Welcome to the Layflat Shadowrun Campaign. This page will be fleshed out with links to characters, quotes, and biographies, as well as brief run synopses. When adding pages to this wiki, please add a {{LayShad}} header to the page.
The initial setting for this campaign was Hong Kong. The campaign has since moved to Lagos, Nigeria in the 2009 reboot. A new campaign was started on July 2011. When 5th edition was released, a brand new campaign was started in Summer 2013.
Current Campaign (Neo-Tokyo, 5th edition)[]
- Oliver Carnarvon - Mystic Adept paracritter hunter, Egyptian tradition.
- Yuna Matsushita - Ork Adept.
- Doc - Dwarf Mystic Adept Doctor
- Hiro Nakamura - Elf Technomancer Rigger
- Kanoko Mizuno - Human Miko
- Yuu Katsuragi - AKA Narukami, Teenaged Technomancer
Important NPCs[]
Quotes and Running Gags[]
Campaign Synopsis[]
Past Campaigns[]
- Slinging the Lingo - What things are called in Neo-Tokyo
- Episode 1 - Raising the Steaks
- Episode 2 - Taking Out the Trash
- Episode 3 - Have a Cow, Man
- Episode 4 - Kappa Kappa Hey!
- Episode 5 - Zero Sum Game
- Episode 6 - Airport 2075
- Episode 7 - My Non-Favorite Things
- Episode 8 - Woodland Field Trip
- Episode 9 - Underground Robot Theme Park
- Episode 10 - Iron Chef
- Episode 11 - (Don't wanna be a) Japanese Idiot
- Episode 12 - Four Runners and a Baby
- Episode 13 - The Cybertiger run
- Episode 14 - Earth, Wind, and Fire
- Episode 15 - Thunderhole
- Episode 16 - The Cultist's Daughter
- Episode 17 - Technomanceri
- Episode 18 - Hobo Train
- Episode 19 - A Very Golden Week
- Episode 20 - Back to the Earthdawn II
- Episode 21 - Shadoge-run. Much wow. So amaze.
House Rules[]
- Miscellaneous House Rules
- Modified Lifestyle Rules
- Modified Karma Rules
- Modified Hacking Rules
- Lesser Shedim (LayShad)
Traditions/Mentor Spirits[]
- The Three Lady
- Egyptian
- Amaterasu
- Standing Crane
- [1] - Run summary for 12/22/2007
- Layflat Castle Falkenstein - Our other campaign
- Layflat Earthdawn - Our OTHER other campaign
- Layflat Wild Talents - Our other OTHER other campaign
- Layflat SG-1 - Our other other OTHER other campaign