A boat for sailing across sand. Purchased from Crazy Eddie's Sandboat Emporium.
This strange contraption is a sail-powered land vessel analogous to a small yacht, using sails on long, thin runners. It's clearly seen a lot of use and is quite old, and seems to have fallen into disrepair more than once. At the moment, though, it's in excellent shape, and the wooden beams echo of untold stories and adventure.
Speed: 3/6 MPH/100 miles per day
Maneuverability: -4S
- DV with Fern as Captain: ( 3 (Wits) + 2 (Sail) + -4 (Maneuverability) ) / 2 = DV 1
- DV with Dax as Captain: ( 5 (Wits) + 3 (Sail) + -4 (Maneuverability) ) / 2 = DV 2
Endurance: Winds and Currents
Crew: 4/1
Cargo: Comfortable accommodations for 4 people plus crew; designed for long-term living
Armor: 6L/10B
Health Levels: Ux10/Mx5/Cx4/I/D
Weapons: None normally