These are new spells to complement the list from GURPS Magic, 4th edition.
Body Controlling Spells[]
Body Link (VH)
- Regular, resisted by the second target's HT
By means of this spell, a mage unites a target's life energy to that of another being. For the duration of ths spell, any damage suffered by the target is immediately reflected upon the linked being.
The second target suffers the same amount of damage that the first target does, after counting DR, but before applying any modifiers due to damage type (cutting, impaling, piercing). The second target's DR does not apply. If the damage was delivered to a specific part of the first target's body, the same corresponding part is targeted on the second target (or the nearest closest body part).
Being a regular spell, it suffers a penalty in spellcasting equalling the distance in hexes to the farthest of the two targets.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 6 to cast, 4 to maintain.
Time to cast: 2 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 3, Deathtouch, Transform Body.
(a) Staff, wand or rod. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 2000. (b) Any two items, created out of the same piece of material. When both are worn, any damage suffered by one of the items is reflected upon the second item's user. Energy cost to create: 750 per item.
Delay Death (VH)
- Regular
This spell causes the subject to become immune to death for its duration. The target of the spells suffers injuries normally, although he doesn't suffer the effects of pain and is automatically successful in all tests to avoid inconsciousness or death. Therefore, even hough the target's HP may go far below -HT (which would mean a survival row), he will continue to act as though he were unharmed.
When the spell's effect ends, the target suffers the full effects of the injuries he sustained for its duration.
This spell also makes the target immune to healing spells. All healing effects that have this spell's subject as is target will fail automatically. This means that even if this spell's subject is targeted with powerful healing spells at its end, this will not prevent him from making survival rolls in the event that he sustained enough damage to kill him.
If a mage knows "Delay Death" and "Great Healing", he may cast a healing spell that affects someone targeted with "Delay Death", but such healing spells cost three times their nominal energy cost.
This spell needs to "touch down" for a few seconds every day. If a person is targeted with a permanent "Delay Death", or if this spell is maintained over one day or more, he will experience a few seconds every day in which this spell fails, only to return again.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 10 to cast, 7 to maintain.
Time to cast: 4 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 3, Resist Pain, Alter Body.
Staff, wand or rod. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 2000.
- Regular
Raises the subjects maximum fatigue points temporaily. If the subject's FP when this spell wears off is below zero, he will immediatly take 1 point of damage for every point of fatigue below zero, risking unconsciousness. High skill does not reduce the cost to cast this spell.
This spell's FP increase does stack with that of the "Vigor" spell or enchantment.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 1 for every point of FP increase (maximum 5), half to maintain.
Time to cast: 1 second.
Prerequisites: Vigor.
(a) Any item. Always on; the wearer's FP is raised while the item is worn. Energy cost to create: 1000 per point of FP increase (maximum 5). (b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages. The item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 800.
- Regular
Raises the subjects maximum hit points temporaily. If, when the spell wears off, the subject's wounds put him below -HT, he will have to make a HT roll to avoid death. High skill does not reduce the cost to cast this spell.
This spell's HP increase does stack with that of the "Might" spell or enchantment.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 1 for every point of HP increase (maximum 10), half to maintain.
Time to cast: 1 second.
Prerequisites: Might.
(a) Any item. Always on; the wearer's HP is raised while the item is worn. Energy cost to create: 1000 per point of HP increase (maximum 10). (b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages. The item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 800.
Combat Spells[]
These are spells that enhance a mage's effectiveness in combat. Most of them are supportive to more physical combatants. All combat spells are blocking, and thus can be cast on the mage's initiative, or as an interrupt action to defend against an attack or to protect an ally.
Note that, regardless of skill level, a mage can only cast one spell per turn - blocking or otherwise. A mage can "hold" his action on a turn and cast no spell. This allows him to cast a blocking spell to interrupt another action in combat that happens until the start of his next turn (such as: to increase an ally's defenses, or to grant a penalty to a foe). Such spells must be declared before the action that they are going to modify.
Arcane Striking
- Blocking
This spell causes a target to have a bonus in all of its attack rolls until the end of the caster's current combat turn. The spell roll has a penalty of -1 per hex of distance to the target.
Duration: 1 turn.
Cost: 1 for each +1 to the target's damage rolls.
Prerequisites: Repeating Charge.
Staff, Wand or Rod. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 500.
Battle Awareness
- Blocking
This spell grants a target a +1 bonus to all of his active defense rolls until the end of the caster's current turn.
The spell roll has a penalty of -1 per hex of distance to the target.
Duration: 1 turn.
Cost: 2.
Prerequisites: Persistent Defense.
Staff, Wand or Rod. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 500.
Death Echo
- Blocking, resisted by HT
Cast over a target that has already been damaged this turn, it causes it to immediately suffer half that damage again. This affects the damage taken from one blow, only. If the target suffered damage from different attacks, this spell will cause him to suffer half damage from the last attack that dealt damage that turn. This damage occurs regardless of DR. It causes half the damage that the target actually suffered (instead of the damage caused), round down.
The spell roll has a penalty of -1 per hex of distance to the target.
Duration: Instant.
Cost: 3.
Prerequisites: Mana Vengeance, Epic Blow.
Staff, Wand or Rod. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1000.
Epic Blow
- Blocking
With this spell, a target gains a bonus to damage of +1 to each damage die he is normally rolling before accounting for this spell's effect. This bonus is applied for a single damage roll.
For instance, if a target's final damage is 3d+1, this spell gives him a +3 bonus to damage (+1 for each die). His damage, then, after accounting for this spell, is 3d+4.
This spell's bonuses do not convert into additional dice of damage.
The spell roll has a penalty of -1 per hex of distance to the target.
Duration: Instant.
Cost: 3.
Prerequisites: Arcane Strike.
Staff, Wand or Rod. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 800.
Fate Protection
- Blocking
This spell causes a target to be immediately successful in an active defense without the need to roll for it. If the defense roll was subject to a penalty (due to a feint or another maneuver that penalizes defense), then that penalty is doubled and applied to the caster's spell roll.
This spell cannot protect a target from attacks he cannot normally defend against (such as bullets, attacks from invisible enemies, attacks in complete darkness, etc).
The target's successful defense does not count as a rolled defense when it comes to determining the cumulative penalties for parries or blocks.
The spell roll has a penalty of -1 per hex of distance to the target.
Duration: Instant.
Cost: 3.
Prerequisites: Persistent Defense.
Staff, Wand or Rod. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 400.
Flow of Life
- Blocking
This spell grants a target a bonus to one single roll to remain alive. If the target has to make more than one survival roll on the same turn, this spell only grants bonuses to one of them, although different castings from different mages could grant him benefits to more than one roll.
The spell roll has a penalty of -1 per hex of distance to the target.
Duration: Instant.
Cost: 1 per each +2 bonus to a single survival roll, up to +10.
Prerequisites: Surge of Consciousness.
Staff, Wand or Rod. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 500.
