. Whenever a mage fails a spellcasting roll, the uncontrolled magical energies snap back and may harm them on various ways. Each school of magic may yield a different drawback to the caster in the event of a failed roll.
The mage may avoid one specific drawback by spending a fate point.
- White Magic: Failing to control the ephemeral nature of reality messes up one’s most ephemeral body. Mages who fail a white magic roll become catatonic and lose their next turn staring into space. They also immediately relinquish concentration of any spells they may be maintaining
- Blue Magic: Whenever a mage fails a blue magic their magical energies get polluted by the chaotic influx that arises. They become unable to cast any spells for one turn, though they may continue maintaining any ongoing concentration spell.
- Green Magic: One’s own life force is a very delicate thing. Failing to control it can gravely impair a person’s body. If a mage fails a green magic roll, they will suffer a -1 penalty to all physical actions for one turn (spellcasting is not affected).
- Black Magic: Death and decay are the ultimate horrors every individual must eventually face, and yet, almost everyone spends their life ignoring this sad reality. Facing death head on is a sure way to madness. Mages who fail a black magic roll must take 1 point of mental stress damage.
- Red Magic: Those who play with destructive forces eventually get destroyed themselves. Mages who fail a red magic roll of must take 1 point of physical stress damage.
- White Magic: Failing to control the ephemeral nature of reality messes up one’s most ephemeral body. Mages who fail a white magic roll become catatonic and lose their next turn staring into space. They also immediately relinquish concentration of any spells they may be maintaining
Magical stunts[]
These are special magical stunts that mage characters may wish to select.
Any spell this mage uses to detect, analyze or identify other spells has a +2 bonus to the spellcast roll. This includes spells which identify specific effects, such as “Penetrate Illusions”.
Barrier Mage
Any spell this mage casts which grants a target extra stress slots, either physical or mental, grant 1 more stress slot than what was cast.
Blood Magic
Blood Magic is magic powered by the blood of others. One of two conditions must occur to allow for blood magic:
- The mage must draw blood from a victim which is either willing or incapable of resisting the attempt (such as: bound, asleep, drugged, etc.)
- The mage must have just drawn blood from a victim in combat and is then able to use that blood to power a spell on the next combat turn only.
Every stress point of damage dealt allows the mage to rescind the expenditure of 1 spell level. This can allow mages to cast spells without spending their own spell levels if they draw enough blood from victims.
Blood magic can only reduce a spell level by as much as the mage has levels in spellcraft.
Cautious Mage
This mage learned to cast spells much more carefully. Once per scene, they may ignore a drawback from a failed spellcasting roll.
Magic flows freely through these mage’s bodies. They gain 6 spell slots per skill level in channelling, instead of the usual 5.
Whenever this mage casts a spell that summons a creature whose statistics can be altered by a spell parameter, they gain one free spell parameter of that type to increase the summoned creature's statistics.
These mages are adept at countering other spellcasters. They get +2 to their final rolls of Counterspell.
This mage specialized in cold spells. Anyone of his spells which deal with ice and cold are cast with one free parameter upgrade.
Curse Expert
Curses cast by this character are stronger than usual. These mages get a +2 to cast any Curse.
Eidetic Memory
These characters have an innate propension for memorization. They can memorize more magical texts than usual. Each point in the “memorize” skill allows them to memorize 6 spell levels, instead of the usual 5.
This mage specialized in lightning spells. Anyone of his spells which deal with lightning are cast with one free parameter upgrade.
This mage specialized in impact spells. Anyone of his spells which deal impact damage are cast with one free parameter upgrade.
Magical Determination:
In moments of great danger, these mages can extract an extra boost of magical power from within. Once per scene, they can recover 5 spell points.
Magical Secret:
Select a spell. The mage can always use this spell as if he had it memorized, without it counting against his memory limit. Likewise, there is a unique distribution of this spell's parameters that the mage can use without it counting against the limit of his spell matrix. This distribution is chosen at the time this feat is acquired, and doesn't change afterwards. This stunt can be chosen more than once. Each time, a new spell is selected as a magic secret.
Matrix Master
These characters can create spell matrices which are substantially more powerful. Their matrices can hold 6 spell power points per skill level instead of the usual 5.
This mage is able to cast any anti-magic spell more easily. They get +2 to cast spells which nullify, cancel or dispel magic.
Personal Library
Mages with this stunt have at their disposal a personal library of magic which can be accessed for reference. The library is in a fixed place and must be commonly accessible (no caves in hidden places). The library contains books which sum up a total of 100 spell levels.
This stunt can be selected more than once. Each selection increases the total sum of spell levels in the library by 100. Also, several players may combine their libraries into one grand library.
This mage specialized in fire spells. Anyone of his spells which deal with fire are cast with one free parameter upgrade.
Ritual Master
This mage casts ritual spells with much more efficiency. The time they take to cast ritual spells is half the spell power, squared, times 10 minutes (1 minute for level-0 spells).
Signature Spell.
Select a spell. Whenever a conflict starts, your character is able to cast their signature spell once before the first turn of the conflict.
Sacrificial Magic
These mages are able to improve their spells by consuming their own life force. They take on physical stress damage and recover their spell slots. Each stress level of injury that the mage assumes allows them to recover 5 spell slots. This is a reaction.
A mage can only use sacrificial magic once on a scene.
When this mage casts an area spell, they can always select one target and exclude them from the effect for free.
Spell Specialization
Select a spell. When casting any version of that spell, the mage expends one less spell slot. This has no effect if the spell is already 0-level. This stunt can be selected multiple times, each time, a different spell must be selected.
Subtle Mage
This mage specialized in casting spells subtly and does not suffer the -1 to spellcraft when casting subtle spells. Also, their Stealth is at +1 when casting subtle spells.
Undead King
This mage can control more undeads than usual. This stunt allows a caster to maintain one more undead horde (which does not merge with its first horde), or one more undead champion, or one more wraith. When the stunt is selected, it must specify which type of undead is affected. This stunt can be selected multiple times, each time, a different undead type must be selected.
Spell List[]
Below, the list of spells grouped by school, ordered by their level.
White Spells[]
Instant Barrier
Level 0.
Parameters: reaction, ranged.
The target of this spell is suddenly protected by an invisible magical barrier which grants it an extra 1 stress point. This protection is only sudden enough to defend against one attack.
Chance Blessing
Level 0.
Parameters: reaction, ranged.
The target of this spell is allowed a new roll of any kind of resistance or defence they just rolled. If the new result turns out to be more favorable to the target, then that becomes the official result.
Dodge Shift
Level 0.
Parameters: reaction, ranged.
The mage can cause a target to suddenly move 1m to the side, enough to avoid a single incoming physical attack. If the spell is successful, it works as if the target had successfully defended against the attack (even if they had previously failed their defence). This does not protect from area effect attacks.
Level 0.
Parameters: reaction, ranged.
The target of this spell can negate all damage from a single fall. This spell can be cast while the target is in freefall, and upon facing the sudden deceleration of the floor, they suffer no damage.
Magic Warning
Level 1.
Parameters: duration: 1 day, area, targets.
This spell protects a zone from the entrance of unwanted beings. Whenever any individual determined by the mage crosses the boundary of the protected area, the spell will warn the mage and any other targets that were touching him at the casting of the spell. If the warned people are asleep, they immediately wake up in complete alertness.
The mage can determine that the warning will be triggered by any set of beings that he knows of, whether they are as generic or specific as the mage wishes.
Magic Barrier
Level 1.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets, barrier.
This spell creates an oval-like, invisible force field around a target which can prevent incoming damage by absorbing the energy of an impact. A physical barrier grants a target an amount of extra stress points which equal to 1 or more, based on how many levels were put into the “barrier” parameter.
These barriers affect a target and any equipment they may be carrying. They move along with the target.
Level 1.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, targets, armor.
This spell repairs a broken object, setting it back as it was when brand-new. At least 90% of the object’s pieces must be present for this spell to be successful. The object must be mundane. This spell does not work on magical items, though it can work on petrified targets.
In combat, it can be used to recover lost armor points. It recovers 1 armor point, plus 1 per level in the "armor" parameter.
Mental Barrier
Level 1.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets, barrier.
This spell’s targets minds are surrounded by an aura of clarity that helps them resist mental manipulations. A mental barrier grants a target an amount of extra mental stress points equalling to 1 or more, based on how many levels were put into the “barrier” parameter.
Ephemeral Armor
Level 1.
Parameters: reaction, duration: 1 scene, ranged, targets, bonus.
The target is surrounded with a shimmering armor that protects against incoming physical attacks. The ephemeral armor grants a static amount of bonus to defense rolls which, once used up, go away. These bonuses are only used up after the target has performed their defense roll. If the defense was failed, and the armor contains enough points to make it succeed, these points will be used, and the spell target will have successfully defended against the attack.
An ephemeral armor starts with 1 defense bonus, plus 1 per level of the “bonus” parameter.
Time Shuffle
Level 1
Parameters: reaction, ranged, targets, initiative, resisted by will.
The mage is able to scramble the passage of time for a target and cause it to move suddenly for a brief period of time. This has the effect of shifting the target’s position in the initiative by 1 point, plus 1 per level in the “initiative” parameter.
The new initiative order will only be effective at the start of the next turn.
Magic Message
Level 1
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets.
The mage sends a mental message to a target. The targets hear this as if the mage were speaking right behind them, though only the targets can hear this. This spell allows a mage to send a message, but not to hear the target’s response.
This is a ranged spell, but if the mage is in possession of a personal item belonging to the target, the message can be sent anywhere in the same world, regardless of distance.
Intellect Fortress
Level 1
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets, enhancement.
Targets of this spell gain the ability to think more clearly and understand the motivations of others, improving on their own cognitive capacity. This increases their “will”, and “empathy” skills by 1, plus 1 for each level in the “enhancement” parameter.
Peace of Mind
Level 1
Parameters: instantaneous, contact, healing.
This spell recovers lost mental stress points. It cannot recover mental consequence slots. The number of stress slots recovered equals 1 plus the number of levels in the “healing” parameter.
Create Weapon
Level 1
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets, size.
The mage creates a magical translucent weapon made of pure crystalized energy. The created weapon glows with a soft light. The base spell allows for the creation of small weapons such as darts, daggers, knuckles or hand axes. Higher values of the “size” parameter allow for the creation of bigger weapons:
- Size 0: Weapon:1 weapons: Daggers, knifes, knuckles, shortswords, shortbows, handaxes, shurikens.
- Size +1: Weapon:2 weapons: Swords, clubs, staffs, spears, bows, axes.
- Size +2: Weapon:3 weapons: Halberds, two-handed swords, waraxes, longbows, crossbows, glaives, voulges.
- Size +3: Weapon:4 weapons: Ballista, trebuchets.
- Size 0: Weapon:1 weapons: Daggers, knifes, knuckles, shortswords, shortbows, handaxes, shurikens.
If used to create ranged weapons, such as bows or crossbows, the spell creates magical ammunition which appears at every shot and disappears upon strike.
Alternatively, this spell can be cast upon a ranged weapon to create magical ammunition at every shot. It could also be cast over a broken or damaged weapon to make it behave as if it were brand new.
Energy Transfer
Level 1
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, energy.
This spell allows a mage to grant another mage a number of their own spell slots. The casting mage loses 1 spell slot, plus 1 for each level of the “energy” parameter, and the target mage replenishes their spell slots likewise.
