
A Kartazian year has 366 days. These are divided in 13 months of 28 days each, plus two commemorative days that are outside the

months, and mark the Summer and Winter Solstice. The year itself begins at the summer solstice.

A Kartazian day has 24 hours.

The 13 months are:

  1. Vorya
  2. Falenar
  3. Caldan
  4. Servan
  5. Forial
  6. Umber
  7. Aratur
  8. Kwernon
  9. Cahalmar
  10. Silion
  11. Trodan
  12. Derevich
  13. Horovich

And the 2 commemorative days are:

  • Feast of Light (summer solstice, before Vorya)
  • The day of the dead (winter solstice, in the middle of Aratur)

Each week has 7 days, and therefore each month contains exactly four weeks. The seven days of the week are: Veliar, Chardar, Seran, Marnar, Harmari, Koron and Theur. "Theur" is the week day reserved for resting and going to church, and when people usually have a day off.

Seasons are divided as follows:

  • Spring: 22nd of Silion to 28th of Horovich.
  • Summer: 1st of Vorya to 7th of Servan
  • Autumn: 8th of Servan to 14th of Aratur
  • Winter: 15th of Aratur to 21st of Silion