Impetus of War
- Blocking
If this spell's target is suffering from a penalty due to wounds or pain, this spell allows him to ignore this penalty for 1 turn, until the end of the caster's current turn.
The spell roll has a penalty of -1 per hex of distance to the target.
Duration: 1 turn.
Cost: 1.
Prerequisites: .
Staff, Wand or Rod. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 250.
Like the Wind
- Blocking
This spell enhances a target's basic move, which potentially increases his move, dodge and step values. This affects the target until the end of the caster's current turn.
The spell roll has a penalty of -1 per hex of distance to the target.
Duration: 1 turn.
Cost: 1 per each 0.25 increase, up to double the target's basic move.
Prerequisites: Time Shuffle.
Staff, Wand or Rod. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 500.
Mana Vengeance
- Blocking, resisted by HT
This spell may be used by a caster upon being successfully struck by a damage-dealing attack. If the spell roll is successful, the attacker suffers the same amount of damage that the caster did. The damage reflected back upon the attacker is counted after bypassing the caster's DR and protections, but before applying the cutting/impaling properties of the damage. These properties, however, are also reflected back.
This spell only reflects ONE attack back to the attacker. If the target suffers multiple attacks, he cannot choose to reflect the most powerful one back, instead, he has to opt to reflect an attack right after damage is rolled.
The attacker suffers the damage disregarding his own DR or physical protections. If the damage has an elemental component (such as Fire, Cold, Lightning, etc), resistances apply normally.
The damage that the attacker suffers is a reflected damage. A reflected damage cannot be reflected again through the use of this spell or any other reflecting spells.
The spell roll has a penalty of -1 per hex of distance to the attacker.
Duration: Instant.
Cost: 3.
Prerequisites: Arcane Striking.
Staff, Wand or Rod. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1000.
Persistent Defense
- Blocking
This spell is cast on a target that has just failed a defense roll. It causes that target to be able to re-roll his failed defense. For a split second, time plays back and the target may try another defense roll. Target and caster are both aware of this effect, but only they.
The spell roll has a penalty of -1 per hex of distance to the target.
Duration: Instant.
Cost: 2.
Prerequisites: Preternatural Awareness.
Staff, Wand or Rod. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 400.
Preternatural Awareness
- Blocking
If the caster is aware of an attack aiming a target, and the target is prevented from performing an active defense against this attack due to its unawareness (which can be caused by ranged attacks, surprise attacks, attacks from the back, attacks in complete darkness or by invisible enemies, etc), then this spell allows the target one single defense roll while none would normally be possible.
This spell does not grant the target additional defenses, or any bonus to these defenses, only the ability to defend when he would usually not.
The spell roll has a penalty of -1 per hex of distance to the target.
Duration: Instant.
Cost: 1.
Prerequisites: .
Staff, Wand or Rod. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 200.
Repeating Charge
- Blocking
With this spell, a target can use his movement bonus to damage to all of his damage rolls on a given turn, instead of only on the next rolled damage. If a target moves and attacks, he is entitled a charge bonus to damage according to the number of moved hexes. This bonus, however, only applies to the first damage he rolls. This spell causes this bonus to affect all damage rolls of the target during his turn.
The spell roll has a penalty of -1 per hex of distance to the target.
Duration: 1 turn.
Cost: 1.
Prerequisites: .
Staff, Wand or Rod. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 300.
Strike out of time
- Blocking
This spell slows down time for the target for brief instants, right as he is about to strike at a foe. With that, he gains precious moments to think his attack through,evaluate enemy defenses, and adapt to last-minute circumstances. This effectively gives him a bonus in one single attack roll.
The spell roll has a penalty of -1 per hex of distance to the target.
Duration: Instant.
Cost: 1 per each +1 bonus to a single attack roll, up to +5.
Prerequisites: Repeating Charge.
Staff, Wand or Rod. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 400.
Surge of Consciousness
- Blocking
This spell grants a target a bonus to one single roll to remain conscious. This can be to avoid the effects of a sleep spell, or to maintain a target conscious even after his HP das dropped below 0.
The spell roll has a penalty of -1 per hex of distance to the target.
Duration: Instant.
Cost: 1 per each +2 bonus to a single consciousness roll, up to +10.
Prerequisites: .
Staff, Wand or Rod. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 300.
Time Shuffle
- Blocking, resisted by DX
This spell alters a target's initiative for one round. Until the end of the caster's current turn, the spell's target will have its initiative order increased or decreased according to the energy spent by the caster. If used correctly, this may cause the target to strike twice on a given turn, or not strike at all.
For instance: Suppose a caster has an initiative value of 10, and a target has an initiative of 8. The target should theoretically act after the caster. If, in his turn, the caster suddenly raises the target's initiative to 11, then the target will act before the caster. However, since we are at the caster's turn, then the target will have to wait another turn before he can act. On the other hand, when his time comes to act on initiative 11, the target has his normal action. The spell ends on the beginning of turn 10 (the caster's turn), which lowers the target's initiative to 8 and gives him a new action right after the caster.
The spell roll has a penalty of -1 per hex of distance to the target.
Duration: 1 turn.
Cost: 1 for each plus or minus 1 to the target's initiative.
Prerequisites: .
Staff, Wand or Rod. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 800.
Wave of Incompetence
- Blocking, resisted by DX
By means of this spell, the target momentarily forgets the basic principles of any physical activity he is trying to accomplish. This gives him a penalty to one single roll of a DX-based skill (but not any active defense).
The spell roll has a penalty of -1 per hex of distance to the target.
Duration: Instant.
Cost: 1 for each -1 to the target's defense, up to -5.
Prerequisites: Time Shuffle.
Staff, Wand or Rod. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 500.
Wrong Timing
- Blocking, resisted by DX
This spell alters a target's perceptions in order to cause him not to notice an attack directed at him. This grants him a penalty in his next defense roll.
The spell roll has a penalty of -1 per hex of distance to the target.
Duration: Instant.
Cost: 2 for each -1 to the target's defense, up to -3.
Prerequisites: Time Shuffle.
Staff, Wand or Rod. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 750.
Communication and Empathy Spells[]
Presence Projection (VH)
- Regular
The caster projects his presence to a far away point, and is able to see, hear and interact with objects as if he was there. His vision, hearing, touch, smell and taste are projected along with a perfect illusion of himself which appears at the spell's point of effect.
The caster is able to project his presence to any place he knows intimately, or to any place where he knows is a personal item os his (in which case he wills his projection into the item's location). He can project his presence into a place he has just seen through a "seeker" spell, but at -6 to skill. He cannot project to a place he has seen through a mind reading.
Long range modifiers apply normally.
Anyone can interact with the caster as if he was also there. As far as magic is concerned, though, that is only an illusion, and the caster is unable to perform spells through this projection. This spell can NOT be used along with Telecast to allow remote casting of spells.
