
Force Technology Talent Tree[]

Lightsaber Crystal Tuning[]

Requirements: Ability to build a lightsaber.

This talent allows a character to alter the focusing crystal on a lightsaber in order to allow it to perform differently. There are two elements that come into play when altering a lightsaber’s crystal: its type and its cut.

There are 5 crystal types and 4 different cuts that can be used in lightsaber’s crystals. Each gem type and each cut grant a modification to a lightsaber functionality. The basic gem and cut is a Rubat – Phond, which deal no modifications. New gems and new cuts are expensive, but grant significant alterations:

 Gem Type:   Effect:   Cost:   DC to find: 
 Rubat   None   $2000   20 
 Bondar   Turns lightsaber damage into stun   $12000   25 
 Sigil   Turns lightsaber damage into ion   $8000   25 
 Damind   Increase lightsaber damage by +2  $50000   35 
 Nextor   The blade ignites whatever it touches   $15000   30 
 Opila   Increase lightsaber damage die by one class  $75000   35 
 Gem Cut:   Effect:   Cost:   DC to find: 
 Phond   None   X1   20 
 Firkrann   Does triple damage on a critical hit  X2   35 
 Solari   Increase blade range   X3   25 
 Luxum   Allows the blade to absorb incoming damage instead of deflect it   X3   30 
 Eralan   +1 on attack rolls   X4   40 
 Upari   +1 on deflect and block rolls   X3   35 

Once a character has procured a given gem with its appropriate cut, he must install it in the lightsaber. This requires a Mechanics DC of 15. If the lightsaber already has implementation points, then the DC of this roll equals the DC to modify the lightsaber. Therefore, it is always better to install new crystals before attempting further changes in a lightsaber’s mechanic.

The “DC to find” column lists the DC required on a roll to find either the crystal or someone who may cut the crystal properly. This may be a roll of Gather Information (to find someone selling the crystal or performing the cut) or Survival (to know where to find it), or Mechanics (for the character himself to cut the crystal).

Lightsaber Mechanics[]

Requirements: Ability to build a lightsaber.

This talent allows a character who is able to build a lightsaber to tune it in order to have it perform different functions than those originally intended. To that end, the character must use his Mechanics skill to perform the tuning.

The character must perform two different actions: first, he must rearrange the lightsaber in order to allow it to have “implementation points”. After rearranging the lightsaber, he may spend his implementation points by installing new devices which change its behavior.

Adding implementation points requires a Mechanics check and may damage the lightsaber. Installing new devices on previously prepared implementation space require no check (as long as the character has this talent. If he does not, he cannot perform this action), but cost credits.

Each lightsaber has a different number of “safe” implementation points that it can accommodate:

Short Lightsaber: 3 / -1 safe points.
Lightsaber: 5 / -2 safe points.
Double Lightsaber: 7 / -3 safe points.

The skill check is performed as follows: Each time the character attempts to add new implementation points, he must completely disassemble his lightsaber and reassemble it in a different configuration. To that end, he must roll his Mechanics skill against a DC of 10.

For each 5 points by which he succeeds in this roll, the total number of implementation points of his lightsaber goes up by 1. For each 2 points, his number of negative implementation points goes up by –1.

To add new implementation points, the character must overcome a DC which equals all of the previously added implementation points, even if they have no installed equipment.

For instance: Kit Fisto, who has a Mechanics skill of 12, is trying to add new implementation points to a bland lightsaber. His base DC is 10. His Mechanics roll reaches a DC of 23. That is enough for 2 implementation points and one negative implementation point (for a DC of 22). Thus, when he reassembles his lightsaber, it now has 2/-1 implementation points.

If he tries to add new implementation points to that lightsaber, he must now overcome a DC of 22, instead of 10, because of the previously added points.

Each added implementation point requires 1 hour of work.

If a lightsaber has already reached its “safe” capacity, each further attempt to add new implementation points to it MUST succeed, or else it will be irrevocably damaged and rendered useless.