Illusion Strike
Level 1.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, targets, damage, illusory, attack modifiers.
The mage creates the illusion of a magical attack. This illusion may look like any kind of attack the mage can think of. The target takes 1 point of illusory damage, plus 1 point per level in the “damage” parameter.
Barrier Wall
Level 2.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets, barrier.
Like “magic barrier”, this spell creates a 2x1m barrier wall in a static location. This barrier is created with 1 stress point of physical damage pool, plus 1 per level in the “barrier” parameter.
If it must withstand weight, each point of stress in the barrier causes it to stand up to 100 kg.
Instant Movement
Level 2.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, targets, distance.
The mage can cause a target to move instantly from one point to another. The movement occurs as if the target had physically moved, only in zero time. In fact, the target does physically move, but since time is halted, they cannot interact with any object: cannot open doors, cast spells, push levers, etc. The targets don’t even retain the memory of what happened during the time they moved.
The target chooses where they want to move to. If cast on multiple targets, each target chooses their destination.
Travelled distance is 5 meters plus 5 per level in the “distance” parameter. The base level could carry a target to a different combat zone.
Level 2.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets, speed.
The targets of this spell are able to float up or down at 1 m/s. This speed increases by 1 m/s at each level in the “speed” parameter. This spell does not allow a target to float sideways, only up or down, but they can push or pull themselves to the side if they can reach a fixed point of support.
Blur Image
Level 2.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets.
The target’s image becomes blurred, making it hard for anyone to successfully attack them with either melee or ranged attacks. Attacks suffer a -2 to their rolls against these targets. This does not affect other spells.
This spell is completely ignored by targets with “see invisible”.
Mirror Image
Level 2.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets, images.
A mirror image of the target appears by their side, mimicking their movements. Whenever the target is attacked, there is an equal chance that the attack will, instead, hit the mirror image. When a mirror image is struck, it vanishes. If the target is struck with an area attack, all mirror images are instantly destroyed.
Even when an attack is about to hit a mirror image, the target is entitled a defence roll. If successful, they prevent the mirror image from being struck, and thus, destroyed.
The spell creates 1 mirror image, plus 1 per level in the “images” parameter.
A blurred character can also be the target of a “mirror image”. In this case, all mirror images will be likewise blurred.
See Invisible
Level 2.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets.
This spell allows targets to see through magical invisibility. No contest is required, invisible characters and objects simply appear as a transparent version of their selves when seen through this spell.
Dancing Weapon
Level 2.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets, skill.
This spell is cast over a weapon, causing it to float and attack on its own as if invisible hands were holding it. The weapon attacks with a “fight” or “shoot” skill (whichever is appropriate) of 1, plus 1 for each level in the “skill” parameter. The weapon performs one attack per turn at the initiative turn of the caster (though it can be affected by “haste”). It cannot attack and move in the same turn; it must do either one or the other.
Dancing Shield
Level 2.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets, skill.
This spell is cast over a shield, causing it to float and defend characters on its own as if invisible hands were holding it. The shield defends with a “fight” skill of 1, plus 1 for each level in the “skill” parameter. The shield can only defend one character per turn, at the caster’s choice (though it can be affected by “haste”). It cannot defend and move in the same turn; it must do either one or the other.
Unseen Hands
Level 2.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets, distance.
The mage is able to move objects at a distance as if they were holding the objects in their hands, with their own physical strength. The objects float at most at 1 m/s, which is not enough for attacking in combat. The object can be affected at up to 5m away, but once affected it can float beyond this range as long as the mage maintains visual contact. This initial distance can be improved by 5m per level in the “distance” parameter.
This spell allows the mage to perform skills that require fine manipulation, such as lockpicking or crafting, at a distance.
Unseen Servant
Level 2.
Parameters: duration: 1 day, ranged, attributes.
This spell creates an invisible servant made of pure telekinetic energy. This servant walks and behaves as a normal human, but cannot speak, needs no food or water, doesn’t sleep, and will blindly obey the caster’s mental commands, which must be issued as far away as normal hearing would allow. Although it is invisible, it is coalesced energy, and if directly attacked, may be destroyed.
The servant can move objects and perform a variety of tasks such as cleaning, cooking, arranging the library, taking out the trash, etc.
A mage may only maintain one unseen servant at a time.
The servant is incapable of directly attacking or defending, but they may do so indirectly by wielding physical weapons or shields, something that may tip their location to potential attackers. To be effective in battle, they need direct control by the caster. This requires the caster to do nothing else in that turn other than mind-control the unseen servant.
The servant’s attributes are:
- Physical stress points: 1
- Immune to mental stress damage.
- Skills: Physique +1. Fight +1. Shoot +1.
- Physical stress points: 1
The mage may improve on those attributes by increasing the “attributes” parameter. Each point in this parameter increases one such attribute by 1. It also allows the mage to create an unseen servant with more skills, as long as the caster knows these skills. None of the servant’s skills, except for the default ones, can surpass the caster’s skills.
Minor Illusions
Level 2.
Parameters: concentration, ranged.
The mage creates small illusions that may be as high as a person. The spell success shifts indicate how realistic they look. Anyone attempting to see them for what they are must overcome the spell’s successes in a “notice” roll. Usually, a result of “Good +3” is enough to fool mostly anyone.
The illusions fool all senses, even touch. They have a slight substance, and though it is possible to move through them, it feels like moving through water.
Casters must maintain complete concentration if the illusions are to respond to external circumstances. So much that they can only do that and move in their turns. Otherwise, the illusions will stand in place, and though they may move slightly, will be mostly unresponsive.
Overcome Mild Trauma
Level 2
Parameters: instantaneous, contact, healing.
This spell reduces a target’s anxieties over time and clears up their mind, nudging them to focus on the positive aspects of life. It can be used as the action which justifies recovery from mental consequences, as stated in p. 164. The consequence is not healed immediately, but the injured character is able to recover it in the determined milestones.
This recovers a mild consequence from the target.
Zone of Aversion
Level 2.
Parameters: duration: 1 day, area, targets, resisted by “Will”.
This spell creates an aura of aversion in a zone that causes any individual who tries to enter the zone, or remain in it, to have to make a successful “Will” roll at each scene. On a failure, the target will not enter the zone, nor will it realize that its entry was prevented by a supernatural effect.
The mage can determine that the zone will affect any set of intelligent beings that he knows of, whether they are as generic or specific as the mage wishes.
Illusion Blast
Level 3.
Parameters: instantaneous, area, targets, damage, illusory.
The mage creates the illusion of an area magical attack. This illusion may look like any kind of area attack the mage can think of. Targets takes 2 points of illusory damage, plus 1 point per level in the “damage” parameter.
Telepathic Communication
Level 3
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets.
The mage is able to establish a telepathic two-way communication with a target. The targets hear this as if the mage were speaking right behind them, and likewise for the mage, though only the mage and targets can hear this.
This is a ranged spell, but if the mage is in possession of a personal item belonging to the target, the communication can be established anywhere in the same world, regardless of distance.
Despite the spell’s name, this communication does rely on both parties understanding each other’s language.
Speak Languages
Level 3
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets.
The targets of this spell are able to understand any living language as if it were their own native language, and when speaking, their interlopers hear them as if they were speaking in their own language as well. This may create some odd situations, where what a character says doesn’t match the movements of their lips.
This spell only works for speech, not for writing.
Read Languages
Level 3
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets.
The targets of this spell can read any inscription and understand their meaning as if it had been written in their own native language. For this spell to work, the targets themselves must have been alphabetized.
This spell only provides comprehension of written languages which are currently alive. Dead languages, invented languages or cyphers are not affected.
Picture Presence
Level 3
Parameters: permanent, ranged, pictures.
This spell is cast on a picture of a person. While it is active, the caster may, at any moment, see through the eyes of the picture and hear through its ears, regardless of distance, assuming those organs are shown in the image. This picture could be a painting, a tarot card, a graffiti… any physical depiction of a person. Whoever watches the picture while the mage is accessing it may see that it is slightly moving its eyes, or its head. The mage may also speak through the mouth of the picture, and whoever is close to it will hear the mage’s voice a bit louder than a whisper.
A mage may only maintain 3 instances of this spell active at any given time. They may cancel any such instance, at any moment, from any distance, if they so desire. This number can be increased by increasing the “pictures” parameter.
This spell fails if cast on a picture which is already targeted by “picture presence”, regardless of the other spell’s success shifts.
The smallest picture which may contain this spell is a locket, as used in necklaces. The largest is a wall mural.
Alternatively, this spell could be cast on a pair of mirrors. By touching on one, the caster (and only the caster) may project their image into the other, but everything will be seen inverted.
Flying Disc
Level 3.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets, weight, speed.
This spell creates a transparent disk with about 2m of diameter. It can withstand 100 kg of weight and flies at 1m/s at the caster’s command. This speed increases by 1 m/s at each level in the “speed” parameter. The supported weight also doubles at each level in the “weight” parameter.
If the caster loses concentration on the spell, the disc disappears, and anything carried goes into freefall.
If knowing the disc’s acceleration becomes relevant, assume its maximum acceleration is 1m/s2.
Alternatively, this spell can be cast on a carpet and cause it to fly in much the same way as with the disk. The advantage of doing this is that the carpet may be greater than πm2.
Level 3
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, damage.
The mage can cause an arm-length object to suddenly propel itself at a target, as if it had been hurled with great strength. Damage caused is 2 points, plus any modifier depending on the hurled object (if it’s a knife, or a sword, etc.), plus 1 per level in the “damage” parameter.
Level 3.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets, chameleon.
The target’s surface image becomes a copy of whatever is behind it, making it easier for them to dodge direct attacks and perform acts of stealth. Each level in the “chameleon” parameter grants the character a +1 bonus to all physical defenses (even against spells) and a +1 to all physical attacks. They get double this bonus to “stealth” and “burglary” rolls. The maximum chameleon bonus is +4.
This is not true invisibility, as light is not “going through” the character, but it is countered by “see invisible”.
Illusion Object
Level 3.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets.
This spell creates an illusory object which responds to physics as a natural copy of the object would. These objects can be as small as a coin or as high as a cabinet.
If used to create weapons that are then wielded in combat, damage dealt with those is illusory damage.
Illusion Disguise
Level 3.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets.
This spell allows the mage to cast an illusion covering a person or object, which responds to the target’s movements and doesn’t require the mage to maintain absolute concentration for its maintenance.
The spell success shifts indicate how realistic they look. Anyone attempting to see them for what they are must overcome the spell’s successes in a “notice” roll. Usually, a result of “Good +3” is enough to fool mostly anyone.
In order to mimic a specific person’s appearance and voice with this spell, the mage needs a result of “Great +4”.
Level 3.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets.
The targets of this spell can act more quickly in combat. They are allowed to perform one more action in their turn.
When “haste” ends, the targets suffer the effects of a “slow” spell for one turn.
This spell can be negated by “slow”.
Mage Repair
Level 3.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, targets, armor.
Like "mending", this spell repairs a broken object, setting it back as it was when brand-new. At least 90% of the object’s pieces must be present for this spell to be successful. However, the object can be magical, and it also recovers the use of its prior enchantments.
In combat, it can be used to recover lost armor points (even in magical armor). It recovers 1 armor point, plus 1 per level in the "armor" parameter.
Level 4.
Parameters: concentration, curseable, ranged, targets, resisted by will.
This spell can only target magical, conjured or extraplanar creatures. It has no effect on non-magical creatures or natural sentient beings.