The projected presence is a perfect illusion, however, it has physical substance and 1 hit point, without DR.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 6 to cast, 4 to maintain.
Time to cast: 4 seconds.
Prerequisites: Communication, Perfect Illusion, Far Tasting, Odor, Seeker.
Headgear, bowl, mirror, or crystal ball. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1000.
Earth Spells[]
Earthslide (VH)
- Area
Like “Rain of Stones”, but huge boulders fall on the area, as if it was being the target of a landslide. This lasts only one second and leaves a considerable pile of earth and stone. Anyone caught on the area suffers massive damage. A successful “block” roll may allow a character to use a shield to protect, but that will only allow him to add the shield’s DR to his own, and not avoid the damage altogether.
Base cost: 1 to cast (minimum 4) for each die of damage. The earthslide can cause up to 5d of damage per point of Magery the character has, on every affected hex.
Time to cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 3, Rain of Stones and Essential Earth.
Staff. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1000.
Meteor Strike (VH)
- Area
This spell causes a huge meteor to fall from the sky, damaging all on the area it touches, leaving behind a sizeable crater. It can only be cast outdoors. The affected area takes full damage. Beyond that, up to twice the affected area, all characters must roll against DX or avoid being completely covered in the debris created by the meteor. Beyond that, up to three times the affected area, all characters must roll against DX or avoid falling down.
Base cost: 1 to cast (minimum 5) for each 2 die of damage (minimum of 10d). The minimum cost for this spell, then, is 25. The meteor can cause up to 20d of damage per point of Magery the character has, on every affected hex. The maximum affected area is 30 hexes radius.
Time to cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 4, 1 spell from each 15 different schools of magic and 15 earth spells including Earthslide.
Staff. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 5000.
Obliteration (VH)
- Regular, resisted by Will
This spell obliterates a target from reality, and all its gear up to heavy encumbrance. Magical items will resist with their “power”, but will not prevent the target itself from being obliterated. This spell works like a joint version of “Flesh to Stone”, "Stone to Earth", “Earth to Air” and "Destroy Air". Resurrection is not possible.
If a target successfully resists this spell once, it becomes immune to "Obliteration" and "Flesh to Stone" spells.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Cost: 30.
Time to cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery 3, Flesh to Stone, Stone to Earth, Earth to Air, Destroy Air.
Wand, staff, weapon, or armor. Energy cost to create: 2000.
Reverse Stone
- Regular
Turns any earth-based attack (including Missile spells, "Flesh to Stone" and "Obliteration") back upon the attacker. If the attacker’s “to hit” roll is successful, he hits himself – if not, he sees the missile fly back toward him and miss. The game effect is as though the missile had bounced straight back from the spell’s subject to the attacker. This spell also works on “regular” attack spells.
Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 5 to cast, 2 to maintain.
Time to cast: 1 second.
Prerequisite: Shape Earth.
Wand, staff, weapon, or armor. Energy cost to create: 500.
Shattering Missile
- Missile
Creates a Stone Missile that affects both its target and things nearby. This has 1/2D 40, Max 80, Acc 2. Can be thrown at a wall, floor, etc. (at +4 to hit) to catch foes in the blast. The target and anyone closer to the target than one yard takes full damage. Those further away divide damage by three times their distance in yards (round down).
Cost: Any amount up to twice your Magery level per second, for 3 seconds. The missile does 1d + 1 explosive crushing damage per each 2 full energy points.
Time to cast: 1 to 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Stone Missile.
Staff or wand – the bolt is fired from the end of the item. Energy cost to create: 1,200; must include an Opal worth $500. Usable only by mages.
Stone Brand
- Area
When this spell is cast, it creates a magical "brand" on all living things in the area of effect. For the duration of this spell, all branded creatures are immune to any damage originating from earth spells cast by the mage which branded them. This also includes damage from explosions.
The brand is in the form of a green rune which means "stone" and is placed at the target's foreheads. It can be seen through the use of "aura", "see secrets", "mage sight", "detect magic", "mana sight" or "supernal sight", or by the caster at will.
Duration: 1 day.
Base cost: 3. Cannot be maintained.
Time to cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 1, 5 earth spells.
(a) Staff. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 100. (b) Any piece of clothing can be enchanted with a magical brand which protects wearers from damage caused by earth spells cast by the wearer themselves, or by any enchanted item they may be wearing. Energy cost to create: 50. (c) Any mage can enchant an item with a magical brand that protects whoever holds the item from damage caused by earth spells cast by the mage which created the brand. Energy cost to create: 50. Mages may, at will, remove this enchantment variant from any such items they created by touching them.
Enchantment Spells[]
Arcane User
- Enchantment
This enchantment alters all other enchantments placed on an item, so that anyone (even if not a mage) can use the item, thereby bypassing enchantments specified as "Mages Only." If enchanted in a person, it allows the same to use any enchantment as if he were a magician.
Cost: 50.
Prerequisites: Magery 3, Enchant.
Item Master
- Enchantment
This enchantment alters all enchantments placed on an item making it so that the item can only be used by its “Master”. Whoever takes hold of the item, must master it before being able to use any of its powers.
When holding an item with “Item Master”, the user must overcome a contest of will against the item’s "Power". On a success, he becomes the item’s master, and has access to its spells. In a failure, he can try again on the next day with a cumulative -1 penalty.
If the item has already been mastered by someone, the mastering roll is made against the current master’s willpower. The current Master will know right away that someone is trying to master his item, and whether or not that person succeeded. In resisting a mastering attempt, the current item’s master can increase his roll by spending fatigue: 4 points confer a +1 in the roll.
If the item master dies, the item reverts to its original state and become masterless.
Cost: 300.
Prerequisites: Magery 3, Enchant.
Kiroth (VH)
- Enchantment
A Kiroth is a remote-controlled golem. This enchantment is placed on any piece of jewelry and connects it to an already created golem. A small shard of the golem's body must be infused within the jewelry for it to work. Upon completion of the enchantment, whoever wears the jewelry will have his consciousness transported into the body of the golem connected to it, as in the "Possession" spell.
While the Kiroth connection is active, the user will lose all sense of his own body and will sense the golem's body as his own. If his original body is damaged, he will sense this as distant "thug". The user uses the Golem's ST, HT and DX, but his own IQ. He cannot cast spells or use any supernatural power through the Golem, but he could use any other skill, including cinematic martial arts abilities and techniques. He does have access to all of the golem's skills and enchantments.
If the user dies while in control of a golem through a Kiroth spell, the spell is canceled immediately and the user suffers normal death. If the golem is destroyed while being controlled, the user is thrown back into his body and suffers a fright check at -8.
If the Kiroth jewelry is also enchanted with "Telecast", then the user may use his own spells and powers through the golem normally.
Only one jewelry can be connected to one golem at a time. If a second Kiroth jewelry is attempted, it will only be successful if the first one is destroyed, regardless of its power.
While the Golem is not possessed by a Kiroth, it reverts back to its original programming.