Implementation points can be used to alter the way in which a lightsaber works, as follows:

 Effect:   Points:   Credit Cost: 
 Change the blade color   0   $0 – a simple roll is enough 
 Increase damage by 1 die  4   $5000 
 Increase damage by +1   1   $1000 
 Grant a +1 bonus to hit   2   $500 
 Grant a +1 bonus to Reflex Defense   3   $750 
 Grant a +1 bonus to disarm   2   $400 
 Grant a +1 bonus to Block and Deflect   1   $400 
 Grant a +1 bonus to hit when throwing   1   $400 
 Improve critical chance by –1   3   $1000 
 The Lightsaber is one size category smaller   2   $200 

Negative points can be added for a negative effect. For instance, a character may add a modifier of “-1 to hit” to a lightsaber by using –2 implementation points. This grants 2 new implementation points to be spent on other effects. Negative points have the same installation cost as positive ones.

Force Mechanics[]

This talent allows a character to use its Use the Force skill in place of his Mechanics skill. The character is considered trained in the Mechanics skill for the purposes of using this talent. If he is allowed a reroll in his Mechanics check, he can reroll using his Use the Force skill instead.

Possession of this talent also allows a character to learn the new Electric Surge Force power, and also use his Use the Force skill in the following manner:

Sense Mechanical Devices: The character can make a Use the Force skill check against a DC of 15 to sense the presence of mechanical devices such as droids, cameras, weapons, computer terminals and so on. If his check exceeds DC 20, he can discern which types of devices are there.
Force Switch: The character can switch electronic devices on or off from a distance. It must succeed on a Use the Force roll against a DC of:
  • 10: For devices up to 5 squares away.
  • 15: For devices up to 20 squares away.
  • 20: For devices up to 500 m away.
  • 25: For devices up to 2 km away.
  • 30: For devices on the same planet.
  • 35: For devices on the same star system.
To use this effect successfully, the character must know exactly where the device is. If he sensed the device through a use of Sense Mechanical Devices, he has an additional +10 in his DC.

Force Empower[]

Requirements: Force Mechanics.

The character can use the Force to sustain the execution of en electronic device at a distance, or to prevent the use of such a device. To empower or prevent use of a device, the character must overcome its Fortitude Defense with his Use the Force roll. The character can only sustain or prevent use of a device whose location he is immediately aware of: which usually means direct line of contact. The range of this effect is 10 squares at most.

As a standard action, the character can use this effect to empower a blaster or hand-held beam weapon. He must succeed on a separate roll of Use the Force for each turn of usage. The DC of the roll is:

  • 15: For weapons that deal d4 dies of damage.
  • 20: For weapons that deal d6 dies of damage.
  • 25: For weapons that deal d8 dies of damage.
  • 30: For weapons that deal d10 dies of damage.
  • 35: For weapons that deal d12 dies of damage.

This feat cannot be used to power up a weapon in starship scale.

Force Cybernetics[]

Requirements: Trained in the "Technometry" power (CW pg52).

This character can use the Force to influence computer terminals and cybernetic brains. This talent allows a character to use its Use the Force skill in place of his Use Computer skill. The character is considered trained in the Use Computer skill for the purposes of using this talent. If he is allowed a reroll in his Use Computer skill, he can reroll using his Use the Force skill instead.

Possession of this talent also allows a character to learn the new Cybernetic Trick Force power, and also use his “Use the Force” skill in the following manner:

Sense Digital Mind: The character can make a Use the Force skill check against a DC of 20 and discover the value of a specific computer's Will Defense.
Digital Advice: If the character is close to a computer terminal or digital mind (up to 10 squares), he can, as a swift action, use the computer's processing power to immediately get the results of a complex equation or mathematical formula.
Distant User: The character can use a computer terminal at a distance, without touching it. He makes a Use the Force skill check against a DC of 15 plus 5 for every 5 squares of distance to the terminal. To that end, the character must know precisely where the terminal is, which means he must have direct line of sight or be aware of its exact location.

Control Talent Tree[]

Force Presence[]

When using this talent, the character must make a Use the Force check and take note of the result. All opponents within 10 squares whose Will Defense is lower than the character's result must attack him in their turn, even if the character is partially or totally concealed.

This talent can be maintained as a swift action.


This talent explains how the Jedi were able to dive into the thick of battle and emerge without a scratch. The character makes a Use the Force check and takes note of the result. All enemies within 10 squares whose Will Defense is lower than the character's result will not attack him for as long as he concentrates. This only applies if the enemies have some other target to strike at. If the character is their only opponent, or if all opponents are using this power, then they may attack him normally.

This talent can be maintained as a swift action.


Requirements: Force Presence, Insignificance, Trained in the "Mind Trick" power.

With this talent, a character can wipe out parts of the target's memories. This allows the target to revert some of its training and remove their talents or feats. In extreme cases, it can revert character levels or even erase an entire lifetime.

