
For all the time that I have lived
there are things I've said and things I've did
But never once did I boast or brag-on
deeds accomplished... Then I met a dragon.

Truly t'was a sight inspired!
Of retelling this, I will not grow tired.
So sit you back with mead or ale,
For the epic-est of epic tales.

Bravely out did set we all,
Investigate if Kaer MUL had fall-
en to the evil horrors there
but mostly it was damp (to be fair).

Inside the halls we ran-into
a giant crab. Indoors? Who knew!
But with cry of battle and of honor,
we kicked it's but; it was a goner.

With heft and heave, and lots of muscle
outside we made it in a hustle.
From nowhere came a shadow looming,
And shortly after a voice (quite booming).

"What have you there?" the dragon roared
I trembled before my draconian lord.
"A gift for you!" I said obsequious-
ly, "to show you honor and be pious."

The dragon was most pleased at this
and took the treasured carapace
off to wherever it is they go
leaving us mortals here below.

The honor which I felt that day
has blessed me more than I can say.
My friends back home will be most jealous,
especially that jerk T'kar the Zealous.
