
Hero's Fall and Hero's Rise[]

The session began with the party (such as it was) facing one Dax Stormslayer. Tense introductions led, somehow, to him agreeing to take the party to Saychel Herek. He used a strange device to open a window into Malfeas, through which Herek told them that his captors would release him if they could "take care" of some ghostly or Abyssal activity -- he wasn't sure which the word meant -- nearby. The party agreed; Dax opened an appropriate portal, and they followed it through.

On the other side, they found that the "ghostly/Abyssal" activity was in fact both... the Silver Prince met them, pausing in corrupting a woman with a strange green Twilight caste mark to acknowledge their existence. When Sejzha tried to leave, he stopped her... and challenged Dax.

An epic encounter ensued. None of the party could even touch the Prince... save the merely mortal Takara, who in a bold display of martial prowess and ally-hurling drove a blade through the Deathlord's defenses. The Prince was duly impressed, but merely swatted the party away again. Somewhere in the melee, Trunk snatched up the woman with the green caste-mark and dragged her back through the portal.

Then, finally, the Silver Prince turned his full attention and his full power on Dax. A massive explosion of necrotic Essence enveloped both combatants, consuming the Stormslayer.

And then time stopped -- for Takara at least. The Unconquered Sun appeared to him, laid down his panoply, and shook the pirate's hand. Newly Exalted, Takara the Solar then met Five Days' Darkness, who told him of his predecessors, Dax and Shadow's Grace, and gave him his mantra and his duty.

Time restarted: Takara made himself vanish, disappearing back through the portal. The rest of the party soon followed, carrying Dax's body with them.

Heavenly Allies and Earthly Allies[]

[Party decides to go to Heaven. Meets Lytek, who's impressed. Infodump re: the Champions of the West. Back to Creation: Mother's Sanctum. Where is everybody? Follow your noses. Oh hey guys! ...what's going on? Coatl. Pick up the ones left in the West. And for everyone else -- where exactly did we end? And what bits did I miss?]

Character Thoughts and Reactions[]

Alexa is delighted to see that Steve is as skilled as ever at bringing the awesome.

Kurt thinks the Exaltation turned out perfectly and hopes he is gifted with equally awesome dice rolls in the future.

Followed by Reflections, Session Twenty-One, The Twin Rebirths