The target of this talent must be unconscious. Both the character and target must spend a Force Point. If the target would normally oppose the use of this talent, the character must overcome his Will Defense on a Use the Force check. In a success, the character loses one feat or talent he had previously trained. He does not lose any experience and retains the feat or talent slot, which can then be retrained.

Feats and talents can only be untrained if no other feat, talent or power depends on them. To erase a feat or talent which has dependencies, the character must work its way from the end of the requirement tree.

If the character and target both spend 3 Force Points, a whole character level can be reverted. The experience points are not lost, and the target is able to retrain this character level in any class he chooses.

If the character spends a Destiny Point, and if the GM deems it fit for the campaign, then the target's memory can be completely wiped out. He loses all character levels, experience points and Dark Side Points he may have gained, and is taken back to level 1 . The character becomes level 1 in any class that he may have previously had. Even if the target recovers his memories somehow, he will not recover his lost experience points or Dark Side Points. This can, effectively, bring a character back from the Dark Side, although nothing prevents him from going down that path again.

Completely wiping out a target's memory in this manner grants the character a Dark Side Point regardless of his intentions.

Any use of mindlessness requires 1 hour of uninterrupted work.

Jedi Guardian Talent Tree[]

Improved Battle Meditation[]

Requirements: Battle Meditation.

This talent allows a character to influence his allies' combat efficacy. As a full round action, the character makes a Use the Force check and affects all allies within 6 squares until the end of the encounter.

Only allies within 6 squares receive this bonus. Once granted, the bonus remains even if the allies move further away. Other allies which go near the character do not gain its benefits.

  • DC 15: All allies receive a +1 bonus on attack or damage rolls (character chooses which).
  • DC 20: All allies receive a +2 bonus on attack or damage rolls (character chooses which), or +1 in both types of rolls.
  • DC 25: All allies receive a +3 bonus which the character can split as he sees fit in attack rolls, damage rolls, and rolled initiative.
  • DC 30: All allies receive a +4 bonus which the character can split as he sees fit in attack rolls, damage rolls, and rolled initiative.
  • DC 35: All allies receive a +5 bonus which the character can split as he sees fit in attack rolls, damage rolls, and rolled initiative.

This talent can be used in starship combat with the same mechanic.

Force Nature Talent Tree[]

This talent tree was especially created for the confection of the character of Jedi Master Plett, a Ho'Din botanist Jedi master who survived order 66. These talents are available to anyone who studies under master Plett.

Intuitive Survival[]

This talent allows a character to use its Use the Force skill in place of his Survival skill. The character is considered trained in the Survival skill for the purposes of using this talent. If he is allowed a reroll on his Survival check, he can reroll using his Use the Force skill instead.

Prerequisites: Force-sensitive, trained in the Use the Force skill.

Sense Vegetation[]

A character with this talent can sense the emotional state of trees, bushes, and plants of all sorts. This allows him to get a feeling of a forest or jungle's current emotional level, and also a sort of communication with the plants therein. Plants do not record sights, sounds or smells, but react to the emotional state of other beings, and can identify individuals nearby not because of their appearance, but because of their personalities and intentions. A Force-user which communicates with a plant can identify who the plant was "talking" about in a Use the Force check against the Will Defense of a target in order to associate the emotional fingerprint to a specific person's demeanor.

Larger and older plants have more lasting and defined memories. A large tree could tell stories about the whole forest where it lives (who's been there, animals that were born and died, people who don't belong, etc), and one of Kashyyyk's great trees may know great details about the lives of all Wookiees which live on its branches.

Prerequisite: Intuitive Survival.

Animal Communion[]

This talent allows a character to interact and converse with animals of all sorts: birds, mammals, fishes and so on. Only "superior" animals (chordates) with the minimum size of a mouse can be conversed with: others are just too unintelligent to be of any use.

The character is able to talk with these animals and understand their meaning. Animals can convey information as detailed as their intelligence applies. Thus, a hawk may have more to say on a specific matter than a sparrow, and a fox might be better at talking than an ox.

The character doesn't actually "say" anything: this communication happens mentally. Animals which usually run on packs may share a common consciousness across the pack, which may allow for a wider view of the world than solitary animals.

Prerequisite: Intuitive Survival.

Command Nature[]

With this talent, a character can command the forces of nature, thus causing or preventing natural occurrences such as rain, winds, storms and the like. This effect covers an area of about 10 km radius (which is usually up to the horizon).