A Kiroth connection occurs regardless of distance. If a controlled golem becomes surrounded by an utter dome or utter walls, the connection is severed until it leaves that place.
Cost: 500.
Prerequisites: Magery 3, Golem and Possession.
Magify Object
- Enchantment, Life-Linked
This spell allows a mage to magify an object. Magified objects are like enchanted objects, but their magic force is tied to that of the caster. This allows for a much faster, cheaper enchantment, but a caster can only have one such spell tied to his life force. The mage must determine which spells he is going to magify in the object. He must know all the spells himself. The cost of the magification is based on the sum of all enchantments which are going to go in.
Cost: 1/100 of the enchantments being added to the item. The caster must be able to pay for all of this cost in a single casting.
Duration: This is a life-linked spell. Such spells last while the caster lives, but a caster can only have one life-linked spell active at any one time. If he casts another life-linked spell, the previous one is terminated.
Prerequisites: Magery 3, Enchant.
Mana Blessing
- Enchantment
This enchantment, when cast on an inanimate object, causes it to become able to receive any enchantment, even if the enchanting spell has restrictions about which item could receive that enchantment. This enchantment also removes the need for the item to be adorned with jewels or engravings, allowing a sinple stone to bear very powerful spells.
Cost: 1000.
Prerequisites: Magery 3, Enchant.
Powered User
- Enchantment
This spell changes all the other enchantments placed on an item in order to make them work with a roll of its current user, rather than a roll of the item’s "power". By using this spell on an item, the "power" attribute will only serve to indicate if the item works or not in the local Mana level.
Cost: 150 for an item that requires an IQ roll, 500 for an item that requires a willpower roll, 200 for an item that requires a DX roll and 500 for an item that requires a IQ/E or DX/E skill roll.
With a 30% increase in energy cost, the item’s user is able to use his own fatigue to increase his chances of using the item. Each 2 fatigue points give him a +1 bonus when using the item.
Prerequisites: Enchant.
Telempatic Crystal (VH)
- Enchantment
This enchantment allows a mage to duplicate in a crystal the target’s personality and memories (or any other item which could potentially become a powerstone). The effect is that if someone comes into contact with the crystal (via telepathy or telerecieve), he can ask anything of it, and will receive an answer as the target would have said. The crystal has no will, nor life: it remains a simple crystal, only with the personality of the target that originated it. The crystal cannot use spells or skills, nor can teach any of those things, but could answer any question about a skill that the creator had as though it possessed it at his level. If it is enchanted with “voices”, it becomes able to communicate verbally, with the same voice of the target imprinted. Although it has no will of its own, the crystal may ask questions and do remarks as if it were really the target. This spell is usually enchanted in swords, or zombies, to make them more similar to who they once were. You cannot use this enchantment with a dead target: only a living, conscious and willing target can be imprinted on a crystal. If enchanted in a Golem, you have virtually a copy of the target, though it still doesn’t have free will and cannot teach anything effectively.
Cost: Ten times the target’s points on advantages, disadvantages and mental quirks, plus 300 for a crystal that talks and listens.
Prerequisites: Enchant, Lend Skill, Wisdom and Voices (optional, so that the can crystal talk).
Unfalling Missiles
- Enchantment
This enchantment, when applied to a missile or missile weapons, makes it so that once they shoot, their projectile will not fall down and will move in continuous motion in a straight line until it finds a target. Most missile weapons need to be pointed a little upward to strike at a target, due to the force of gravity: with this spell direct aim is required. It grants a +2 in attack rolls with the weapon and +2 per round spent aiming up to a maximum of +6.
Cost: 1200 to enchant weapons, 100 to enchanted in a missile. This spell can be enchanted in daggers and swords, giving them the ability to move in a straight line when thrown (normal energy cost in these cases). Costs 3000 to be enchanted in a glove, that will send everything it throws in a straight line, including swords, axes, sinks, paper sheets, etc...
Prerequisites: Enchant, Accuracy, Winged Knife and Apportation.
Fire Spells[]
Explosion (VH)
- Regular
This spell causes a sizeable explosion to occur at a specific point designated by the caster. The caster himself is immune to the explosion’s effects. This spell causes an hex, and everything in it, to explode with full damage. Nearby targets will also take the same damage divided by half its distance from the focus of the explosion.
Cost: 2 per die of damage caused at the explosion’s center, up to 5 times the caster’s Magery.
Time to cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 3, Explosive Fireball, Flame Strike.
Staff or wand. Energy cost to create: 2000; must include a ruby worth $800. Usable only by mages.
Flame Brand
- Area
When this spell is cast, it creates a magical "brand" on all living things in the area of effect. For the duration of this spell, all branded creatures are immune to any damage originating from fire spells cast by the mage which branded them. This also includes damage from explosions.
The brand is in the form of a red rune which means "flame" and is placed at the target's foreheads. It can be seen through the use of "aura", "see secrets", "mage sight", "detect magic", "mana sight" or "supernal sight", or by the caster at will.
Duration: 1 day.
Base cost: 3. Cannot be maintained.
Time to cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 1, 5 fire spells.
(a) Staff. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 100. (b) Any piece of clothing can be enchanted with a magical brand which protects wearers from damage caused by fire spells cast by the wearer themselves, or by any enchanted item they may be wearing. Energy cost to create: 50. (c) Any mage can enchant an item with a magical brand that protects whoever holds the item from damage caused by fire spells cast by the mage which created the brand. Energy cost to create: 50. Mages may, at will, remove this enchantment variant from any such items they created by touching them.
Flame Strike
- Regular
This spell causes a pillar of flame to erupt at a target’s hex and cause him burning damage. His DR protects as usual. If the target is carrying anything flammable, it will erupt on fire.
Cost: 1 per die of damage, up to 5 times the caster’s Magery.
Time to cast: 2 seconds.
Prerequisites: Heat.
Wand or staff. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 700 energy, $500 spell materials, and a $500 ruby.
Hell's Gate (VH)
- Area
This spell causes a huge explosion to encompass an area. Everyone on the affected area suffers full damage. Targets outside of the area take damage equal to the original damage divided by their distance to the area’s border, in hexes.
Base cost: 1 to cast (minimum 5) for each 2 die of damage (minimum of 10d). The minimum cost for this spell, then, is 25. The blast can cause up to 20d of damage per point of Magery the character has, on every affected hex. The maximum affected area is 30 hexes radius.
Time to cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 4, 1 spell from each 15 different schools of magic and 12 fire spells including Explosion.
Staff. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 5000.
Inner Blast
- Regular, resisted by HT
This spell causes a target’s inner tissues to suddenly burst up and burn inside of him. Affects the whole victim if cast from a distance; if cast by touch, damage is limited to the part touched. Armor does not protect.
Duration: Damage is permanent until healed.
Cost: 1 per die of damage done, up to 3.
Time to cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Heat and Fireball.
