
Ormazd's Breath arrives safely in a dock in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. As the trio got off the ship, a man approached them and asked them what they were doing here. The Prince looks at Zarik, knowing that this man would not believe their tale, even if he was mad. Zarik says that he is a sailor stopping here for supplies and rest, and that these are his crewmen. Surprisingly, he says it all in English. The Prince is shocked at first, but notice the faint magical aura of his words. Did Zarik possess magic as well? The Prince questions Zarik about this, and Zarik reveals that he has been blessed by Ormazd and has acquired some of his powers. One power was the ability to translate his words into different languages.

The Prince and Balbera go search around for traces of the corruption, while Zarik scouts the area. Zarik gives both princes his translation ability so no misunderstandings are present. Somewhere, in the distance, a scream is heard.


"Ormazd is generous to those who do not ask, those who give, and those who receive in return."
"We could all be dead in about five minutes, so why not enjoy the view? Might as well die happy."
―The Prince