Mordigan is a (Human) Fighter-Warlock:Genie:Marid - Level 4 - from Aisenatha in the Gwynddor Adventures on Myra.

Mordigan peers back for a portrait in the Dream Sequence before departing.
Roleplay Stats[]
- STR 18 (+4)
- DEX 8 (-1)
- CON 16 (+3)
- INT 13 (+1)
- WIS 13 (+1)
- CHA 14 (+2)
- LUCK 00 (+n)
- AC 18
- HP 33(+8)
- LP CON-Wert
Patron deities and patron boons[]
- First patron: Deity's name (desired) - siehe Deityname in MyraPedia
Background and cultural details[]
- Social standing: 1d100 (Background: Noble:Knight)
- People/Origin: Born to a sect of Knights that trained in the Martial and Arcane.
- Gender/Pronouns: He/him
- Alignment: Neutral Good
- Languages: Common. Primordial, Celestial
- Monsters and people met: Dwarves at a hunting lodge from "An Invitation to Aisenatha"
- Birthday Date DD.MM.Year-number xxx n.P. - On the Number day of Monthname in the Yearname, a Weekday.
- Background: Noble: Knight - Specialized in warping Sight and Sound to augment his abilities throughout his training and conquests
- Player: Nightprowler
Equipment in the current adventure (you'll get that from the order of Dreamknights[]
Adventures and XP[]
[[Category:Myra-Charaktere mit Werten]][[Category:Myra Gwynddor Campaign]]
"An Invitation to Aisenatha"