CL 1 Spacelane Scum[]
Duros Bush Pilot[]
Authored by User:TyrantSabre
Medium Duros scout 1
Force 1
Init +9; Senses Perception +7
Languages Basic, Durese
Defenses Ref 16 (flatfooted 12), Fort 10, Will 13
HP 23; Threshold 10
Speed 6 squares
Melee unarmed -1 (1d4) or
Ranged sporting blaster pistol +4 (3d4)
Base Attack +0 Grp -1
Abilities Str 8, Dex 18, Con 9, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 8
Talents Acute Senses
Traits Expert Pilot
Feats Vehicular Combat; Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, simple weapons)
Skills Climb +4; Initiative +9; Endurance +4; Knowledge (tactics) +8; Mechanics +8; Perception +7; Pilot +9; Survival +7
Possessions sporting blaster pistol, T-16 skyhopper
NPC's Incom T-16 Skyhopper[]
Huge air vehicle (airspeeder) CL 5
Init +14 Senses Perception +7
Defense Ref 16 (flatfooted 9), Fort 15; +1 armor
HP 50; DR 5; Threshold 25
Speed fly 16 squares (max velocity 1200 km/h), fly 4 squares (starship scale)
Ranged repeating blaster cannon +1 (see below)
Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total (crew)
Base Atk +0; Grp +17
Atk Options autofire (blaster cannon)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 24, Con --, Int 12
Skills Initiative +14, Mechanics +8, Perception +7, Pilot +14
Crew 1; Passengers 1
Cargo 10 kg; Consumables 3 day; Carried Craft none
Repeating blaster cannon (pilot)
- Atk +1 (-4 autofire), Dmg 3d10
CL 2 Spacelane Scum[]
Human Smuggler[]
Authored by User:TyrantSabre
Medium human scoundrel 2
Force 2; Dark Side 1
Init +8; Senses Perception +6
Languages Basic, Binary, Huttese
Defenses Ref 17 (flatfooted 15), Fort 14, Will 14
HP 24; Threshold 13
Speed 6 squares
Melee unarmed +1 (1d4+1) or
Ranged heavy blaster pistol +3 (3d8+1)
Base Attack +1 Grp +3
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 14
Talents Fool's Luck
Feats Improved Defenses, Point Blank Shot, Quick Draw, Skill Focus (Deception), Weapon Proficiency (pistols, small weapons)
Skills Deception +8, Gather Information +8, Initiative +8, Mechanics +8, Perception +6, Persuasion +8, Pilot +8
Possessions heavy blaster pistol, Ghtroc 720 Freighter (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 88)