Renown ♠ is used by Gunslingers and their ilk instead of or in addition to Connections. Renown is a Measurement of how well known the character is and how exaggerated his deeds are. Renown also determines the degree of exaggeration your reputation suffers. The number of ranks of Renown you have is a multiplier to everything you have done. For examples a Gunslinger with a Great Gunslinging skill and an Exceptional Renown. He has gunned down Four desperadoes, but his Renown gives him a multiplier of 5 to all his deeds. So, even though he has only killed four men, he is reputed to have killed twenty.
- Poor means you are just starting out and no one has heard of you.
- Average means you are known in your own town.
- Good means everyone in your town knows you and if you have committed any crimes there is a $50 reward out for you.
- Great means you are known in your state or territory and if you have committed any crimes there is a $ 1000 reward out for you.
- Exceptional means you are known throughout the country and if you have committed any crimes there is a $5000 reward out for you just like Frank and Jesse James.
- Extraordinary means you are famous would-wide, like Buffalo Bill Cody. It also means that if you have committed any crimes there is a $10,000 reward out for you like Belle Starr