Located at the very fringes of the sector, Port Wander is often dismissed as a barely-lawful outpost, and never mentioned as one of the more impressive orhonoroued installations of the Imperial Navy and Battlefleet Calixis. Though technically a Navy station, Por tWander would not exist without the support and trade of various Imperial Adeptus, chartist captains, and Rogue Traders, a point that rankles many prideful Naval officers. Those assigned there frequently view their posting as a punishment or an attempt by enemies in the service to drydock their careers, and typically serve with resentment bordering on bitterness. in addition, the station is filled with swaggering civilian captains, merchants fat of purse and jowl, and interfering factions of every sort, from supercilious Administratum functionaries to scheming Inquisitorial acolytes. Port Wander is far more than a simple military base.
Despite its poor (if well-deserved) reputation, however, Port Wander is one of the more important facilities of Calixis. It guards the entrance to a largely unexplored section of space, supposedly full of riches, artefacts, Xenos and demons. Though undisciplined when compared to a proper naval vessel, it is a veritable ideal of the Emperor's Law when compared to what lies beyond it. Here there is rightful law, though it is often tempered by gelt and influence. on the other side there is no law other than what can be enforced with bolter and lance. This station is the last true outpost of both the Calixis Sector and the Emperor's Light.
In and around Port Wander[]
Physically, Port Wander is a maze of passageways, halls and chambers that has grown ever more complex as it has been haphazardly repaired and expanded. In many ways it more closely resembles a small hive city than a station, and within it bustles a changing population of strange and exotic individuals.