Wand or staff. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 700 energy, $500 spell materials, and a $500 ruby.
Reverse Fire
- Regular
Turns any fire-based attack (including Missile spells) back upon the attacker. If the attacker’s “to hit” roll is successful, he hits himself – if not, he sees the missile fly back toward him and miss. The game effect is as though the missile had bounced straight back from the spell’s subject to the attacker. This spell also works on “regular” attack spells.
Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 5 to cast, 2 to maintain.
Time to cast: 1 second.
Prerequisite: Shape Fire.
Wand, staff, weapon, or armor. Energy cost to create: 500.
Illusion and Creation Spells[]
Create Magical Object (VH)
- Regular, Life-Linked
Like "Create Object", but the object is created with magical enchantments. The caster must know the enchantments being placed on the created object. The object lasts for as long as a usual create object does (that is: indefinitely – as long as it is touching a living, thinking being). All usual enchantments restrictions apply.
Duration: indefinitely – as long as it is touching a living, thinking being. This is a life-linked spell. Such spells last while the caster lives, but a caster can only have one life-linked spell active at any one time. If he casts another life-linked spell, the previous one is terminated.
Cost: 2 for every 5 pounds the created item weights, plus 1 for every 150 energy points of enchantment. The caster must pay the full enchantment cost in one single casting.
Time to cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Magery 3, Create Object, Enchant.
Staff or wand. Energy cost to create: 3000. Usable only by mages.
Knowledge Spells[]
Mana Sight
- Regular
This spell allows a target to see Mana, the magical energy which mages use. The target can identify mana levels on sight, and see 0-mana zones as areas devoid of flowing energy. This spell does allow a mage to see enchanted items, but not spells being cast or ongoing. With it, a target can identify living things, as all life is a special concentration of mana. Animated statues or undead do not show up as living, but they do emit a faint magical aura. Magical creatures are also easily recognizable. The spell does NOT show a person's magery.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 5 to cast, 3 to maintain.
Prerequisites: Mage Sight, Sense Life, Sense Mana.
Wand or staff. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 500 energy.
Supernal Sight (VH)
- Regular
Like "Mana Sight", but the target sees Mana emanations with much, much more detail. This allows him to also identify spells being cast and ongoing. The target also sees mana flows into and out of someone's body and is able to tell right away if a person has magical aptitude, and at what level. The "auras" that were shown in Mana Sight are now very detailed strands of energy. With this spell, the target also sees faint emanations from recenly cast-spells, just as with "identify spell". A roll of Thaumatology is required to understand what he sees and to properly identify spells, but a person under this spell can make such rolls instantaneously. If this spell is maintained throughout an hour, a person looking at a magical object can roll his perception (plus Magery) and analyze the item's enchantments as if he had cast an "Analyze Magic". This spell also allows for the analysis of ongoing spells and magical creatures (in order to know their powers). The target is not able to "see invisible" with this spell, and neither the invisibility spell itself, but if he casts "Supernal Sight" along with "See Invisible", he will be able to use of its benefits regarding invisible creatures, items and spells.
If a spell or magic is protected (by conceal magic or scryguard, for instance), it is only seen by a Supernal Sight if the margin of successes in the casting roll overcomes the concealment spells (in which case the concealment spells are also seen).
Supernal sight superimposes normal sight, and while under the effect of this spell, a person has a -5 penalty in all his visual perception rolls.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 8 to cast, 4 to maintain.
Prerequisites: Mana Sight, Identify Spell, Analyze Magic.
Wand or staff. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 1000 energy.
Eyes on the Wall
- Regular
This spell is cast on a depiction of a person (on a photograph, a painting, or even a sculpture). While the spell is active, the caster is able to close his eyes, concentrate, and see through the eyes of the spell's target, regardless of distance. The target's eyes do not "pop-up". A person looking at the target will not notice any difference at all while the caster is looking through its eyes.
At the moment of the casting, the target must be present (as this is a regular spell, there is a -1 penalty for each hex of distance to the target), but after the casting, no matter the distance from target to subject, the spell will still work.
If the caster leaves the plane, the spell ceases to work, but if he choose to maintain it, it will resume functioning when the caster returns to the plane of casting.
The caster CAN use his spell to cast a "Telecast" and perform other spells at the target's location.
If the target of this spell enters a zone that is protected against scrying, this spell will only work if its margin of successes overcomes the concealment's. If the target or caster enters a 0-mana zone, the spell is instantly canceled.
Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 3 to cast, 1 to maintain.
Prerequisites: Know Location, Wizard Eye.
Wand or staff. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 200 energy. Any target that fits the description of the spell can be permanently enchanted to allow for a specific person to look through its eyes at will. Energy cost: 200.
Light and Darkness Spells[]
Burning Light
- Regular, resisted by HT
This spell causes a target’s body to fill with burning light. His eyes, mouth and nose will suddenly flash with this spell's effect. Affects the whole victim if cast from a distance; if cast by touch, damage is limited to the part touched. Armor does not protect.
Duration: Damage is permanent until healed.
Cost: 1 per die of damage done, up to 3.
Time to cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Sunbolt.
Wand or staff. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 700 energy, $500 spell materials, and a $500 diamond.
Divine Wrath (VH)
- Area
This spell causes an area to be targeted by intense brilliance which burns everyone present. People in the area must roll vs HT-5 to avoid being blinded for 2d turns. People outside of the area must roll against HT to avoid being blinded for 2d turns, although the blindness lasts 1 turn less for every 3 hexes of distance from the border.
Base cost: 1 to cast (minimum 5) for each 2 die of damage (minimum of 10d). The minimum cost for this spell, then, is 25. The wind can cause up to 20d of damage per point of Magery the character has, on every affected hex. The maximum affected area is 30 hexes radius.
Time to cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 4, 1 spell from each 15 different schools of magic and 15 light and darkness spells including Sunflare.
Staff. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 5000.
Flash Punch
- Regular
This spell creates a flash that causes knockback to nearby targets. The flash originates wherever the caster wills it (at -1 to cast per hex of distance). It throws targets away according to the spell energy. Targets distant from the flash's center are thrown 1 hex less per each 2 hexes of distance. The caster himself is immune to this spell's effects.
Cost: 1 per die of knockback hexes, up to the caster’s Magery in dice.
Prerequisites: Flash.
Wand or staff. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 500.
Infernal Sun (VH)
- Area
This spell can only be cast during the day. With it, the Sun sends out a beam of pure energy to strike at a designated area. Everything in the area takes 50d of damage per magery point of the caster. Everyone who looks at the area must roll vs ht-10 to avoid being blinded by 1d minutes. The time of blindness is 1 less for each 10m of distance from the border (so a person standing 1 km away will be blinded for 1d minutes minus 100 seconds). People within the area does not get to roll vs ht: they are automatically blinded for 1d minutes. "Bright Vision" protects against this effect.
The spell's effect is spectacular. People much further away (around 100 km) will still see a beam of light being shot from the Sun into the earth.
