Episode Summary[]
The adventurers participate in the Jerris Air Races and thwart a sneaky Theran air invasion in the process.
- Dizzy (350 LP): "The elf seems so stoic. Usually, people are happy to see their families. Truly, the elf is the bravest of us all."
- Ra-Khir (350 LP): "Alright, I suppose I should get oar-rowing gloves or something."
- Steve (350 LP): "You know, the faster we row, the sooner she'll stop singing about Aal'viss."
- Steve (350 LP): "The wonderful thing about Diggers is that Diggers are wonderful things."
- Bryan (350 LP): "You think T'skrang have an innate sense of honor? What about those T'skrang slavers?" Steve and Erica (350 LP each): "Those were an aberration. The exception that proves the rule."
- Steve (350 LP): "Everybody think... where did you last see Jerris?"
- Erica (350 LP): "But I get to eat an entire city!" GM: "You are not putting Jerris in your mouth!"
- Bryan (350 LP): "Cerulean just punched a city back into existence."
Monsters Defeated[]
- Chimera (Hellhound, Dragon, Lion variant)
- Fire Eagles (reasoned with)
- Troll Sky Raiders
- Enslaved Dwarven Bodyguards of Dis
- Kollmar, Questor of Dis and 7th Circle Wizard
Legend Point Awards[]
Total LP Award: 52030 LP, split 4 ways is 13007 LP per person
- Highest Karma Roll (700 LP): 25, Quantz on a Dive Attack damage test
- Highest Damage (700 LP): 51, Quantz on a Dive Attack against a chimera
- Highest Effect check (700 LP): 62, Ra-Khir on an Air Blast against a troll sky raider
- Highest Talent check (700 LP): 26, Dizzy on a Gliding roll on the Earthdawn IV
- Highest Attack roll (700 LP): 53, Cerulean on an Unarmed Combat test against Kollmar
- Highest Initiative (700 LP): 23, Dzurr against Troll sky raiders
Miscellaneous Awards[]
MVP award (700 LP): ? I don't think we chose one.
Misc Quotes (worth 350 LP each):
- See Quotes section above.