Any naturally occurring climate condition may be commanded by the character. Thus, he could cause and prevent rain or storms on temperate climates, but the GM may ask a Use the Force skill check against a high enough DC to cause implausible effects such as rain in the desert (DC 25), snow in the tropics (DC 35), or causing one of the Kamino storms to cease (DC 40).

The character may spend a Force Point to create or prevent extreme conditions, such as Tsunamis, Hurricanes, Floods, etc. Creating or preventing natural disasters always requires a Use the Force skill check against a DC of 30, at the least.

If the character fails to control the weather once (due to a failed Use the Force check to attempt to create or prevent implausible or catastrophic conditions), he cannot attempt to control the weather again in that area for one planetary day.

Prerequisite: Animal Communion, Sense Vegetation.

Sith Talent Tree[]

Improved Sith Alchemy[]

This is the ancient power to alter a living being with Sith magic, it improves the basic Sith Alchemy rules and unlocks the true power of Sith alchemy to the practitioner. Widely used in the times of Freedon Nadd, and later on by Exar Kun, it allows the creation of entire new species and monstrosities of all kinds.

Sith Alchemy works by altering a target's attributes and abilities. No check is necessary. The character's Use the Force level allows for a specific degree of control:

Level 8: The character can trade one ability point for another, decreasing some of the target's abilities and increasing others.
Level 10: The character can trade feats for abilities. Each one feat can grant +1 on a target's abilities, or each -1 in his abilities grant him an additional feat slot.
Level 12: The character can cause one of the target's trained skills to have a -5 penalty in exchange for a +1 ability point or for a new feat. He can also trade existing ability points for a +5 skill bonus (which stacks with the Skill Focus feat). If a given skill has Skill Focus, the character can also give it an additional -5 penalty in exchange of a new ability point or feat.
Level 14: The character can trade talents for abilities. Each one talent can grant +1 on a target's abilities, or each -1 in his abilities grant him an additional talent slot.
Level 16: The character can trade talents for feats, and vice-versa.
Level 18: The character can grant the target Force powers - even if the target is not Force-sensitive. The target gains 1 + The character's Wisdom modifier powers per treatment. Each treatment must remove one ability point, or one feat, or one talent, or grant him a -5 penalty in a trained skill.

Each single change caused by Sith alchemy takes 1 day to complete. The character and the target always gain one Dark Side Point per application of sith alchemy. The target gains this point even if he is not a Force-sensitive character.

All victims of Sith alchemy have diminished resistance against Force powers or talents used by their creator. Against such powers, all of their resistances are 5 points lower.

A character can only imprint targets with talents, feats or powers that he himself possess, or for which he has an imprint matrix (see below).

Prerequisite: Sith Alchemy, Dark Side Adept, Dark Side Master.

Imprint Matrix[]

Imprint matrices are old Sith devices which store a target's memories and abilities. They are in par with holocrons (which were also, originally, a sith technology), but differ from those in that they are created upon unwilling subjects, and the process of imprinting always kills the target.

Imprint matrices are created upon large quartz crystals about 50 cm in length. The crystals take on a colored glow which supposedly translates their victim's emotional dispositions.

The process of imprinting consumes the victim's lifeforce and kills it. The resulting crystal contains his knowledge, memories and powers. Any Force-sensitive individual can communicate with the victim's mind by touching the crystal. It is unknown whether or not the victim's soul or spirit is actually trapped inside the matrix, but it is notorious that imprint matrices have no will of their own and can only respond to communications.

Imprint matrices can be used as a source of feats, talents and powers for Sith alchemical modifications. In the glorious days of the Sith empire on Korriban, it was considered an honor for a hero to be imprinted upon a matrix, thus allowing their power to be used by their masters for generations to come.

Obviously, each imprint matrix that a character creates grants him one Dark Side Point.

Prerequisite: Improved Sith Alchemy, Sith Alchemy, Dark Side Adept, Dark Side Master.

Dark Soul Imprinting[]

This talent allows a character to imprint his own personality and spirit to an item. To that end, the character must spend a full day in meditation with the item and spend a Force Point. Once imprinted, the item becomes like part of his own body.

The character will always sense the direction and distance to the item, and will be able to sense its surroundings in a Use the Force check. Whoever holds the item will be considered as if touching the character, and the character will be able to affect any such person across vast distances.