Although this spell is supposedly only cast outdoors, it can be cast indoors: the beam of light caves through earth and stone until it reaches the designated area (with less damage, though). At the spell's end, an enormous hole will be left on the affected area.
Base cost: 10 to cast per hex radius (minimum of 20 hexes). Damage is fixed in 50d per point of caster magery. The maximum affected area is 100 hexes radius.
Time to cast: 5 minutes.
Prerequisites: Magery 4, Meteor Strike, Hell's Gate, Cataclysmal Shadows, Freezing Death, 1 spell from each 20 different schools of magic, 15 light and darkness spells including Divine Wrath.
Staff. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 10000.
Light Brand
When this spell is cast, it creates a magical "brand" on all living things in the area of effect. For the duration of this spell, all branded creatures are immune to any damage originating from light and darkness spells cast by the mage which branded them. This also includes damage from explosions.
The brand is in the form of a yellow rune which means "light" and is placed at the target's foreheads. It can be seen through the use of "aura", "see secrets", "mage sight", "detect magic", "mana sight" or "supernal sight", or by the caster at will.
Duration: 1 day.
Base cost: 3. Cannot be maintained.
Time to cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 1, 5 light and darkness spells.
(a) Staff. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 100. (b) Any piece of clothing can be enchanted with a magical brand which protects wearers from damage caused by light and darkness spells cast by the wearer themselves, or by any enchanted item they may be wearing. Energy cost to create: 50. (c) Any mage can enchant an item with a magical brand that protects whoever holds the item from damage caused by light and darkness spells cast by the mage which created the brand. Energy cost to create: 50. Mages may, at will, remove this enchantment variant from any such items they created by touching them.
Lucent Beam
- Regular
This spell causes nearby light to concentrate into six small points that run a target through. For brief instants while this spell is active, ambient light is greatly diminished while tiny beams strike at the target. His DR protects as usual.
Cost: 1 per die of damage, up to 5 times the caster’s Magery.
Time to cast: 2 seconds.
Prerequisites: Sunbolt.
Wand or staff. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 700 energy, $500 spell materials, and a $500 ruby.
Starfall (VH)
- Area
This spell can only be cast at night. With it, the stars fall into a designated area, eating at everything which stands there. Every individual on the affected area is struck by a shower of stars, being touched by 5d stars per turn, for the duration of the spell. Each star passes through solid matter and damages everything it touches regardless of DR. No known substance can withstand a starfall. At the end of the spell, only a lifeless crater remains.
The affected area is also target of a teleport shield for the duration of the spell, and teleport attempts into or outside of it are at -25. For the duration of the spell, the affected area is a high-mana area. At the spell's end, it becomes a low-mana area (or a 0-mana area, if it was already low).
Duration: 1 minute.
Base cost: 10 to cast per hex radius (minimum of 20 hexes). Damage is fixed in 5d per turn, without DR. The maximum affected area is 100 hexes radius. Half to maintain.
Time to cast: 5 minutes.
Prerequisites: Magery 4, Meteor Strike, Hell's Gate, Cataclysmal Shadows, Freezing Death, Mana Blast, 1 spell from each 20 different schools of magic, 15 light and darkness spells including Divine Wrath.
Staff. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 10000.
- Missile
Creates a Sunbolt that affects both its target and things nearby. This has 1/2D 100, Max 1000, Acc 0. Can be thrown at a wall, floor, etc. (at +4 to hit) to catch foes in the blast. The target and anyone closer to the target than one yard takes full damage. Those further away divide damage by three times their distance in yards (round down).
Cost: Any amount up to twice your Magery level per second, for 3 seconds. The missile does 1d explosive burning damage per each 2 full energy points.
Time to cast: 1 to 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Sunbolt.
Staff or wand – the bolt is fired from the end of the item. Energy cost to create: 1,200; must include an diamond worth $500. Usable only by mages.
Sunflare (VH)
- Missile
This spell causes a huge beam of light to shoot from the caster into a specific area, where it explodes with blinding light. This spell causes an hex, and everything in it, to explode with full damage. Nearby targets will also take the same damage divided by its distance from the focus of the explosion. Any target caught in the middle of the beam will also take full damage, but the beam does not explode in the first target it finds: it continues until it reaches the area targeted by the caster.
Cost: 2 per die of damage caused at the beam’s center, up to 5 times the caster’s Magery.
Time to cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 3, Sunblast, Lucent Beam.
Staff or wand. Energy cost to create: 2000; must include a ruby worth $800. Usable only by mages.
Making and Breaking Spells[]
Link Remains
- Regular
This spell causes the mage to reconstruct an object from its pieces. For instance, if cast in pieces of glass, it reconstructs the glass, if cast on human ashes, it reconstructs the corpse, and so on. Very useful to remake valuable vases. The item comes with all the DR and HP it once had.
This spell actually plays back time for the item that's being reconstructed. Therefore, if the item had any enchantments on it, they are remade, and the item’s power is restored (supposing that the item’s power was intact when it broke). However, if specifically cast on broken powerstones (specially if they broke due to a failed "Powerstone" or "Charge Powerstone" roll), these are rejoined without the "Powerstone" enchantments.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 2 per kg of item. If the item was enchanted, it costs 1/100 of all previously enchanted energy.
Prerequisites: Enchant, Apportation and Repair.
Staff or Wand. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1000.
Meta Spells[]
Permanent Spell (VH)
- Regular, Life-Linked
This spell allows a caster to cast another spell permanently. It only works on spells which actually have a duration. This spell does not work on instant spells or damage spells of any kind.
Duration: This is a life-linked spell. The permanent spell will last for as long as the caster lives, but a caster can only have one life-linked spell active at any one time. If he casts another life-linked spell, the previous one is terminated.
Cost: The original spell cost x 5. The caster must be able to pay for this cost in a single casting.
Prerequisites: Maintain Spell and Hang Spell.
Magic Brand
- Area
When this spell is cast, it creates a magical "brand" on all living things in the area of effect. For the duration of this spell, all branded creatures are immune to any damage originating from any spell cast by the mage which branded them. This also includes damage from explosions.
The brand is in the form of a rune which means "magic" and is placed at the target's foreheads. It can be seen through the use of "aura", "see secrets", "mage sight", "detect magic", "mana sight" or "supernal sight", or by the caster at will.
Duration: 1 day.
Base cost: 3. Cannot be maintained.
Time to cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, 3 other "brand" spells.
(a) Staff. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 500. (b) Any piece of clothing can be enchanted with a magical brand which protects wearers from damage caused by any spell cast by the wearer themselves, or by any enchanted item they may be wearing. Energy cost to create: 200. (c) Any mage can enchant an item with a magical brand that protects whoever holds the item from damage caused by any spell cast by the mage which created the brand. Energy cost to create: 150. Mages may, at will, remove this enchantment variant from any such items they created by touching them.