The creatures targeted by this spell are banished from the current plane of reality. This banishment is not permanent (unless cast as a curse), and the creature does return after the mage stops concentrating.
If cast against creatures created purely by magic (such as, unseen servants, illusion knights, or zombies), then the banishment works as a “dispel magic” spell.
On every combat turn that the creature is banished, it may attempt to return by performing a new resistance roll. However, if they fail this roll, they lose 1 point of either mental or physical stress (at their choice).
Major Illusions
Level 4.
Parameters: concentration, area.
Like “minor illusions”, but the illusions may cover a whole zone, being as high as a small building. The spell success shifts indicate how realistic they look. Anyone attempting to see them for what they are must overcome the spell’s successes in a “notice” roll. Usually, a result of “Good +3” is enough to fool mostly anyone.
The illusions fool all senses, even touch. They have a slight substance, and though it is possible to move through them, it feels like moving through water.
Casters must maintain complete concentration if the illusions are to respond to external circumstances. So much that they can only do that and move in their turns. Otherwise, the illusions will stand in place, and though they may move slightly, will be mostly unresponsive.
Overcome Moderate Trauma
Level 4.
Parameters: instantaneous, contact, healing.
This spell greatly stimulates calm and focus on a target over a long period of time. It can be used as the action which justifies recovery from mental consequences, as stated in p. 164. The consequence is not healed immediately, but the injured character is able to recover it in the determined milestones.
This recovers a mild or moderate consequence from the target.
Level 4.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets, speed.
This spell causes a target, and all carried equipment, to fly. Flight speed is 2 m/s, increased by 2 m/s at each level in the “speed” parameter. The targets themselves control the flight, therefore, this spell cannot be used to levitate inanimate objects.
If the caster loses concentration on the spell, the target, and anything carried goes into freefall.
If flight acceleration becomes relevant, assume its maximum acceleration is 1m/s2.
Illusion Knight
Level 5.
Parameters: concentration, target, knight attributes.
This spell creates an illusory warrior of any appearance the caster desires, wielding any weapon the caster chooses, as long as it looks like a fighter.
The illusion knight fights by itself at the caster’s initiative and behaves as if it were an ally of the caster. If it successfully attacks, it deals illusory damage.
The illusory knight can be attacked and destroyed. If so, the spell immediately ends.
The knight has the following statistics:
Physical stress points: 2
Immune to mental stress.
Skills: Fight +3, Shoot +3.
These statistics can be improved by levels in the “knight attributes” parameter. Each level in this parameter may grant +1 physical stress point or +2 to a skill (up to the current campaign limit).
Enhance Object
Level 5.
Parameters: ritual, touch, permanent.
This spell increases an object's quality, causing it to permanently become an object of enhanced quality. It can be used on any object up to the size of an adult human (such as a full set of armor). It is possible to enhance larger objects, but this requires successive uses of the spell for each separate part of the object.
As with any permanent spell, this spell requires the expenditure of a Fate point.
Level 6.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets.
Light starts going through the target as if they weren’t there, effectively rendering them invisible. Attacks from invisible characters cannot normally be defended unless the defending party is somehow able to fight while blinded.
However, because light is going through them, invisible characters are also blinded themselves. Blinded characters are at -4 to attack and defend, unless they know how to “blind fight”.
Overcome Severe Trauma
Level 6.
Parameters: instantaneous, contact, healing.
This spell can bring back a character from the depths of despair and depression. It can be used as the action which justifies recovery from mental consequences, as stated in p. 164. The consequence is not healed immediately, but the injured character is able to recover it in the determined milestones.
This recovers a mild, moderate or severe consequence from the target.
Grand Illusions
Level 6.
Parameters: concentration.
This spell creates huge illusions, as big as castles or a (huge) dragon. The spell success shifts indicate how realistic they look. Anyone attempting to see them for what they are must overcome the spell’s successes in a “notice” roll. Usually, a result of “Good +3” is enough to fool mostly anyone.
The illusions fool all senses, even touch. They have a slight substance, and though it is possible to move through them, it feels like moving through water.
Casters must maintain complete concentration if the illusions are to respond to external circumstances. So much that they can only do that and move in their turns. Otherwise, the illusions will stand in place, and though they may move slightly, will be mostly unresponsive.
Teleport Mark
Level 7.
Parameters: permanent, ritual, ranged, targets.
This spell creates a “teleport mark” on a specific place. The mark is an invisible magical construct tied specifically to the mage which created it. Its only use is to mark that place as a future target for a “teleport” spell.
A mage can only create up to 7 teleport marks. When attempting to create an eight mark, one of the previous seven ones must first be relinquished. The mage can determine which mark is exchanged for the new one.
A teleport mark must be connected to an immovable location relative to the current planetary referential. It cannot be cast on ships, wagons, items, or any object which can be transported. If the place where the mark was created is changed fundamentally, the mark vanishes.
A teleport mark can be seen by other mages with the use of “Magic Sight”.
Level 7.
Parameters: instantaneous, ritual, ranged, targets.
This spell transports a target, and its equipment, to a previously created teleport mark. The teleport is instantaneous. Mages may only cast this spell to marks they themselves own. However, if this spell is cast as an assisted ritual, it can teleport a target to the mark created by any of the mages which participate in the ritual.
Open Gateway
Level 8.
Parameters: concentration, ritual.
This spell opens up a magical gateway connecting two distant locations. The gateway is as large as castle entrance, though it can be cast as small as a child.
The spell needs to be cast simultaneously in both locations, by mages which have agreed upon opening the same gateway. Upon being cast, both or either one of the mages may keep the gate open by maintaining concentration.
Rewind time
Level 8.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, targets.
Rewinding time allows a mage to start again a combat turn. Every action taken on the turn so far is rolled back and characters have a chance to re-do their rolls or rethink their actions. This also reverts permanent effects that may have occurred during that combat turn, such as a character dying or permanent aspects that have been applied.
This effect occurs on the mage’s turn, and, therefore, it is most useful if the mage is at or near the top of the initiative chain, since then they can rewind time after many actions have been attempted.
Any present mage is aware that a rewind time was cast. Other characters are oblivious to what happened (because, technically, it never did happen).
Rewinding time forces the mage’s mind to split between two timelines. The blowback of this stress causes the mage a severe shock. Right after casting a rewind time, the mage is mentally stunned for one turn and cannot take actions on the rewound turn. They defend against incoming attacks at -2.
Blue Spells[]
Resistance Boost
Level 0.
Parameters: reaction, ranged.
The mage grants a target a +1 bonus to the resistance roll against any spell.
Spell Fusion
Level 0.
Parameters: instantaneous, metamagic.
This spell allows the mage to cast two other spells fused into one. To that effect both of the fused spell’s targets must be the same. The final effect is one single spell which delivers both spell effects at once.
The final spellcasting roll is made against the highest of the fused spell’s level. The mage must pay for both of the fused spell’s slots at once.
When this spell is cast, all of the involved spells (this one, and both the fused ones) are cast on the same turn.
Detect Magic
Level 1.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets.
Every magical item in the target glows with a bright aura that is only visible to the mage and the spell target(s), or to targets under “magic sight”.
Hide Magic
Level 1.
Parameters: duration: 1 day, ranged, targets, metamagic.
This spell hides all of a target’s ongoing spells, such that any magical detection or analysis must overcome this spell’s success shifts in order to be successful. If a magical analysis or identification fails due to this spell, the opposing mage will not know that this spell is ongoing.
This spell can be cast to affect all of a target’s ongoing spells and enchantments, or only some of them, as desired by the caster.
Matrix Strike
Level 1.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, damage, targets.
This spell sends out a ray of magical energy which can damage another mage’s spell matrix for 1 point of damage.
Heal Matrix
Level 1.
Parameters: instantaneous, contact, targets, healing.
This spell allows a mage to heal their own or another’s spell matrix by a number of stress points which equal 1, plus 1 per point in the “healing” parameter. This cannot grant the matrix more stress points than it originally had.
Delay Magic
Level 1.
Parameters: duration: a day, ranged, metamagic.
This spell delays another’s spell execution until a certain condition occurs. The mage determines which condition will trigger the delayed spell, which can be as complex or as simple as intended.
The target spell can be delayed for up to one day (or whatever the delay magic’s duration is). If the delayed spell is a concentration spell, at the moment the trigger occurs, its original caster will “feel” the spell taking effect and will be able to concentrate on it from that point forward. If the delayed spell’s caster is already maintaining a concentration spell at that time, they will have the option of relinquishing the concentration of the previous spell and start maintaining the delayed spell or forgo casting the delayed spell altogether.
Although the trigger condition can be as complex as the mage intends, it cannot make use of a knowledge the caster lacks. They could not cast a condition such as “cast the light spell as soon as the murdered enters the room”, unless they already know who the murderer is.
Magic Protection
Level 1.
Parameters: concentration, curseable, ranged, targets, protection.
The targets of this spell get a +1 bonus to resist any and all incoming spells or magical powers, plus 1 per level in the “protection” parameter.
Casters may exclude from this protection any specific spell they are aware of. However, they could not exclude the resistance to specific spells or powers which are unknown to them.
Analyze Magic
Level 2.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, targets.
Cast upon a known magical object, this spell causes the mage to learn all of its magical properties. This spell’s difficulty equals 2 or the highest of the enchanted item’s magic level, whichever is greatest. If the analysis fails, it can only be attempted again after one week for that particular item.
Level 2.
Parameters: reaction, ranged, targets.
This spell cancels another spellcaster’s spell as it is being cast. To be effective, its power + success shifts must overcome the opposing spell’s power + success shifts. Counterspell cannot be used on spells which have already successfully been cast.
Dream Projection
Level 3.
Parameters: duration: one sleep cycle, ranged.
With this spell, a mage can enter the dreams of target. The casting mage feels like being “transported” into a parallel world, and, in fact, while within the dreams, the rules and order of things are so different that it has been described as the “dreamscape plane”.
Casters can take with them anyone who were touching them when the spell was cast.
The target is always the “owner” of the dream and has complete authority over what happens in their own dreamscape. However, almost every person is incapable of achieving lucid consciousness while dreaming, and therefore, remain at the mercy of their own unconscious thoughts.
It is believed that by studying the dreamscape of a specific target for long enough, it might be able to uncover their secrets, or even change their personalities. However, if this knowledge does exist, it is not widespread.
This spell lasts for one sleep cycle. However, time in the dreamscape follows their own rules, and one single night’s sleep can yield many days, sometimes weeks of conscious experience for a mage projecting in someone else’s dreams.
This spell also allows a mage to cast it in themselves and achieve lucid dreaming.
It is one of the few spells that can be cast by the spirit of a dead mage, and yet affect living targets.
Dream projection possesses a unique characteristic that sets it apart from all other spells. It cannot be countered, dispelled, nullified or negated in any way. No one knows for sure why that is, but some believe that it is this characteristic that allows some ancient entities to subtly manipulate the minds of mortals over long periods of time in order to found cults, or even free themselves from their otherworldly prisons.
Quicken Spell
Level 3.
Parameters: instantaneous, metamagic.
This spell allows a mage to cast another spell as a reaction. Quickening a spell can be performed at any moment during a turn, if the mage’s initiative is high enough.
Once a quickened spell is cast, the mage cannot cast another spell in the same turn, unless it is a 0-level spell.
Dispel Magic
Level 3.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, targets.
