Replicative Design Conception
Mins: Essence 5
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Preq: Experimental Acceleration Mastery
Behemoths were the Yozi's first creations -- each a unique monster, with powers wide and varied, determined by the Yozi who personally crafted them. It was the Burner of All Thoughts who first decided that these methods were inefficient -- that it was a more fitting use of the Primordials awesome power to create a small number of creatures that might self-replicate in whatever quantities were required. This charm allowed creatures the Infernal crafts -- be they golems, actual life, gossamer cratures, vitrol monstrosities, etc -- to produce more of themselves. Making a creature able to self-replicate no longer require +1 Dot to their artifact rating. This default level is "natural" reproduction, requiring two members of the species, and the resultant young take time to raise. For +1 Dot, the Infernal can instead create creatures that reproduce at an unnaturally prodigious rate. Plants made with this trait swiftly grow to cover every available surface until they choke out all other plants, monsters with it devour every living thing in an area to swell their numbers and then march on adjacent territories, etc.