
Perception is your ability to perceive your environment, to pick up clues and minutiae, including the emotions of others. It is also your native Intelligence and wit; how fast you are on the uptake.

  • Poor Perception means you are oblivious to your surroundings; you are like an “absent minded professor” constantly bumping into things, missing details, etc.
  • Average Perception assumes you are capable of noticing fairly obvious details: expressions, things lying around in plain sight, partially closed drawers, badly fitted secret doors.
  • Good Perception means you notice little things: something odd about an expression or a glance passing between people, secret doors or compartments that are not skillfully designed by someone of less than Excellent Tinkering abilities, faint marks or hurriedly hidden objects.
  • Great Perception assumes you are aware enough to notice all but the smallest details: a smudge here, a place where a well-hidden secret door “probably” ought to be, a change in expression that would escape most people.
  • Exceptional Perception means almost nothing escapes your eye: faint scratches, fingerprints, the smallest change in expressions, places where even the most skillfully hidden object or hiding place might be.
  • Extraordinary Perception means nothing evades your eagle eye.

Reference: Castle Falkenstein Core Book pp161-162