One character can only have as many such items as his Wisdom modifier (minimum 1).

The item also gains an efficacy bonus of +1, which translates as a bonus to hit for weapons, and a +1 armor bonus for armor parts.

If the character dies, his spirit will be bound to the item, and the character will be able to project an illusion of his appearance to anyone in the close vicinity of the item. People touching the item may be affected by the character's powers. The character may interact with others and even teach pupils while in this state. Destroying the item will destroy the character's imprint and release his spirit.

In fact, this item behaves as an imprint matrix (described above), but it doesn't have to be a crystal, and the character retains his free will while in spiritual form.

Only characters whose dark side points equal or exceed their wisdom score may imprint items in such manners.

Prerequisite: Imprint Matrix.

Martial Artist Talent Tree[]

Increased Move[]

Prerequisites: Trained in the Acrobatics skill, Martial Arts I

This character can move in his swift action. With this talent, he can use his swift action to move as much as half his normal move. This movement can come before or after the character’s standard or move actions.

Increased Jump[]

Prerequisites: Trained in the Jump skill, Martial Arts I

This feat grants the character an additional +5 talent bonus to his jump skill.

Blind Fighting[]

Prerequisites: Trained in the Perception skill, Martial Arts I

This character is able to sense enemy's positions using his other four senses excluding vision. This allows him to completely ignore his opponent's concealment while in combat, and fight in low vision or total darkness without penalties. This requires that he maintains a concentration which occupies a swift action on every round.

Focused Battle[]

Prerequisite: Martial Arts I

This talent allows the character to focus his energy into one single enemy. This grants him a +1 bonus in all of his attack and damage rolls against that enemy, and +1 in all of his defenses. However, while thus concentrated, the character is considered flat-footed for anybody else. The target of this talent finds it hard to battle against anyone else other than the character, and is subject to a -2 penalty in all of his attack rolls if he attempts to attack someone else. This effect takes place in the character's swift action, and lasts until either the combat is over or the character decides to attack someone else.

Tenuous Move[]

Prerequisites: Increased Move, Martial Arts II

A character with this talent is able to move over the most improbable surfaces, leaving little or no mark of his passing. An Acrobatics check is required with a DC depending on the surface over which he intends to move:

 Surface:   DC: 
 Thin ice   5 
 Loose Boards   10 
 Marbles (without moving them)   15 
 Eggs   20 
 Silk Sheets, Thin bamboo trunks   25 
 Water   30 
 Sword Blades or equally sharp items   35 

For an additional +5 in the DC, the character can land in one of these surfaces coming from an increased jump without damaging either the surface or himself.

A Tenuous Move roll can be made in the character’s swift action.

Vertical Running[]

Prerequisites: Increased Jump, Martial Arts II

This talent allows a character to move over vertical surfaces. He makes a Jump check against a DC of 5. For every 5 points by which he succeeds in his test, he can make one step up on a vertical surface with little or no place to support. Each step can move him 1.5 m up. This is performed in the character’s move action.

Focused Strength[]

Prerequisites: Strength 13, Martial Arts II

This character can focus the flow of his bodily energy in such away as to increase his physical prowess. Using two successive swift actions, the character increases his Strength bonus by +1 until the end of his turn.

This talent can be taken up to 3 times. Each time, the character can increase his strength bonus to an additional +1 until the end of his turn.

Parry Missiles[]

Prerequisites: Martial Arts III

This talent allows the character to parry incoming ranged projectiles with his hands or any melee weapon he is holding. He can, theoretically, also parry blaster shots, but unless he is holding a lightsaber, that will cause him more harm than good.

Whenever the character is targeted with a ranged attack, as a reaction, he can make a standard attack with his melee weapon (or bare hands) against a DC equaling the attacker’s attack roll. If the character succeeds, he can interpose his weapon or hand to the attack and prevent it. If he uses his hand, this talent can be used to pick up arrows in mid-air.

Every successive use of this talent on the same turn is subject to a cumulative penalty of -5 to the character’s defense roll.


Prerequisites: Parry Missiles, Martial Arts III

This character can spend a swift action and instantly evade one ranged attack made against him in a given turn, even if he is not aware of the attack. This can be used as a reaction, if the character has any unused swift actions.

Paralyzing Strike[]

Prerequisites: Martial Arts II

This talent allows a character to strike at a foe on special points in the body so as to prevent the flow of energy through a specific limb, thus paralyzing it.

