Getting the Band Back Together[]
Our adventurers are introduced to each other via an old man in a run down shack. He sends the adventurers on a test run mission into a fallen kaer were they happen upon a sleeping Brithan. Having bypassed the creature with out any trouble they make there way further into the kaer. Following the map given to them they make it to the correct door and with a bit of effort move it into a stair like configuration. In the room sits a pedistal, that with conciderable effort is moved to reveal a hole in the ground. Searching for something to secure their rope with they happen upon a cadaver man who is dispatched quickly enough. Making their way down, they come to the room in question and find a Despairthought Horror awaiting them. Killing it they make their way safely out and once again meet up at the old mans shack. There he gives them 20 pieces of gold and tells them he will be in touch.