Physician ♦ is the ability to diagnose illness, administer medication, perform surgery (at higher levels of skill), deliver babies and bandage wounds.
- Poor Physician skills mean you can’t fix a cut without help; sticking plasters and smelling salts are about your speed. Things like Obstetrics and Surgery are far beyond you.
- Average Physician aptitude allows you to wrap bandages, administer medicines, take temperatures and recognize most common maladies like colds and influenza. You could even deliver a baby, assuming there were no complications, or tend a bullet wound or sword cut.
- Good Physician Abilities mean you can set fractures, perform simple surgery, diagnose slightly more obscure maladies like the Cholera and the "French disease," and administer medications for same. You can deliver a complex birth, perform an appendectomy, or amputate a limb. You probably also have a medical practice of some sort.
- Great Physician Abilities assume you are quite good at diagnosis, regularly perform surgeries and amputations, and possibly teach at a Medical College somewhere.
- Exceptional Physician Ability assumes you are a regular contributor to The Lancet, are on the staff at a major hospital, and have several medical discoveries or practices named after you.
- Extraordinary Physician Ability assumes you are one of the best healers of the Age, capable of diagnosing any disease, and of saving lives all others have given up for lost.
Reference: Castle Falkenstein Core Book p162