The Nagled, people of Shammish Manjiad is the modern name of a people in the fantasy campaign setting Emergalv created in 2002 by Avian Savara.
The Nagled, people of Shammish Manjiad is the modern name of a people in the fantasy campaign setting Emergalv created in 2002 by Avian Savara.
Credits and Thanks
This series of articles about Emergalv and Chronicles of Emergalv were written by Avian Savara and collaborators. Avian would like to thank players Cataclaw, Flamefeather and Sorin Valentin Neculce for their great contribution to the world of Emergalv. In addition, Avian would like to thank Zentek for his sound roleplaying and DMing advice, and Thx2Play for his constructive criticism and ambient guitar magic (no kidding).