One Soul, One Mind, One Will[]
Type: Solar Circle Sorcerery
Keywords: Infernal, Shaping
Cost: 40
Target: Up to Ess-1 Creatures, plus Caster
Duration: One Day
She Who Lives In Her Name hates the free will of individuals -- but will tolerate limited autonomy in groups, so as to greater increase efficiency. In accordance with this principle, this spell destroys the free will of all affected by it as individuals, linking their souls, bodies, and minds to form a collective consciousness. All the targets of this spell must be willing and uncompelled. If any of them are not, the spell fails. The caster and up to Ess-1 other creatures all join hands in a circle before this spell is cast. When the invocation is completed, they are all run through by a beam of green light -- forming a circle, in the center of which suddenly burns a white fire. When they rise after, they do not speak, the group quietly departing with an eerie efficiency on whatever task it deems important.
This spell creates a gestalt creature that controls the bodies of everyone involved in the spell -- linking their minds and souls. This gestalt is a merger of all the personalities that compose it. It has all of their intimacies (this can cause conflicts) and all of their memories and knowledge. Although technically everyone involved is now the same being, it is easier to represent the mechanics of the spell as a buff to each creature involved. First, they are automatically aware of everything that happens to the others, including the others thoughts and memories. Every creature in the gestalt has the highest mental and social stats of anyone in the gestalt. Every creature in the gestalt uses the highest Willpower, Essence and Virtues of anyone else in the gestalt. If a creatures Essence changes, it gains no motes and the size of it's pools do not change. They automatically gain access to all of each others charms and abilities. For social combat, they are all counted at one being and so any attack that influences one influences all of them. They share personal but not peripheral essence pools.
When this spell ends, creatures influenced by it remember what they did -- but not why or how. They do not retain any of the memories the gestalt got from other members of the group. The experience is aptly compared to a dream -- remembered, but not seeming quite real.
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