This spell cancels-out any ongoing spell in a given target. Upon being cast, every ongoing spell whose power + success shifts are lower than the dispel’s power + success shifts is permanently cancelled.
The mage may exclude from the dispel any ongoing spell which they are aware of.
Nullify Magic
Level 3.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets, resisted by will.
The targets of this spell become incapable of casting spells themselves. They may attempt to break free at the start of every turn, but if they fail, they cannot cast new spells on that turn. They may, however, maintain ongoing spells.
The caster may determine that this spell only nullifies some specific spells.
Zone of Nullification
Level 3.
Parameters: concentration, area.
Cast on a specific zone, this spell causes all other spells cast upon that zone to be immediately countered by this spell’s power + success shifts. It does not counter previously cast spells.
This spell may affect all or only some specific spells, as desired by the caster.
Magic Sight
Level 3.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets.
The target of this spell is able to see magical emanations as if it had cast a “detect magic” on every single object it sees.
Penetrate Illusions
Level 3.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets.
Targets of this spell are able to see through any magical illusion, which appears transparent to them. In order to see through an illusion, this spell’s power + success shifts must overcome the illusion’s power + success shifts.
If this spell surpasses any kind of incoming illusory damage, it also negates every point of illusory damage the target may have withstood.
Empower Spell
Level 3.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, metamagic, empowerment.
This spell can improve on another spell which have been cast, or which is being cast at the moment. A spell empowerment can increase another spell’s success shifts, or another spell’s power by 1, plus 1 per level of the “empowerment” parameter. A spell empowerment can replace another spell’s power up to that of the empowerment that’s been cast, but never beyond.
Rebound Damage
Level 3.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, damage, resisted by will.
Whenever this spell’s target takes damage from magical sources, the source of the magic will take 1 point of damage as well. This can be increased by 1 point per level of the “damage” parameter, but the spell can never deal back more damage than the target took.
If the target of the rebound damage is a living creature, they may resist the rebound damage with a test of will against a difficulty which equals this spell’s success shifts.
Split Spells
Level 4.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, metamagic.
A split spell causes its effect on another target, beyond the intended ones.
In order to split a spell, the mage must cast this effect with as much power as the spell being split. If the spell being split belongs to an opposing magician, then the “split spell” must also overcome the spell’s success shifts.
Upon casting the “split spell” effect, the mage chooses which is the new target.
Steal Spells
Level 4.
Parameters: concentration, ranged.
Stealing a spell means the mage becomes its “caster” and is therefore able to control it (if control is required) or cancel it at will.
In order to steal a spell, the mage must cast this spell with as many success shifts as the target spell.
Redirect Spells
Level 4.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, metamagic.
Like “split spell”, “redirect spell” can only be cast while the target spell is also being cast. In order to redirect a spell, the mage must cast this effect with as many levels and as many success shifts as the original one.
Upon a successful “redirect spell”, the mage chooses which is the new target, which can even be the original casting mage.
The original caster is still the owner of the spell. Therefore, if they are aware of the redirect in time (that is, if their initiative is higher), they can cancel the spell before its redirection takes place.
Remove Curse
Level 5.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, targets.
This spell cancels-out any one ongoing curse in a given target. In order for this spell to be cast, the mage must, first, have analyzed the curse through “analyze magic”. The curse is dispelled if its power + success shifts is lower than the remove curse’s power + success shifts. This spell does not need the expenditure of a Fate point.
Grand Shield
Level 6.
Parameters: permanent, ritual, shield.
This spell is cast over a great structure created by intelligent beings, such as a castle, a building or a standalone tower (although it could be cast on smaller things, such as a house or a hovel). For its duration, every other spell cast or maintained within that structure suffer a -2 penalty. Any target resisting a spell gets an additional +2 to their resistance roll. These penalties increase by 1 for each level in the “shield” parameter.
For maintained spells, if the penalty is big enough to equal the spell’s power + success shifts, the spell is cancelled as soon as the target enters the structure.
This penalty can be mitigated or cancelled by any condition determined by the caster. For instance: “Any person holding a coin minted within these walls is exempt”, “any person invited by someone who lives in this place is exempt”, etc.
Also, the caster may select any number of spells or group of spells to be exempt from this penalty.
If the structure where this spell is cast is demolished, the spell is cancelled.
The penalties applied by this spell do not affect curses.
This spell cannot be cast over an area that is already affected by another Grand Shield, even if partially. No resistance is possible: the spell simply fails. Therefore, it is possible to cast a Grand Shield which affects no spell at all, simply to make a specific structure immune to unwanted casts of Grand Shield.
Level 7.
Parameters: permanent, ritual, ranged, targets.
This spell creates a magical mark in an object or a living being. At any point after the mark is created, the mage may cast spells in the marked object or being as if they were in direct physical contact. No resistance is possible against this spell: only a willing target may receive it.
The mark works both ways. If the target is a mage as well, they are also able to affect the caster as if they were in direct physical contact.
A mage may only maintain a number of magical marks which equal their level in “spellcraft”. If they wish to create a new mark, they must first relinquish control over one of their previous marks.
As with any permanent spell, this spell requires the expenditure of a Fate point.
Although it is usually irrelevant, the marks do depend on distance to function. They become dormant if the target is more a world or more apart from the mage.
Living Spell
Level 8.
Parameters: permanent, ritual, metamagic.
This spell is cast onto another spell to turn it into a living entity. A living spell is a magical being which can cast the spell which originated it at will. If that spell requires concentration, the living spell itself maintains concentration.
A living spell is a visible construct of energy. Its size depends on the strength of the underlying spell: it is the size of a mouse for a level 1 or 0 spell, up to the size of an elephant for a level 8 spell. It can cast its underlying spell once per round. Its initiative test is 0.
Once created, the living spell is "bound" to the caster, and remaind loyal and friendly to them while bound. A caster can only have one "bound" living spell at a time. If they cast another living spell, the first one is "unbound" and will wander off doing whatever it wills. A caster may cast this spell in order to "bind" a pre-existing, unbound living spell, but such spells resist with a value of "Will" which equals their underlying spell level, or 3, whichever is best. While bound, a living spell can understand and attend to the caster's mental commands if it is within the same zone as the caster.
Black Spells[]
Sense Spirits
Level 0.
Parameters: concentration, curseable.
While concentrating on this spell, the mage is able to detect the presence or the nearby spirits of deceased people and ascertain how close they are.
Rotting Hex
Level 1.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, damage-, resisted by physique.
The mage causes a living target to rot from within. If the target fails their resistance roll, they take 1 point of physical stress damage which bypasses physical protection. For this spell, damage can be increased at 1 point per 2 extra spell levels.
Sudden Panic
Level 1.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, damage-, resisted by will.
The target of this spell suffers an intense wave of panic which shakes them to their core. If the target fails their resistance roll, they take 1 point of mental stress damage. For this spell, damage can be increased at 1 point per 2 extra spell levels.
Talk with the beyond
Level 1.
Parameters: concentration, curseable.
The mage is able to telepathically communicate with nearby spirits. This communication occurs independent of the language the spirits spoke in their last lives. Only the spirits of deceased intelligent beings can communicate in this manner.
Spiritual Strike
Level 1.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, damage, attack modifiers.
The mage can throw a bolt of spiritual energy which can strike a spirit and cause it mental damage. Only un-incarnated spirits can be targeted by this spell. Upon casting this spell, the mage “opens up” to the possibility that the spirit may harm them as well with their own attacks. Stress damage is taken on the mental stress chart for both parties. If a spirit is “knocked down”, they are in fact destroyed in the spirit realm. What happens beyond is anyone’s guess.
Spiritual Healing
Level 1.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, healing.
The mage can use their magical powers to reform the integrity of a spiritual entity, healing their mental stress damage. They heal 1 point of damage, plus 1 per level of the “healing” parameter. Only un-incarnated spirits can be targeted by this spell. This spell cannot recover mental consequences.
Spirit Summoning
Level 1.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, resisted by will.
The mage can summon a specific spirit to their presence. To this end, they need the spirit’s true name, to be at the place the person died, and be touching an object that belonged to the deceased. If any of these items are missing, the spell level increases by 1. If all three items are missing, the spell cannot be attempted.
The spirit can resist with their will. The spell can only succeed if the spirit being summoned is “available” in the spirit realm. Otherwise, the mage will not know exactly why the spell failed.
Inflict <Disease>
Level 1 or more
Parameters: instantaneous, contact, resisted by physique +2.
These mages have the frightening ability to instill a specific illness onto someone. Each different disease requires a different spell level and is in fact a different spell. Be warned that although the mage can cause these diseases, they are not, themselves, immune to them. Targets resist this effect with their “physique +2”. After a successful cast, it takes a scene for the first symptoms to start showing.
Any magically induced disease can be countered or dispelled.
- Flu: 1st level. -1 to all physical actions. Roll Physique vs 2 daily to recover. Highly contagious through the air.
- Dysenteria: 2nd level. -1 to all physical actions. Roll Physique vs 2 daily to recover. On a failed roll, penalties increase by -1 up to -8. At -9, the victim dies. Not contagious.
- Diphtheria: 3rd level. -1 to all physical actions. Roll Physique vs 4 daily to recover. On a failed roll, penalties increase by -1 up to -8. At -9, the victim dies. Very contagious through the air.
- Typhoid: 3rd level. -1 to all physical actions. Roll Physique vs 4 daily to recover. On a failed roll, penalties increase by -1 up to -8. At -9, the victim dies. Contagious through water.
- Cholera: 4th level. -1 to all physical actions. Roll Physique vs 4 hourly to recover. On a failed roll, penalties increase by -1 up to -8. At -9, the victim dies. Contagious through water.
- Smallpox: 5th level. -4 to all physical actions. Roll Physique vs 4 daily to reduce penalties by 1. On a failed roll, penalties increase by -1 up to -8. At -9, the victim dies, at 0 they recover. Contagious through the air.
- Syphilis: 6th level. No modifiers to skill rolls. Victim starts with a -5 hidden counter. Roll Physique vs 6 weekly. On a success, the counter increases by 1, on a failure, it decreases by 1. At 0, the patient recovers. At -9 it either damages the eyes, nerves, heart or brain. At -10, the victim dies. Contagious through blood.
- Leprosy: 7th level. -1 to one specific physical skill. Roll Physique vs 6 monthly. On a failed roll, penalties increase by -1 or adds a -1 penalty to another physical skill. On a success, the penalty reduces by one. When all penalties are removed, the target recovers. When all added penalties reach -20, the victim dies. Contagious through the air.
- Bubonic plague: 8th level. -1 to all physical actions. Roll Physique vs 6 daily. On a failed roll, penalties increase by -1 up to -8. At -9, the victim dies. On a success, penalties decrease by 1. When penalties are 0, and 3 successful rolls have been made, the victim recovers. Contagious through blood, but if cast on mice, can become contagious through their fleas.
- Flu: 1st level. -1 to all physical actions. Roll Physique vs 2 daily to recover. Highly contagious through the air.
Create Poison
Level 1.
Parameters: concentration, contact, damage, resisted by physique +2, recurrence.
A magical poison can be created in a vial of liquid, which then becomes the poison, or on a weapon which delivers the poison damage on strike.
Poison delivered on weapons will fade away after the first strike (though this can be altered with the “recurrence” parameter).
The mage “creates” the poison by buying parameters and paying for them with spell levels. The basic poison is a 1st level spell which has the following parameters:
- Resistance: Target rolls against Physique +2 to resist.
