

Artifact Rating: 3
Artifact Type: Behemoth
Attune: 9 Motes

Mortals who transcend the state of confusion find that they understand the world, and are horrified by the reason behind what they once thought were arbitrary cruelties. Now understanding the reason for the sufferings inflicted upon them, they see no possibility of change, and are soon trapped in the state of futility. This artifact, forged from a mortals pride, takes the form of a guide who shows her the harm she inflict on others who are likewise trapped in this state. In a moment of enlightenment, she comprehends the state, and thus escapes it.

Effect: This behemoth appears to be identical to its attuned user, except that it is keenly concerned with others, and often possesses great insights into their nature. It has the Telepathy mutation, Imposition of Law [Per+Socialize, (Understanding Others Feelings)], Gladdening Visage, and Adored by All the World.