The character makes an attack roll with a penalty related to the limb that he intends to paralyze:

 Limb:   Penalty: 
 Arm   -3 
 Leg   -3 
 Hand   -4 
 Foot   -5 

The character’s attack roll is compared against the better of the target’s fortitude and reflex defense. If successful, the target’s limb becomes numb and limp for 1d6 hours.

Swift Fighter[]

Prerequisites: Dexterity 17, Martial Arts III

This talent allows a character to act with increased grace in combat, granting him a second swift action in his turn. The character’s turn, then, becomes composed of 2 swift, 1 move and 1 standard actions.

New Feats[]

Force Genius[]

Requirements: Force-sensitive.

This character's grasp of the Force and its meanings is so deep that he can actually perceive its secrets without formal training.

Upon choosing this feat, the character must choose one Force-using heroic class or prestige class. This feat allows the character to gain 3 levels in the chosen class without need for formal training: the character simply "understands" what he needs to.

This allows him to gain the benefits of gaining a character level in these classes, including access to all talents that the class usually grants.

Alternatively, this feat can be selected to allow the character access to a Force-using talent tree belonging to a tradition to which the character does not belong. If used in this manner, the feat grants the character access to that talent tree, and these talents can be selected whenever the character is usually granted the option to select a new talent (regardless of his class).

This feat can be selected multiple times. Each time allows him to grow another three levels in a Force-using class, or access to a different restricted talent tree.

Force Spirit Instruction[]

Requirements: Force-sensitive, At least 5 levels in Force-using classes.

This character has attracted the attention of a Force spirit that has consented to give him formal training. This feat allows the character to increase his character levels in one specific Force-using heroic or prestige class without the need to actually find a master to teach him.

This feat allows the character to advance in one specific class. For instance, if the character chooses Force-spirit instruction in "Jedi Knight", the same spirit could not teach him to advance in "Jedi Master" character levels; the character would have to choose this feat again - or find a traditional master to train him.

Force Transcendence[]

Requirements: No Dark Side Points.
12 character levels on Force-user classes except "Sith Apprentice" and "Sith Lord".

This character has become one with the Force, and if he is struck down, he will become more powerful than we can ever imagine.

Characters with this feat turn into spiritual entities upon dying, and can reappear at any time during the campaign to give mystical advice, vague hints of impending threats, or useless pseudo-philosophical counseling.

While alive, such characters also gain some benefits from this feat. The character is able to spend a Force Point and gain one use of any Force power that doesn't have the [Dark Side] descriptor. The character can also spend a Force Point and gain the benefits of any one Force talent from any tree other than the Dark Side Talent Tree. The talent lasts for an entire scene (or combat).

If the character gains any one Dark Side Point while in possession of this feat, he loses this feat altogether. The character regains the feat slot, and may retrain something else in its place. If he loses all Dark Side Points, he may regain Force Transcendence whenever he gains a new character level upon spending 5 Force Points.

Grand Destiny[]

Like all characters in Star Wars, Saga Edition, you also have a destiny. However, yours is grander, you are destined to things that will change the very shape of the galaxy - either for good or bad.

A character with this feat gains two Destiny Points per level, instead of just one. If this feat is chosen after the first level, the character also gains the difference of Destiny Points as if he had taken it at first level.

This feat cannot be lost through the use of techniques that can remove one's feats, like mindlessness. When the character's destiny is fulfilled, then he loses the feat (considering he survived) and gains the empty slot back.

If the character gains a level in a class or prestige class which already grants him two Destiny Points per level (such as Force Adept), then this feat grants him three Destiny Points per level when gaining levels in these classes.

Force Immunity I[]

This character is immune to Force effects that directly affect him, such as Force Grip, Mind Trick, and Vital Transfer. He can be affected by Force powers or effects that affect him indirectly, like Force Slam and Force Lightning, but all powers and talents that act on him as a target (instead of a cone or burst) will fail.

Force Immune characters still gain Force Points and can use them normally. The Force Immunity itself is a kind of force power. Other Force-sensitive characters trying to sense this character will not sense his immunity, they will simply sense nothing special in him.

Force Immunity II[]

Requirements: Force Immunity I.

Like Force Immunity I, but this character is also immune to Force powers that would affect him indirectly, like Force Slam and Force Lightning. All effects of Force powers or talents fail when directed at him. Other targets on the same area suffer the effects normally.