- Damage: fixed in 1 point of stress.
- Recurrence: Not recurrent. Single damage only.
- Resistance: Target rolls against Physique +2 to resist.
Each additional spell level can improve on these parameters as follows:
- Resistance: -1 to resistance per spell level.
- Damage: 1 point of stress per each spell level.
- Recurrence: Each spell level allows the poison to affect the target one more time, on the next turn. The target can resist at every turn, and one successful resistance negates the whole poison.
- Resistance: -1 to resistance per spell level.
Energy Siphon
Level 1.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, resisted by will.
This spell allows a mage to steal spell slots from another mage. The casting mage must spend the spell slots to cast this spell, but if it is successful, it drains from the target a number of spell slots which equal the spell’s success shifts (assuming the target does have this many spell slots to be stolen).
Level 2.
Parameters: concentration, curseable, ranged, targets, reduction, resisted by physique.
This spell decreases a character’s strength, reducing their physical damages. The target gains -1 point of damage dealt in all physical attacks, plus -1 for each level in the “reduction” parameter. This modifier is added after accounting for the attack roll, the defense roll, and the weapon damage.
Level 2.
Parameters: concentration, curseable, ranged, targets, reduction, resisted by physique.
Mages can decrease their target’s “physique”, “shoot” and “fight” skills by -1, plus -1 per level in the “reduction” parameter. No skill level can go beneath -2.
Level 2.
Parameters: concentration, curseable, ranged, targets, reduction, resisted by physique.
Mages can decrease their target’s “athletics”, “stealth”, “burglary” and “ride” skills by -1, plus -1 per level in the “reduction” parameter. No skill level can go beneath -2.
Dulled Senses
Level 2.
Parameters: concentration, curseable, ranged, targets, reduction, resisted by physique.
Mages can decrease their target’s “notice”, “investigation” and “survival” skills by -1, plus -1 per level in the “reduction” parameter. No skill level can go beneath -2.
Compel Spirit
Level 2.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, questions, resisted by will.
While communicating with a spirit, a mage may cast this spell to compel the spirit to answer one of the mage’s questions truthfully, or more than one if levels are added to the “questions” parameter.
Level 2.
Parameters: concentration, curseable, ranged, resisted by will.
The target of this spell gains the “frightened” boost. If this boost is invoked or compelled, the character must run away from the mage as quickly as possible for one turn. If they are absolutely unable to do so, they will fight irrationally to get away. Once the boost is compelled, the spell ends.
Poison Cloud
Level 3.
Parameters: concentration, curseable, area, damage, resisted by physique +2, recurrence.
This spell works like “create poison”, but instead of affecting one single target, it affects everyone in the same zone. It cannot be cast on weapons, as “create poison” allows, only on whole zones.
When cast as curse, the affected area becomes permanently surrounded by the poison cloud. This area cannot move once cast.
Wail of Horror
Level 3.
Parameters: instantaneous, area, damage-, resisted by will.
The caster lets out a horrific shriek which shakes whoever hears it to their core, instilling an irrational and unexpected panic. Every target who fails their resistance roll takes 1 point of mental stress. This damage can be increased at the rate of 2 levels of “damage-” parameter per mental stress point of damage.
Although this is an area effect, it must always be centered in the caster’s zone. The casters themselves are not affected by the spell.
Level 3.
Parameters: concentration, curseable, area.
All light is extinguished from a combat zone, which is plunged into deep darkness. Seen from outside, it will look as if deep impossible shadows were falling on the affected area. Everyone within will be unable to see and suffer the same penalties as if blinded (unless they have an ability or spell which allows them to fight while blinded). The zone of darkness can also serve as a barrier for the aim of ranged weapons.
A light spell with the brightness+2 parameter can dispel a zone of darkness.
Banish/Imprison Spirit
Level 3.
Parameters: permanent, curseable, ranged, resisted by will.
The mage may banish or imprison a spirit from or to the place the spell is being cast. When banishing, it prevents the spirit from ever returning to that location. When imprisoning, it prevents the spirit from ever leaving that location.
This spell may also be used to imprison a spirit to an object, if that object held special significance to the spirit while it was alive.
Although this spell is already permanent, mages may opt to cast it as a curse to benefit from the curse’s additional protections from dispels.
Raise Zombie
Level 3.
Parameters: permanent, curseable, ritual, contact, zombies.
The mage can raise the dead and command them to do their bidding. Zombie summoning is a permanent spell which does not require concentration. It takes one and a half hour to cast for each reanimated body.
The mage can only successfully control 3 zombies, plus 1 per level of the “zombies” parameter. Their “raise zombie” spell fails if they attempt to raise more zombies than that.
Zombies are incapable of following up complex commands or performing intricate actions, regardless of who they were while alive. They can do simple things like “clean this room”, “carry me on a litter in that direction”, “groan if you see someone approaching”, but could not follow orders like “play chess with me”.
Particularly, in combat, zombies are not capable of reacting to the ever-shifting complexities of the battlefield. However, every mage is able to remote-control the zombies they create. Therefore, a mage’s zombies can act in combat only if the mage chooses to spend their turn in deep concentration. If they opt to use their turn for something else, their zombies will do nothing for that turn (or will continue with their previous order). They can, however, defend normally against attacks.
Although this spell is already permanent, mages may opt to cast it as a curse to benefit from the curse’s additional protections from dispels.
- The zombie horde
- Every group of zombies a mage controls is grouped as a single character which is their “zombie horde”. A horde can attack and defend with a skill value that equals the number of zombies in the horde. They have a number of stress points which equal the number of zombies in the horde. In combat every two stress points lost destroy one of the horde’s zombies, which must later on be replenished by the mage.
- Weapon and armor statistics affect the horde normally, but only if all zombies share the same equipment. If not, use the average value, round down.
- The zombie horde has a “physique” value of 1. They can use any other skill or stunt the mage has (except magical ones) at the same value, as long as the mage is concentrating on controlling the horde.
Level 3.
Parameters: concentration, curseable, ranged, targets.
The targets of this spell act much more slowly in combat. They are taken to the bottom of the initiative chain and have a -1 penalty in any actions taken. Characters defending from their actions do so with a +1 bonus as well. The targets cannot move to a different zone, unless that is their whole action for the turn.
This spell is negated by “haste”.
Mass Fear
Level 3.
Parameters: concentration, curseable, area, resisted by will.
Like “Fear” but cast over a whole zone. Each affected target gains the “frightened” boost. If this boost is invoked or compelled, the character must run away from the mage as quickly as possible for one turn. If they are absolutely unable to do so, they will fight irrationally to get away. Once the boost is compelled on all targets, the spell ends.
When cast as curse, the affected area becomes permanently ingrained by an aura of fear, affecting anyone who enters it. This area cannot move once cast.
Level 3.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, targets, resisted by physique.
The target is overcome with drowsiness and falls asleep. They will sleep for as long as their bodies need it. If they were totally rested when affected, they wake up normally in 10 minutes. In a combat scenario, the target will feel dizzy for a turn and, if not stimulated (by having to defend from an attack, for instance), will fall asleep on the next turn. They can be awakened out of it if someone gives them a particularly intense shove.
Mages can cast this spell on themselves to guarantee a good and deep night’s sleep.
Posses Minion
Level 3.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets.
This spell allows the mage to possess the body of a supernatural creature they themselves have summoned and are actively controlling, such as a zombie, an undead champion or a wraith. No resistance is possible.
While possessing a creature, the mage’s body is unconscious and numb. However, the spell can be broken if the caster is attacked and fails a will roll to maintain concentration.
Spells can be cast through the body of a possessed creature if that creature is able to speak and make gestures. Otherwise, they must be cast subtly. However, if the possessed creature is over 3 steps away from the mage, distance from the spell matrix prevents the mage from casting spells stored in it, and only ritual spells may be cast.
Possession Permission
Level 4.
Parameters: duration: 1 day.
The mage can open-up their own bodies for possession by a specific spirit. While possessed, the mage’s own spirit follows along, but unconscious. This lasts for a day, but the spirit may attempt to stay longer, against the mage’s wishes, in a contest of wills, repeated daily.
Level 4.
Parameters: concentration, curseable, ranged, targets, resisted by physique+2.
The target of this spell becomes unable to breathe. While suffocating, the target doesn’t immediately die, but gains the “suffocating” aspect. If this aspect is invoked, the target must make a “physique” roll against a difficulty which equals 1 for each turn they have been suffocating. On a failed roll, they pass out unconscious.
If the spell is maintained after the target passes out, eventually they will die.
Mass Sleep
Level 4.
Parameters: instantaneous, area, targets, resisted by physique.
Like “sleep” but affecting everyone in a given zone. Every target who fails their resistance roll will feel dizzy and fall asleep in a few moments.
Level 5.
Parameters: concentration, curseable, ranged, targets, resisted by physique.
The target of this spell loses the ability to see. While blinded, they suffer -4 to all physical actions. Some actions are impossible for them, regardless of their margin of successes.
Spiritual Travel
Level 5.
Parameters: duration: one sleep cycle, contact, targets.
The mage’s spirit leaves its body and can move into the spirit world, a very strange and dangerous place in its own right. It is not a perfect reflection of our own, but rather, a kind of twisted version of it, where things don’t really match. The mage can take anyone along if they were physically in contact when the spell was cast.
The mage, obviously, cannot concentrate to maintain this effect. Therefore, this lasts for as long as the mage’s body needs to sleep. However, it is possible to get lost in the spirit world, and never return…
Undead Champion
Level 5.
Parameters: permanent, curseable, ritual, contact, champion statistics.
Like “raise zombie”, this spell allows a mage to raise an undead warrior. However, in this case, the undead is fully capable to act in combat on its own. It has its own initiative value and behaves as a new character working under the orders of the mage who cast it.
An undead champion doesn’t count towards the zombie horde. In fact, a caster cannot maintain an undead horde and an undead champion at the same time. This spell fails if the caster is currently maintaining an undead horde.
The champion comes with the following parameters:
- Physical Stress Points: 4.
- Immune to mental stress damage.
- Skill points: 8, allocated in various skills.
- Physical Stress Points: 4.
These parameters can be improved using the “champion statistics” parameter. Each point in this parameter can grant one physical stress slot, or +2 skill points.
Undead champions cannot take physical consequences. Once their physical stress points fall below 0, they are destroyed.
The caster is free to allocate the skill points of the champion as desired, if these were skills the undead champion had while it was alive.
Like regular zombies, the caster may, at any time, remote-control the undead champion as if it were a puppet. Although this spell is already permanent, mages may opt to cast it as a curse to benefit from the curse’s additional protections from dispels.
Level 7.
Parameters: permanent, curseable, ritual, contact, wraith statistics, resisted by will.
In order to cast this spell, the mage must have first imprisoned a spirit to a place or object. This spell creates a “wraith”, a physical manifestation of that spirit which is under the control of the mage. The wraith follows the same restrictions as the spirit’s imprisonment.
Spirits always rebel against this spell and will try to resist every casting.
The mage may, at any time, order the wraith to assist in a conflict. The wraith then materializes and can attack or defend against opponents in its own initiative. It will always act towards protecting the caster, regardless of how it feels towards its master.
A mage may only maintain one wraith spell at any given time.
The wraith attacks with a telekinetic strike using its will. This attack cannot ever deal physical consequences to a target. In the turn it attacks or defends, it must manifest itself, and therefore is vulnerable to attacks as well.
A wraith cannot recover lost physical stress points. In order to recover lost stress, the mage must recast the wraith spell.
