
NaoTi is a Dreamknight-Aspirant from Hintergrundland in the Gwynddor campaign on Myra.


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  • STR 16 (+3)
  • INT 13 (+1)
  • WIS 14+2 (+3)
  • DEX 15 (+2)
  • CON 16 (+3)
  • CHA 16+2 (+4)
  • LUCK 11 (+n)
  • AC 16 (+2 shield)
  • HP 11
  • LP 11+0

Patrons and their benefit gifts[]

Background and cultural details[]

  • Social Standing: 1d100 (Background: ??)
  • People/Origins: Eytas
  • Alignment:
  • Languages: Common, Eytas
  • Met monsters and persons: Other than my training compainions and teachers nobody yet.
  • Birthday Date 23.12.408 n.P. - On the Twentyseventh day of Wolfmoon Adar (dedicated to Borgon) in the Year of the Deer, on a Bordago (Borgon as well).
  • Backstory and more - See also NaoTi in the MyraPedia: Born under the bloodmoon, Dena blessed Nao’Ti with hetrochromia (2 different eye colors). One with radiance of the sun (yellow, active small advantage against hellish creatures), the other one with the moon (pure white, not yet activated). Trained through the guidance of Dena as a champion with the purpose of destroying and surviving as many demonic and devilish creatures as possible. Though having been trained purely theoretically and with no real combat experience against those creatures Nao’Ti embarks on her journey. Hoping to gain friendship and slay as many creatures to please her God Dena as possible.
  • Player: Matthias Decock (User:Pandessy)

Equipment in the current adventure[]

  • leather armor
    • Mourningstar
    • Shield
    • Greatsword
    • Explorer's Pack
    • Holy symbol of Dena
    • 2 weeks of rations
    • Pick
    • Map of catacomb of white baron
    • horse

Adventures and Experience[]
