
Homepage for the God's Hand Alliance a player guild in the Freesky Online strategic roleplaying game. Contains a new player guide and Alliance rouster. The purpose of the roster is to allow players to easily find out what specility goods are being produced with in the alliance.

Miracle Resources Needed for Upgrade[]

This is the amount of ADDITIONAL resources still needed to upgrade the miracle. In other words its how much we are short of the goal. It is not the TOTAL amount need for an upgrade. Also the Miracle has unlimted storage (as do your cities.) the maximum storage amount listed on your cities is the maximum it can hold and still produce ADDITIONAL resorces.

Amount Still Needed

Name Current LV Stone Crystal Food Wood Metal Time
Hand of God 10 1275k 287k 2214k 722k -------- 1d,9h
Nexus Gate 7 --------- 90k -------- 127k 78k 22H

Total Amount Needed

Name Current LV Stone Crystal Food Wood Metal Time
Hand of God 10 2883k 720k 2883k 1441k 1441k 1d, 9h
Nexus Gate 7 854k 213k 854k 427k 427k 22H

New Player Guide[]

This guide is written for the benifit of players new to the game and to the alliance. Even if you choose not to join God's Hand this information will make getting started easier for you and will make up for me spamming you with an Alliance invite. :)

Alliance Ranking System[]

This is our inner alliance ranking system. Several members also have special titles which indicate officers of the alliance and/or special requests I have chossen to grant. Contributings ranks are reserved for those who have contributed a significant amount of resources to the miracles. If you feel have the wrong rank or would like a change please contact ruiner via in game mail. (ruiner updates the member list as time allows.)

Industrial Rankings

  1. CEO
  2. Chairman
  3. Trademan
  4. Accoutant
  5. Normal

Military Rankings

  1. Fanglord
  2. Captain
  3. Sargent
  4. Soldier
  5. Normal

Contributing Industrial Rankings

  1. Perfect
  2. Govenor
  3. Mayor
  4. Factor
  5. Normal

Contributing Military Rankings

  1. Warlord
  2. Command(er)
  3. Top Sarg
  4. Corporal
  5. Normal


  1. Alliance Leader: Ruiner
  2. Warmaster: Draklan
  3. Represt.:Melinos
  4. Concelor: Lesleyboer

God's Hand Alliance Member Rosters[]

The God's Hand Alliance exists on two seperate servers. 1-4 Sunset (Original headed by Nar) 2-1 Eden (Splinter headed by ruiner <-thats me.) The purpose of these rosters is to make it quick and easy to see what types of goods are being produced within the Alliance. This is particularly important for new players deciding on a specility. The two alliances do not have a lot of cross over and only exist seperatly due to an error on my part that put my skypoints on the wrong server. As much as I would like to play both character's my time is limited by school and family commitments and I only activly maintain the 2-1 Eden character. The people on 1-4 are great for the most part so it's still a good alliance.

2-1 Eden (Active Members only)[]

Name Title Specialty Officer
Ruiner Guild Leader (Alliance Leader) Metal Yes
Draklan Warlord (Command) War Yes
Jhonis Account. No
Sinjin Account. No
RolandofGilead LrdofLgT Wood No
wrx137 Senator Wood/Crystal No
Sabin Trademan No
Pilen Sargent No
stasera Sargent No
iiJayRii Deusfact No
Kacez Trademan No
PTRP Trademan No
whatever Normal No
Ranse Normal No
nute Trademan No
DreamDragonwing Normal No
Eleeo Normal No
Nuttyr Normal No
Dolkar Normal No
Nibas Trademan No

1-4 Sunset[]