A wraith has the following parameters:
- Physical Stress Points: 6.
- Mental Stress Points: 5.
- Skills: Will +1, Fight +1, 6 other skill points allocated in various skills.
- Physical Stress Points: 6.
These parameters can be improved using the “wraith statistics” parameter. Each point in this parameter can grant one physical stress slot, one mental stress slot, or +2 skill points.
Wraiths cannot take physical or mental consequences. Once their physical or mental stress points fall below 0, they are destroyed and become a simple imprisoned spirit once again.
The caster is free to allocate the skill points of the wraith as desired, if these were skills the wraith had while it was alive.
Level 8.
Parameters: permanent, ritual, contact.
A legendary effect which is believed to be possible. Current magic theory supports this, but attempts show inconsistent results at best. It is believed that if this is attempted at all, it must be shortly after the subject’s death. A suitable, mostly unharmed body is required of the approximate age and the same gender as the deceased. Once a reincarnated individual dies again, a second reincarnation has never succeeded.
Soul Wrath
Level 8.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, impact.
This spell rends the caster's soul, unleashing a huge blast of energy at a target, powered by the caster's damaged spirit. It can only affect one target, and cannot be altered by metamagic spells.
The target suffers 10 points of damage, plus the caster's success shifts. It bypasses armor and directly affects the target's physical stress. The target cannot defend against this attack with "Athletics" or "Fight", but spells or powers which increase its stress levels may allow them to resist this spell, if they are powerful enough.
The caster of this spell permanently loses one skill level in a skill of their choice.
Red Spells[]
Level 0.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, force.
The mage lets out a small projectile of concentrated air that hurls itself at a target causing 1 point of damage.
Level 0.
Parameters: duration: 1 day, ranged, targets, brightness.
The mage can cause a specific item to glow with a light as bright as that of a torch. Additional levels in the “brightness” parameter allow for stronger lights:
- Brightness 0: a torch
- Brightness +1: a lamp
- Brightness +2: a bonfire
- Brightness +3: an overcast afternoon
- Brightness +4: sunlight
- Brightness 0: a torch
Magical light created by this spell is still artificial light. Even if created with “brightness +4”, it will not have the same effect as actual sunlight would have on, for instance, a vampire.
This spell can be cast permanently with the expenditure of a Fate point.
Level 0.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, targets, fire.
The mage can set fire to flammable objects, which burst into flames. This spell does not cause stress points to targets in combat, but affects all flammable objects in contact with a target, and can be used to "create an advantage" over the target.
Level 0.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, targets, ice.
The mage can freeze water as long as it is not inside living beings. Any amount of water in contact with the target becomes ice. The spell can also be used to freeze other liquids with melting points that are close to those of that of water. If a target is wet, it can be used to "create an advantage" on the target.
Static Electricity
Level 0.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, targets, electric.
The mage can charge a target with strong static electricity, causing the next person who touches it to suffer an electrical shock. In a combat situation, it can be used to "create an advantage" on a target if they are handling metallic objects.
Magic Blast
Level 1.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, damage, targets, impact, attack modifiers.
The mage throws a blast of pure magical energy which strikes a target for 1 point of damage.
Arc Flames
Level 1.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, damage, targets, fire, attack modifiers.
The mage issues an arc of flames from their hand at a target for 1 point of damage.
Ice Dagger
Level 1.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, damage, targets, ice, attack modifiers.
The mage throws a sharp projectile of ice towards a target for 1 point of damage.
Electric Lance
Level 1.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, damage, targets, electric, attack modifiers.
A bolt of lightning shoots from the mage’s hand at a target for 1 point of damage.
Ice Pebbles
Level 1.
Parameters: concentration, ranged.
The mage creates small pebbles or objects made of ice which can be held in a hand, like hand balls, figurines, cups, small daggers, etc. Such objects have one stress level, if that is ever required. They last for as long as the mage concentrates, and afterwards melt at their normal rate.
Elemental Protection
Level 1.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets, protection.
This spell allows the mage to surround a target with magical protection against one specific type of elemental damage: fire, ice, lightning or impact. The targets are surrounded by a barrier of additional physical stress levels against the protected element. The protection equals 2 points, plus 2 per level in the “protection” parameter.
Flame Shaping
Level 1 or more.
Parameters: concentration, targets, size.
Mages can shape fire, causing it to move as they please, or extinguish it. They can control any existing fire in such a way, even if it was originally created by another mage’s spell, as long as the created spell is not being maintained anymore.
The affected area depends on the “size” parameter. Within the area, the mage may either shape the flames, expand them, or contract and extinguish them.
- Size 0: Human sized fires, campfires.
- Size +1: 2x2m flames, huge bonfires.
- Size +2: 10x10m flames, an entire house on fire.
- Size +3: 100x100m flames, a castle or building on fire.
- Size +4: 1x1km, a mountain on fire.
- Size 0: Human sized fires, campfires.
Level 2.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets, damage.
This spell causes an inanimate object to shatter and break. Damage dealt is 2, plus 2 for each level in the “damage” parameter.
If the affected object is being held or worn (such as, a suit of armor), its wielder can defend against this spell by attempting to dodge it.
If the damage is big enough to take the object to 0 stress points or less, the object crumbles to dust and is destroyed.
Ice Weapons
Level 2.
Parameters: concentration, ranged.
The mage creates large objects made of ice that can be wielded in combat, such as swords, shields or staves. These objects can withstand one stress level of damage.
Weapons made of ice can be used like their normal counterparts, but they break after the first hit if the mage stops concentrating. Otherwise, they last for as long as the mage concentrates, and afterwards melt at their normal rate.
Concussion Blast
Level 3.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, area, damage, targets, impact.
The mage throws a blast of energy which explodes, affecting everyone in the zone for 1 point of damage.
Fire Blast
Level 3.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, area, damage, targets, fire.
The mage throws a ball of fire which explodes, affecting everyone in the zone for 1 point of damage.
Level 3.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, area, damage, targets, ice.
The mage causes the whole area to grow suddenly cold, affecting everyone in the zone for 1 point of damage.
Lightning storm
Level 3.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, area, damage, targets, electric.
Several bolts of lightning fall on the target zone, affecting everyone for 1 point of damage.
Level 3.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, duration: 1 scene, area, density, curseable.
The mage can create thick mists in a combat zone, or in a 20m2 area when out of combat. Anyone within the mist suffers a -2 penalty to all sight-dependent activities. This penalty also applies to activities that affect targets within the affected area, even if initiated from outside. The mist can be of any color the mage desires.
The mage can make the mists even thicker, inflicting a -4 penalty, for a cost of 1 point more in the "density" parameter. Mists can't be thicker than that.
This spell can be fused with Create Poison through a Spell Fusion to create a poisonous mist.
Control Mild Weather
Level 3.
Parameters: duration: 1 day, horizon.
This spell allows the mage to change the current weather to whatever one they wish, as long as it’s a mild one. Clear weather, light rain, soft wind, etc.
This spell cannot be cast if the weather conditions are already moderate or severe.
The weather change occurs across the span of a scene and lasts for a day.
Flame Blade
Level 3.
Parameters: concentration, contact, damage, targets, fire.
The mage touches a weapon (or object) and surrounds it with flames which causes it to deal an extra 1 point of damage upon strike.
Ice Dagger
Level 3.
Parameters: concentration, contact, damage, targets, ice.
The mage touches a weapon (or object), and it grows enormously cold, causing an extra 1 point of damage upon strike.
Electric Lance
Level 3.
Parameters: concentration, contact, damage, targets, electric.
A weapon (or object) touched by the mage is surrounded by electricity, which causes it to deal an extra 1 point of damage upon strike.
Ice Equipment
Level 3.
Parameters: concentration, ranged.
The mage creates large human-sized objects made of ice, like doors or suits of armor. These objects can withstand two stress levels of damage. They last for as long as the mage concentrates, and afterwards melt at their normal rate.
Flaming Shield
Level 4.
Parameters: concentration, contact, damage, targets, fire.
The mage touches an armor or shield and surrounds it with flames. Anyone which gets close enough to deal damage to its wearer in melee will immediately suffer 1 point of damage per turn.
Polar Armor
Level 4.
Parameters: concentration, contact, damage, targets, ice.
The mage touches an armor or shield and envelops it with absolute cold. Anyone which gets close enough to deal damage to its wearer in melee will immediately suffer 1 point of damage per turn.
Static Shield
Level 4.
Parameters: concentration, contact, damage, targets, electric.
The mage touches an armor or shield and surrounds it with dancing lightning. Anyone which gets close enough to deal damage to its wearer in melee will immediately suffer 1 point of damage per turn.
Ice Walls
Level 4.
Parameters: concentration, ranged.
The mage creates chunks of wall or wall-sized objects made of ice, such as cabinets. They can withstand three stress levels of damage. If used to support weight, these objects can support up to 100 kg before breaking.
They last for as long as the mage concentrates, and afterwards melt at their normal rate.
Seeker Impact
Level 4.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, damage, impact.
This spell causes a missile of concentrated air to flow from the caster at a target, causing 2 (or more) points of damage. Upon impact, the missile loses one point of damage and moves to strike a second target. If no more targets are available, and the missile still has damage points to deal, it will start attacking allies instead, until at least every potential target has been struck once.
The mage chooses the order in which the targets are struck.
All this spell’s targets must be in line of sight with the caster.
Dancing Burn
Level 4.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, damage, fire.
This spell causes a flaming lance to shoot from the caster at a target, causing 2 (or more) points of damage. Upon impact, the lance loses one point of damage and moves to strike a second target. If no more targets are available, and the lance still has damage points to deal, it will start attacking allies instead, until at least every potential target has been struck once.
The mage chooses the order in which the targets are struck.
All this spell’s targets must be in line of sight with the caster.
Polar Ray
Level 4.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, damage, cold.
This spell causes a ray of pure cold to shoot from the caster at a target, causing 2 (or more) points of damage. Upon impact, the ray loses one point of damage and moves to strike a second target. If no more targets are available, and the ray still has damage points to deal, it will start attacking allies instead, until at least every potential target has been struck once.
The mage chooses the order in which the targets are struck.
All this spell’s targets must be in line of sight with the caster.
Chain Lightning
Level 4.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, damage, electric.
This spell causes a bolt of lightning to shoot from the caster at a target, causing 2 (or more) points of damage. Upon impact, the bolt loses one point of damage and moves to strike a second target. If no more targets are available, and the bolt still has damage points to deal, it will start attacking allies instead, until at least every potential target has been struck once.
The mage chooses the order in which the targets are struck.
All this spell’s targets must be in line of sight with the caster.
Mass Shatter
Level 5.
Parameters: concentration, area, damage.
Like “shatter”, but every single inanimate object within the zone will shatter and break. This can easily cause buildings to collapse as it also affects walls and pillars. Damage dealt is 2, plus 2 for each level in the “damage” parameter.
If the damage is big enough to take the objects to 0 stress points or less, they actually crumble to dust.
Control Moderate Weather
Level 5.
Parameters: duration: a few hours, horizon.
This spell allows the mage to change the current weather to whatever one they wish, as long as it’s a moderate one. Heavy rain, fierce wind, snow, etc.
This spell cannot be cast if the weather conditions are severe.
The weather change occurs across the span of a scene and lasts for 4 hours.
Wall of Fire
Level 5.
Parameters: concentration, damage ranged.