Force Immunity III[]

Requirements: Force Immunity II.

This feat creates a bubble of Force-negation around the character, inside which no Force powers or effects can take place. The bubble occupies a circular radius of 1/2.5 of the character's Will defense in squares (round down), and is always centered on him. As a move a action, the character can decrease the bubble's radius as much as he wants to, but he must use his move actions to maintain it. In decreasing the bubble's radius, the character can cause it to cease altogether, but he is not able to remove his own Force immunity with that.

No Force powers or talents can be targeted into the bubble's area. Force Lightning will fail right at its edge, and Force Slam will slide around its border. Also, no character inside the bubble can use any Force-based power or effect.

Perfect Memory[]

Requirements: Int 13 or above.

This character's memory is perfect, allowing him to remember the faintest of details as vividly as if they'd happened yesterday. A character with this feat always remembers everything that's happened to him, including all relevant details to the campaign.

This grants him a +5 memory bonus to Perception checks when trying to remember things he witnessed that may be important (not things he is witnessing at the moment). He also gets a +5 memory bonus to any roll which relates to him having to remember past events.

Such perfected memory also grants him an advantage in skills that strongly rely on memorization, which includes all Knowledge skills. A character with this feat gets a +2 memory bonus to all Knowledge skills (which does stack with Skill Focus).

Droids do not get the benefits of this feat automatically. Instead, a droid with this feat is considered to have ten times its standard hardware memory, and an improved bus-addressing system, which does grant him the mentioned bonuses.

New Force Powers[]

Cybernetic Trick[]

This power works exactly like the Mind Trick Force power, but on droids and computer terminals. The character can issue any passably logical suggestion, and the droid or terminal will be compelled to obey.
Time: Standard action.
Targets: One electronic device or droid.

Make a Use the Force check: Make one roll and compare to the target’s Will Defense. If the result equals or exceeds, the target will perform an action requested by the character. This action can be any one standard action (such as determining a droid's next action) or any single function that it can perform alone (such as opening a blast door from a remote terminal). Some actions require the use of specific computer terminals and must be accessed from a determined location, and the GM can rule that some actions have hard-wired requirements that the terminal cannot override (such as the need for three different keys to start-up a ship's auto-destruct sequence).
This power can be used to facilitate the use of Gather Information through computer terminals. The character can improve the system's disposition towards the character. For every 5 points by which the character overcame the target's Will Defense, he can improve the system disposition in one step.
Special: The character can spend a Force Point to issue a continuing command that the target will obey for as long as the character concentrates. Maintaining this concentration requires a standard action. This allows a Force-user character to command an enemy droid for the duration of a battle, for instance, or have a computer terminal open all blast doors on a path.

Wall of Light [Light Side][]

Requirements: Trained in the "Sever Force" power.

This power surrounds the target in a wall of light which prevents him from using any Force power.
Time: Standard action.
Targets: One Force-using creature with a Dark Side Score of 1 or more which is within 12 squares and in line of sight.

Make a Use the Force check: Whenever the target attempts to use a Force power, his result in the Use the Force must overcome this check result. The target is unable to use any Force talent if his Will Defense is lower than this check result. This power can be maintained as a swift action. The target is also unable to use Force Points if his Will Defense is lower than this power's check result.
If the target attempts to use a Force power and succeeds, he moves -1 step along the condition track.
Special: The character can spend a Force Point to make the effect last for as many hours as the target has Dark Side Points. Alternatively, he can spend a Destiny Point to have the power last as many days as he has Dark Side Points. If the target of this power has just been defeated in battle and lies helpless (that is, if the character using this power has a chance to kill the target with one blow), and if the GM deems it appropriate for the campaign, use of a Destiny Point can permanently sever one's connection to the Force, preventing the target from ever using Force powers or Force-based talents again.

New Force Techniques[]

Sustained Talent[]

This technique alter the way in which some Force talents work.

Some talents give bonuses to allies which last for some period if the Jedi concentrate for a turn, Battle Meditation is one such talent. With this technique, these talents will affect all allies which enter their zone of effect for as long as the user concentrates, even after the power has been initially used.

The duration of the effect is unaltered, but if the user concentrates indefinitely, then the talent will keep on affecting all who enter its area of effect. The area remains relative to the user, so that if the user moves, the area of effect also moves.

Maintaining a talent in this manner requires a full round action. While maintaining the talent, the character is considered flat-footed.