Mana Blast (VH)
- Missile
Creates two intertwining missiles made of pure concentrated mana that blast at targets. The caster launches both missiles as a single projectile (with an Innate Attack roll). A mana blast is not affected by gravity and loses no power with distance, so it could be thrown at a target kilometers away and still hit it with full strength. It travels at a speed of 20 m/s.
DR does not protect against a mana blast, either natural or magical: it passes through solid matter as if it didn't existed, and only stops when it hits a living target. Undead are affected normally, but upon hiting an undead creature, the mana blast punches a hole through it, causing damage normally, and continues on its path until it hits an actual living target.
A mana blast dissipates upon hitting an Utter Wall. An utter dome offers 50 DR against it. A force wall offers 30 DR, and a force dome offers 20 DR. Other than that, there is no possible DR against it. It also dissipates upon passing through a zero-mana zone.
It has no 1/2 dam or Max, and has an Acc of 3.
A mana blast is a visible magical construct.
A mana blast is not detected by information or protection spells: if a "danger" is actually caused by a mana blast, a "sense danger" spell would not sense it. Likewise, it has the characteristic of disrupting ongoing spells of the targets it hit. Upon being hit by a mana blast, if a target has ongoing spells acting on it, all such spells will be dissipated if their original margin of successes do not overcome the damage caused by the mana blast. It can be assumed, for simplicity, that a spell's margin of successes equals the caster's skill level minus 10 (in case the margin was not previously noted).
Cost: Any amount up to your Magery level per second, for 4 seconds. The missile does 1d crushing damage per energy point.
Time to cast: 1 to 4 seconds.
Prerequisite: Penetrating Spell.
Staff or wand – the bolt is fired from the end of the item. Energy cost to create: 2,000; must include a diamond worth $3000. Usable only by mages.
Movement Spells[]
Phase Perception (VH)
- Regular
By means of this spell, a target's senses are phased into a faster time flow. This causes him to see everything in slow motion, even though his body may not respond as quickly. This effect allows the target to think thoroughly in his actions and better evade attacks, effectively granting him a bonus in all dice rolls.
Duration: 1 minute.
Time to cast: 4 seconds.
Cost: 3 points of energy for each +1 bonus in the target's actions, up to 30 points of energy. Each 6 points of energy also grant the target a +1 bonus in all active defenses.
Prerequisites: Magery 3, Great Haste.
Headgear or Jewelry. Energy cost to create: 3,000.
Protection and Warning Spells[]
Kinetic Barrier
- Regular
This spell creates a protection barrier along a target that forms right out of his body and clothing and follows his movements. The barrier protects him from all incoming attacks which he fails to defend against. It is not covered by his armor, and offers no DR, but serves as an extra layer of hit points which absorbs damage before considering his own physical protections.
The barrier does not interfere with the character's own attacks, whether they be unarmed, melee, ranged or magical. It also does not hamper his movements in any way and it is weightless. It can be perceived as a soft translucent layer a few centimeters out of his skin (or armor). When the barrier absorbs damage, it ripples visibly.
Multiple castings of this spell will not superimpose barriers. Instead, each new barrier cast over the other will cancel the previous ones.
Duration: 1 minute, or until the barrier loses all if its hit points, whichever comes first.
Cost: 1 for each 5 hit points that the barrier has, up to ten times the caster's Magery in energy cost. Half to maintain.
Prerequisites: Armor and Apportation.
(a) Staff or wand. Energy cost to create: 500; Usable only by mages. (b) Any armor, jewelery or clothing can be enchanted to create a barrier of a fixed number of hit points. This barrier recovers lost hit points at the fixed rate of 1 per day (more in high-mana areas, less in low-mana ones). Energy cost to create: 50 per hit point of the barrier, minimum of 5, maximum of 300. To increase an enchanted barrier's hit points, a mage has to reenchant the whole barrier - it cannot be layered atop another. (c) Such items may be additionally enchanted to allow a user to spend his own hit points to recover the barrier's at the rate of 3 user hit points to 1 barrier hit point. Energy cost to create: 250.
Sound Spells[]
Screaming Blast (VH)
- Regular
This spell causes a burst of concentrated sound to blast at a specific target and cause him crushing damage, possibly stunning him. Target DR protects as usual. Upon being the center of a screaming blast, the target must roll versus his HT. On a failure, he is stunned for 1d turns. On a success, he is deafened for 1d turns.
Cost: 1 per die of damage, up to 5 times the caster’s Magery.
Time to cast: 2 seconds.
Prerequisites: Concussion.
Wand or staff. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 700 energy, $500 spell materials, and a $500 amethyst.
Shockwave (VH)
- Regular
This spell causes a blast of deafening sound to burst at a specific point designated by the caster. The caster himself is immune to the effects. This spell causes an hex, and everything in it, to explode with full damage. Nearby targets will also take the same damage divided by its distance in hexes from the focus of the explosion.
Anyone that takes damage from a Shockwave must roll versus HT to avoid being stunned for 1d turns.
Cost: 2 per die of damage caused at the center of the shockwave, up to 5 times the caster’s Magery.
Time to cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 3, Screaming Blast.
Staff or wand. Energy cost to create: 2000; must include an amethyst worth $800. Usable only by mages.
Water Spells[]
Freezing Sphere
- Missile
Creates a Ball of Ice that affects both its target and things nearby. It has 1/2D 20, Max 40, Acc 1. Can be thrown at a wall, floor, etc. (at +4 to hit) to catch foes in the blast. The target and anyone closer to the target than one yard takes full damage. Those further away divide damage by twice times their distance in yards (round down).
Cost: Any amount up to twice your Magery level per second, for 3 seconds. The missile does 1d + 1 cold damage per each 2 full energy points.
Time to cast: 1 to 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Ice Sphere.
Staff or wand – the bolt is fired from the end of the item. Energy cost to create: 1,200; must include an Aquamarine worth $500. Usable only by mages.
Freezing Death (VH)
- Area
This spell causes an area to suffer a cold wind near absolute-zero temperature. Air may very likely liquify. Everyone on the affected area suffers full damage. The cold is so intense that air humidity freezes creating a sphere of ice trapping anyone inside: every hex of affected area becomes a barrier with DR 3 and as much HP as the spell caused damage. After the initial damage passes, the affected area is still very cold: anyone who remains trapped inside will take 1 point of fatigue damage per minute (starting on the turn right after the spell is cast).
Base cost: 1 to cast (minimum 5) for each 2 die of damage (minimum of 10d). The minimum cost for this spell, then, is 25. The wind can cause up to 20d of damage per point of Magery the character has, on every affected hex. The maximum affected area is 30 hexes radius.
Time to cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 4, 1 spell from each 15 different schools of magic and 15 water spells including Sub-Zero.
Staff. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 5000.
Ice Brand
- Area
When this spell is cast, it creates a magical "brand" on all living things in the area of effect. For the duration of this spell, all branded creatures are immune to any damage originating from water spells cast by the mage which branded them. This also includes damage from explosions.