The mage creates a wall of fire. Anyone attempting to cross the wall will take 1 point of fire damage plus 1 per level in the “damage” parameter. The wall length is about 5m, and its height is about 2m. Within a conflict, this spell can be cast across zones, or may be used to split a zone in two. Damage is dealt to targets as they cross zones.
Create Iglu
Level 5.
Parameters: concentration, ranged.
The mage creates large objects made of ice, which would take up an entire room, such as an iglu. They can withstand four stress levels of damage and 300 kg of weight. Bridges made of ice in this manner can be 20m long and 2m wide.
Within a conflict, this spell can be cast across zones, to block them off, or may be used to split a zone in two.
They last for as long as the mage concentrates, and afterwards melt at their normal rate.
Level 6.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, area, damage, targets, impact.
The affected zone is targeted by a severe hailstorm which affects everyone present for 1 point of damage, or more, for as long as the mage concentrates.
Rain of Fire
Level 6.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, area, damage, targets, fire.
Fire droplets start pouring down at the targeted zone, affecting everyone present for 1 point of damage, or more, for as long as the mage concentrates.
Level 6.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, area, damage, targets, ice.
Snow and wind blow intensely at the targeted zone, affecting everyone present for 1 point of damage, or more, for as long as the mage concentrates.
Level 6.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, area, damage, targets, electric.
Several bolts of lightning fall at the targeted zone, even if it is indoors, affecting everyone present for 1 point of damage, or more, for as long as the mage concentrates.
Control Severe Weather
Level 7.
Parameters: duration: 1 hour, horizon.
This spell allows the mage to change the current weather to whatever one they wish, as long as it’s a severe weather condition. Huge thunderstorms, hurricane wind, snowstorms, sandstorms, etc.
The weather change occurs across the span of a scene and lasts for an hour.
Meteor Shower
Level 8.
Parameters: concentration, damage, horizon, fire and impact.
Across the whole visible horizon, meteoric projectiles strike down. Every target in the affected area may be randomly struck while the mage concentrates. At every target’s turn, they roll a fate die. On a -1, they are struck by a meteorite for 2 points of damage, plus 1 per level of the “damage” parameter.
The exact spot where the spell was cast is the only safe spot within the affected area.
A year without summer
Level 8.
Parameters: duration: 6 months, range: a whole hemisphere, ritual.
This spell affects the entire hemisphere where the mage is in (either north or south), it must be cast at the spring equinox. It inverts the next 2 seasons, thus turning spring into fall, and summer into winter for that year. It can only be cast once every ten years by the same mage.
Any mage which knows this spell and is present in the same hemisphere where it is being cast may attempt to resist it with their own spell cast.
This spell costs 3 Fate Points to be cast.
Green Spells[]
Survival Sight
Level 0.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets.
Targets of this spell see a glow around every plant, liquid, and food indicating how safe they are for consumption. The color and intensity of the glow indicates the nutritional value and how dangerous the object is for consumption. This spell confers a +2 bonus on “Survival” checks when trying to find food in the wild.
Heal Body
Level 1.
Parameters: instantaneous, contact, healing.
This spell recovers lost physical stress points. It cannot recover consequence slots. The number of stress slots recovered equals 1 plus the number of levels in the “healing” parameter.
Level 1.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets, toughening.
This spell toughens-up a character’s skin without impairing their movement, granting them extra stress levels of physical damage. The target gains 1 extra stress level, plus 1 for each level in the “toughening” parameter.
Plant Shield
Level 1.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets, penalty.
The target is protected against the sudden movement of plant-based objects, such as arrows, spears, etc. Such attacks have a -1 penalty plus -1 per level of the “penalty” parameter if attacking the target.
Move Plant
Level 1.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets.
Mages can control the movement of plant-based objects. This is a kind of limited telekinesis, as the objects float at about 1 m/s, but they may also slide away or closer to them.
They can also control objects such as vines, armoires, ropes, chests, drawers, and so on, causing them to open or close by themselves.
The maximum size of the affected objects is 2m.
Heal Plants
Level 1.
Parameters: instantaneous, ranged, targets, size.
Mages can cause plants to grow, bloom or bear fruit, at will. The base spell level affects flowers or grass. Additional “size” parameters affect larger plants:
- Size 0: flowers or grass.
- Size +1: bushes.
- Size +2: most trees.
- Size +3: ancient trees.
- Size 0: flowers or grass.
The spell effect is instantaneous, but the plants may take a few minutes to grow, bloom or bear fruit, as desired.
Partial Paralysis
Level 1.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets, resisted by physique.
The mage can paralyze one of the target’s limbs (an arm, a leg, a hand, a foot).
Whenever the caster is attacked, or forced to react abruptly, the paralyzed character can perform a new resistance roll to try and break free of the spell.
Partial Puppeteering
Level 1.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets, resisted by physique.
With this spell, a mage controls one of the target’s limbs (an arm, a leg, a hand). The target is aware of the control even if unable to prevent it. The mage must control the target as it would a puppet. Controlling a character demands complete concentration and therefore the mage can do little but focus entirely on the target. The mage can maintain the control beyond line of sight, but they cannot see through the target’s eyes.
Whenever the controlling mage is attacked, or forced to react abruptly, the controlled character can perform a new resistance roll to try and break free of the spell.
Grow Gills
Level 1.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets.
The targets of this spell grow gills in their necks, which allows them to breathe underwater as they would normally breathe outside of it.
It could also be used in reverse, to make fish grow lungs and breathe air, for instance.
Summon Animal
Level 1.
Parameters: concentration, targets, animal parameters, resisted by will.
This spell allows the mage to summon one instance of a nearby specific animal determined at casting time. The closest animal will start moving towards the mage, and they will get a feeling for how long they will take to arrive. Only animals who live in the biome the mage is in can be summoned.
Usually, such animals take a few minutes to arrive.
Once summoned, the animals will obey the caster’s mental commands to the best of their abilities as long as the mage concentrates. When the spell ends, the summoned animal (if still alive) usually runs away as quickly as possible.
Animals come with the following parameters:
- 2 physical stress damage slots.
- 2 mental stress damage slots.
- Fight +2, Physique +1, Will +1, Athletics +1.
- 2 physical stress damage slots.
These numbers can be improved with levels in the “animal parameters” parameter. Levels in this parameter can improve the animal’s numbers as follows:
- 1 physical stress slot for each +1 parameter.
- 1 mental stress slot for each +1 parameter.
- +2 skill points in any applicable skill for each +1 parameter.
- 1 physical stress slot for each +1 parameter.
Level 2.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets.
The targets of this spell become able to send out high shrills and orient themselves by the return delay of the sound they emitted. This allows them to fight in complete darkness, as well as blinded, without penalties.
Echolocation is not a substitute for vision, however. The target cannot see colors or even resolve shapes with any precision. They can only broadly sense the location and position of other individuals and objects.
This sense can be easily confused or countered by someone else also emitting a loud shrill, such as by intensely waving a long flexible pole. Two targets with this spell don’t interfere with each other, as they usually locate themselves through different frequencies.
Level 2.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets, might.
This spell increases a character’s strength, enhancing their physical damages. The target gains +1 point of damage dealt in all physical attacks, plus 1 for each level in the “might” parameter. This modifier is added after accounting for the attack roll, the defense roll, and the weapon damage.
Level 2.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets, enhancement.
Mages can increase their target’s “physique”, “shoot” and “fight” skills by 1, plus 1 per level in the “enhancement” parameter. No skill may increase above +8.
Level 2.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets, enhancement.
Mages can increase their target’s “athletics”, “stealth”, “burglary” and “ride” skills by 1, plus 1 per level in the “enhancement” parameter. No skill may increase above +8.
Improved Senses
Level 2.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets, enhancement.
Mages can increase their target’s “notice”, “investigation” and “survival” skills by 1, plus 1 per level in the “enhancement” parameter. No skill may increase above +8.
Recover Mild Consequence
Level 2.
Parameters: instantaneous, contact, healing.
This spell can be used as the action which justifies recovery from physical consequences, as stated in p. 164. The consequence is not healed immediately, but the injured character is able to recover it in the determined milestones.
This recovers a mild consequence from the target.
Level 2.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets.
Targets of this spell are able to walk on walls and ceilings as long as they maintain constant contact with them. They can move normally, and as long as at least one part of their body remains in contact with the surface they are moving on, they will not fall. The targets' sense of direction is unaffected: they can tell they are moving sideways or upside down.
Full Paralysis
Level 3.
Parameters: concentration, curseable, ranged, targets, resisted by physique.
The mage can completely paralyze a target. The target is still able to breathe and blink but cannot perform any overall movement.
Whenever the caster is attacked, or forced to react abruptly, the paralyzed character can perform a new resistance roll to try and break free of the spell.
Beast Possession
Level 3.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets, resisted by will.
The mage is able to possess the body of a non-magical, irrational beast that is nearby. If the beast is already under control, no resistance is possible. Otherwise, it can resist with “Will”.
While possessing an animal, the mage’s body is unconscious and numb. However, the spell can be broken if the caster is attacked and fails a will roll to maintain concentration.
No spells can be cast through the body of a possessed animal. If the mage wishes to cast spells while possessing an animal, these spells must be cast subtly (without gestures or words), and they emerge from the mage’s body.
Body Sculpting
Level 4.
Parameters: concentration, curseable, ranged, resisted by physique.
This spell alters a target’s physical body, changing its outward appearance. Skin, eye and hair color, texture and shape may be changed, but the spell does not alter a target’s height, body mass, and cannot create new limbs or suppress existing ones.
Although the spell changes a target’s appearance, it cannot – by itself – mimic someone else’s specific appearance. However, casters may use their “deceive” skill in order to attempt to disguise a target as someone else.
Level 4.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets, resisted by physique.
With this spell, a mage controls all of a target’s body. The target is aware of the control even if unable to prevent it. The mage must control the target as it would a puppet. Controlling a character demands complete concentration and therefore the mage can do little but focus entirely on the target(s). The mage can maintain the control beyond line of sight, but they cannot see through the target’s eyes.
Whenever the caster is attacked, or forced to react abruptly, the controlled character can perform a new resistance roll to try and break free of the spell.
Wild Regeneration
Level 4.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets.
The body of this spell’s targets start to regenerate at surprising speeds. At every combat turn while this spell is active, the target will regain a lost physical stress point up to the maximum their body allows. This spell will not recover lost physical consequences.
If the character of this spell is struck with silver weapons, the wounds inflicted by such weapons do not regenerate.
This spell cannot be cast on a target under a “life link” spell.
Life Link
Level 4.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets.
All of this spell’s targets have their life force linked together. Their physical stress slots are added up to one single pool, and they only start taking consequences when the whole pool is depleted. When the spell is cancelled, the remaining physical stress must be distributed equally among them.
When taking consequences under a life link, the targets can choose among themselves who will take on which consequence at a time, therefore allowing one of each type of consequence to be assumed per target.
This spell affects two targets, plus one for each point in the “targets” parameter.
This spell cannot be cast on a target under a “regeneration” spell.
If a target of this spell wishes to resist it, resistance is automatic, without the need for a roll.
Recover Moderate Consequence
Level 4.
Parameters: instantaneous, contact, healing.
This spell can be used as the action which justifies recovery from physical consequences, as stated in p. 164. The consequence is not healed immediately, but the injured character is able to recover it in the determined milestones.
This recovers a mild or moderate consequence from the target.
Level 4.
Parameters: duration: 1 scene, curseable, ranged, targets, animal parameters, resisted by physique.
This spell transforms the target into a non-magical higher animal. The smallest animal that the target can be transformed into is a large cat or house dog, and the tallest animal is a rhino or an elephant.
Build the animal’s parameters in the same manner as in the “summon animal” spell with 3 levels in the “animal parameters” parameter.
For the duration of the spell the target is fully conscious and able to control their own actions as they choose.
Copy Visage
Level 5.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, resisted by physique.
This spell transforms the target’s physical body into that of another, specific, sentient target. For this spell to work, the mage must be in possession of a personal item belonging to the individual being copied. This works across species, as long as they are morphologically similar (the spell will not create or remove entire limbs). The spell also works across genders.
The spell transforms the target at a physical level. Therefore, for its duration, the target is indeed genetically identical to the one being copied.
Resurrect plant
Level 5.
Parameters: instantaneous, contact.
This spell can bring plants back to life. Once cast, it causes the plant to come back to life in the span of a day. Concentration is not needed.
Level 5.
Parameters: concentration, curseable, ranged, targets, resisted by physique.
Targets of this spell turn into a statue of stone alongside their non-magical equipment. While petrified, the targets are unconscious, need no sleep, food, water, or even to breathe, and do not grow old. If parts of their body are broken, when the spell lapses, they will have to deal with their missing body parts, but if they are repaired before the spell ends, they may come back normally.
Recover Severe Consequence
Level 6.
Parameters: instantaneous, contact, healing.
This spell can be used as the action which justifies recovery from physical consequences, as stated in p. 164. The consequence is not healed immediately, but the injured character is able to recover it in the determined milestones.
This recovers a mild, moderate or severe consequence from the target.
Apocalyptical Vines
Level 7.
Parameters: concentration, area, targets.
This spell causes thick vines to sprout from the caster, enveloping the affected area. The vines wind through every being, object or construction and start crushing them constantly until they break apart completely.
Every being, object and construction in the affected area takes 1 point of impact damage per turn, while the caster concentrates. If maintained for long enough, this spell could bring down entire castles. This only affects corporeal targets.
The vines do not encompass all affected areas instantaneously. If the affected area is greater than one zone, each zone affected beyond the first takes one extra turn to be surrounded.
The vines can be attacked and damaged. They do not resist any incoming damage taken and have 30 physical stress points in each affected zone. If the vines are destroyed, the spell is broken for that particular zone.
Living beings can resist this damage with a roll of "Physique" each turn. If they fail to resist, they are locked in place and cannot move in that turn (even if the damage is protected by some other means).
Absolute Regeneration
Level 8.
Parameters: concentration, ranged, targets.
Like “wild regeneration”, but this spell’s targets recover all of their lost physical stress points at every turn. This spell will not recover lost physical consequences.
If the character of this spell is struck with silver weapons, the wounds inflicted by such weapons do not regenerate.
This spell cannot be cast on a target under a “life link” spell.
Magical Items[]
Eventually, most spellcasters come to a point where they would like to create permanent, independent magical effects that function independent of their own ability. These are usually known as magical items.
Creating a magical item is a lengthy and costly process. To create an item which houses magic independently the mage must constantly spend time working on the object they are creating, devoting so much of themselves that they in fact imprint part of their power, of who they actually are, into the object.
The process[]
It takes an entire story arc to create a magical item. If a mage starts creating a magical item in the middle of a story arc, it will only be finished when the next arc ends. During that time, the character must assume an aspect which describes that they are working on a magical item. Examples of such aspects are: “Will visit every library he can to create the best flaming sword”, “Many sleepless nights trying to crack the secret of the cloak of invisibility”, “Constantly distracted thinking about the formulas for creating the goblet of fire”.
Notice that in all three examples, the aspects is (and should be) able to be compelled to provide interesting story hooks for the character.
When the next story arc ends, the character has finally managed to complete the process and is the owner of a new magical item. However, the process comes with a cost. The magic which is infused into the object must come from somewhere, specifically, from the enchanting mage. Creating a magical item permanently weakens and diminishes the character. This weakening may come as a cost in the character’s skill levels, as a permanent loss of stress slots, a permanent loss of refresh or stunts, or in assuming permanent negative flaws called “banes”. Very powerful items may require many, or all these costs. You could craft “the one ring”, but then, you’d become a disembodied spirit.
The cost[]
Determine the spell power of the effect (or the sum of effects) you want to enchant. The cost to create the item equals the sum of all spell powers of all effects. This cost can be paid in several ways:
- Every three Fate points pay for one spell power point. No magical item can be created by paying for it only in Fate points.
- Every skill point in “spellcraft”, “channelling” or “memorize” the character sacrifices pays for 2 spell power points.
- Every skill point in other skills that the character sacrifices pays for one spell power point.
- Every stress level the character permanently loses pays for 5 spell power points.
- Every refresh point the character sacrifices pays for 10 spell power points.
- Every different “bane” pays for a different number of spell power points. A character can only select one bane whenever they enchant an item.
- This list is an example of possible banes and their costs. This is not an exhaustive list. Characters may come up with their own banes if they so choose. Characters can have at most three different banes. If they desire to assume more than three, they should make one of their banes worse.
- If a bane is listed with a “per level” in its description, it can be assumed several times, increasing in effect whenever it is assumed.
- Permanent Illness: 2 power points.
- The character becomes frail and permanently ill, wracked by constant fever, weariness and headaches.
- Permanent Illness: 2 power points.
- Blindness: 6 power points
- The character loses the ability to see with physical eyes.
- Blindness: 6 power points
- Lame: 2 power points
- The character loses an arm or a leg in the process.
- Lame: 2 power points
- Loss of identity: 4 power points
- The character forgets who they are, where they came from, or what they did. Even if they find that out later, they will never again “connect” emotionally the same way they did before.
- Loss of identity: 4 power points
- Incorporeality: 8 power points
- The character loses their physical body and becomes a disembodied spirit. They cannot roam freely and are instead bound to a specific place or to a specific item. They do not have to eat, drink, sleep or breathe anymore, but instead are invisible, intangible, and incapable of communicating through sound. A lifetime of prejudices prevents them mentally from crossing over walls or physical barriers. They have no physical stress points anymore. In this state, they can still cast spells, but are at -2 because they are forced to cast every spell as a subtle spell.
- Incorporeality: 8 power points
- The ultimate sacrifice: 10 power points
- The character dies.
- The ultimate sacrifice: 10 power points
- Chaotic Magic: 2 power points
- Spells cast by this mage behave erratically. They suffer a magical drawback not only if they fail a spellcasting roll, but also if they succeed marginally.
- Chaotic Magic: 2 power points
- Unfettered Magic: 4 power points (requires Chaotic Magic)
- Like “Chaotic Magic”, but this mage’s spells deal drawbacks even if they succeed by 1 or 2.
- Unfettered Magic: 4 power points (requires Chaotic Magic)
- Magical Weakness: 2 power points per level
- Magic flows freely through this mage’s body. Any magical damage they take deal one more stress point to them.
- Magical Weakness: 2 power points per level
- Magical Pollution: 4 power points per level
- These mage’s spells are polluted by their own prejudices and expectations. Every spell they cast through a spell matrix costs 1 spell slot more than usual.
- Magical Pollution: 4 power points per level
- Magical Susceptibility: 2 power points per level
- This mage cannot stop the flow of hostile magic as easily. All their magical resistance rolls suffer a -1 penalty.
- Magical Susceptibility: 2 power points per level
- <Color> Block: 2 power points per level
- Magical energy flows more slowly through this mage, such that they suffer a -1 penalty to cast spells from one specific school, chosen when the bane is selected.
- <Color> Block: 2 power points per level
Using enchanted items[]
Instantaneous effects (such as attack spells) may be invoked by the item owner once every turn. Effects which require concentration, or which have a longer duration, are turned “on” or “off” by the item owner as a reaction.
For concentration effects, when invoked using a magical item, it is assumed that the item itself is maintaining concentration. However, (most) magic items cannot intelligently adapt their effects, even if they “own” the effect. Thus, the item wielder is required to mentally control the effect when it requires any sort of change.
When an item is enchanted with an effect that can be resisted, the targets resist with the skill as indicated in the spell description. They succeed in their resistance on a nominal success. Therefore, these effects usually have their “resistance” parameter improved when enchanted in items.
Every enchanted effect must be activated through a specific trigger, determined by the enchanter at the time the item is created. This trigger must be a physical action to which the item must respond. It cannot be a mental command unless the item is somehow able to read minds.
For magical weapons, the trigger may be as simple as “whenever this weapon strikes a target”. However, other types of effects may require more elaborate triggers, such as a bracelet of shapeshifting which only activates if the user taps on it twice.
Magical items may respond to sound, so they may be enchanted with “words” that activate them. They may also respond to light, so they could be triggered to be activated whenever “a red-haired young girl touches it”, but they cannot understand context, so they cannot be triggered to activate whenever “the king of this land wields it”.
At the enchanter’s discretion, an item’s effect may be created permanently active, therefore, requiring no trigger.
A successful “analyze magic” spell not only reveals an item’s enchanted effects, it also reveals their triggers.
Lowering the cost[]
The spell power cost of a specific enchantment can be lowered if its spell usage is limited:
- The effect can only be used two times per scene: -2 power points.
- The effect can only be used once per scene: -3 power points.
- The effect can only be used twice per session: -3 power points.
- The effect can only be used once per session: -4 power points.
- Wielder can spend a Fate point to activate the item: +1 power point.
- The effect can only be used with the expenditure of Fate points: -4 points.
For instantaneous effects, one “usage” of the item is one activation of the enchanted spell. For effects with longer duration, however, one “usage” refers to the effect taking place over the course of one turn. If the effect is to last longer, this alters the limitation:
- Each usage of the effect lasts for 3 turns: +1 power points.
- Each usage of the effect lasts for 10 turns: +2 power points.
- Each usage of the effect lasts for a scene: +3 power points.
Regardless of how much limitation is added to an enchanted effect, it can never set its power below the original spell level. Therefore, the only effect of adding these limitations is to mitigate additional parameters that may have been used to improve on spell effects.
It’s alive![]
Enchanted items are, in almost every aspect, living things. As soon as they are created, they behave quite like the enchanter intended. However, over time, they evolve, improve, develop preferences and quirks. They may increase or diminish the magic power of their enchantments without actions from external agents. They may even develop some sort of intelligence, and, in the rarest of cases, sentience.
Therefore, the older a magic item is, the quirkier it becomes. Likewise, it may start to develop unpredictable magical effects which may, on occasion, fall completely outside the current magical theory. It is very possible to find an ancient magic sword that can only be wielded by virgins, a magic mirror of communication which requires the user to say “please”, or even a ring of power that speaks into someone’s mind.
Such intelligent items may develop a “Will” and “Notice” parameter of their own. In these circumstances, they may use their Will to resist incoming spells, including an “Analyze Magic”. If an intelligent or semi-intelligent item overcomes a mage’s “Analyze Magic”, the item itself may decide what response the mage gets from the spell.
Who owns the item[]
Typically, anyone wielding a magical item may use its effects if they know the trigger. If someone is already wielding a magical item, and an opponent touches it, this opponent will not be able to use the item’s powers unless they first wrestle the item completely away from the owner.
Old items, however, may develop specific preferences and limitations as to who can use them. They may, eventually, gain the ability to limit their use to certain specific people, or even alter their original triggers.