The brand is in the form of a blue rune which means "ice" and is placed at the target's foreheads. It can be seen through the use of "aura", "see secrets", "mage sight", "detect magic", "mana sight" or "supernal sight", or by the caster at will.
Duration: 1 day.
Base cost: 3. Cannot be maintained.
Time to cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 1, 5 water spells.
(a) Staff. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 100. (b) Any piece of clothing can be enchanted with a magical brand which protects wearers from damage caused by water spells cast by the wearer themselves, or by any enchanted item they may be wearing. Energy cost to create: 50. (c) Any mage can enchant an item with a magical brand that protects whoever holds the item from damage caused by water spells cast by the mage which created the brand. Energy cost to create: 50. Mages may, at will, remove this enchantment variant from any such items they created by touching them.
Polar Wind
- Regular
This spell causes a freezing wind to strike at the target and cause him cold damage. Target DR protects as usual. The target of this spell becomes coated in a thin layer of ice that grants him a penalty in his first action right after this spell is cast, equalling the number of damage dice.
Cost: 1 per die of damage, up to 5 times the caster’s Magery.
Time to cast: 2 seconds.
Prerequisites: Frostbite.
Wand or staff. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 700 energy, $500 spell materials, and a $500 aquamarine.
Reverse Cold
- Regular
Turns any cold-based attack (including Missile spells) back upon the attacker. If the attacker’s “to hit” roll is successful, he hits himself – if not, he sees the missile fly back toward him and miss. The game effect is as though the missile had bounced straight back from the spell’s subject to the attacker. This spell also works on “regular” attack spells.
Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 5 to cast, 2 to maintain.
Time to cast: 1 second.
Prerequisite: Shape Water.
Wand, staff, weapon, or armor. Energy cost to create: 500.
Sub-Zero (VH)
- Regular
This spell creates six points of intense cold which irradiate freezing damage to nearby hexes. Each hex causes the full damage of the spell, and nearby hexes take damage the same damage divided by their distance to each center, in hexes.
Cost: 2 per die of damage caused by the spell (minimum of 2d), up to 5 times the caster’s Magery. The damage centers are separated by a number of hexes which equal half their damage dice.
Time to cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 3, Polar Wind.
Staff or wand. Energy cost to create: 2000; must include an aquamarine worth $800. Usable only by mages.
Weather Spells[]
Call Lightning
- Regular
This spell causes a lightning to strike at the target and cause him burning damage. It doesn't have to be cast outdoors. target DR protects as usual. If the target is carrying anything electronic, it will likely short-circuit.
Cost: 1 per die of damage, up to 5 times the caster’s Magery.
Time to cast: 2 seconds.
Prerequisites: Lightning.
Wand or staff. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 700 energy, $500 spell materials, and a $500 garnet.
Cataclysmal Shadows (VH)
- Area
This spell causes a gargantuan lightning bolt to fall from the sky, encompassing an area. Everyone on the affected area suffers full damage. Targets outside of the area take damage equal to the original damage divided by their distance to the area’s border, in hexes. Anything electronic will be rendered useless.
Base cost: 1 to cast (minimum 5) for each 2 die of damage (minimum of 10d). The minimum cost for this spell, then, is 25. The blast can cause up to 20d of damage per point of Magery the character has, on every affected hex. The maximum affected area is 30 hexes radius.
Time to cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 4, 1 spell from each 15 different schools of magic and 10 weather or air spells including Lightning Wave.
Staff. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 5000.
Chain Lightning
- Missile
Like "Lightning", but upon hitting its target, the lightning strikes at another target with 1d less damage. The lightning continues striking targets while it can cause damage, or until it misses its target. The caster makes one Innate Attack roll, and this roll's result is used for all of the chain lightning's attacks. All attacks occur on a single turn of combat.
A target can only be struck by a chain lightning once. If the chain lightning has hit all possible enemies and still has damage to cause, it will necessarily turn on the caster's allies (or the caster himself). If all beings in combat have already been struck at least once, only then the lightning can repeat its targets. The caster chooses the order of the chain lightning's targets.
Cost: 3 per die of damage, up to 3 times the caster’s Magery.
Time to cast: 2 seconds.
Prerequisites: Lightning and Apportation.
Staff or wand – the bolt is fired from the end of the item. Energy cost to create: 1,200; must include an garnet worth $500. Usable only by mages.
Inner Shock
- Regular, resisted by HT
This spell causes a target’s inner tissues to become victim of sequential electric shocks, burning up from within. Affects the whole victim if cast from a distance; if cast by touch, damage is limited to the part touched. Armor does not protect.
Duration: Damage is permanent until healed.
Cost: 1 per die of damage done, up to 3.
Time to cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Body of Lightning.
Wand or staff. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 700 energy, $500 spell materials, and a $500 garnet.
Lightning Brand
- Area
When this spell is cast, it creates a magical "brand" on all living things in the area of effect. For the duration of this spell, all branded creatures are immune to any damage originating from weather or air spells cast by the mage which branded them. This also includes damage from explosions.
The brand is in the form of a white rune which means "lightning" and is placed at the target's foreheads. It can be seen through the use of "aura", "see secrets", "mage sight", "detect magic", "mana sight" or "supernal sight", or by the caster at will.
This is also an "Air" spell.
Duration: 1 day.
Base cost: 3. Cannot be maintained.
Time to cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 1, 5 weather or air spells.
(a) Staff. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 100. (b) Any piece of clothing can be enchanted with a magical brand which protects wearers from damage caused by weather or air spells cast by the wearer themselves, or by any enchanted item they may be wearing. Energy cost to create: 50. (c) Any mage can enchant an item with a magical brand that protects whoever holds the item from damage caused by weather or air spells cast by the mage which created the brand. Energy cost to create: 50. Mages may, at will, remove this enchantment variant from any such items they created by touching them.
Lightning Wave (VH)
- Regular
This spell causes a wave of lightning to spread outward from the caster, increasing in length until it reaches its limit. Anything caught by the wave suffers full electric damage. The wave expands in a 60-degree arc.
Cost: 2 per die of damage caused by the explosion, up to 5 times the caster’s Magery. The wave expands a number of hexes equaling its number of damage dice. Its strength does not diminish as it advances.
Time to cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 3, Ball of Lightning.
Staff or wand. Energy cost to create: 2000; must include a garnet worth $800. Usable only by mages.
Reverse Lightning
- Regular
Turns any electric-based attack (including Missile spells) back upon the attacker. If the attacker’s “to hit” roll is successful, he hits himself – if not, he sees the missile fly back toward him and miss. The game effect is as though the missile had bounced straight back from the spell’s subject to the attacker. This spell also works on “regular” attack spells.
Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 5 to cast, 2 to maintain.
Time to cast: 1 second.
Prerequisite: Lightning.
Wand, staff, weapon, or armor. Energy cost to create: 500.