A tense standoff with Aurra Sing. Kolton asks that Aurra let the youngling and mooks by; her battle is with the Jedi only. She offers a deal: Kolton answers her questions and for each one, one person gets to escape. She asks about where the ship is going etc. On the last question Akiban refuses to go and the standoff turns to battle. Aurra nearly escapes but incautiously defends against a lobbed explosive with her lightsaber [boom]. We never checked for the body however.
Left the prison ship and dodged (mostly) it's lasers. Luckily the laser canons manned by Prahl could not be turned to accidentally shoot our ship, and furthermore power had to be diverted from them for the shields.
Had negotiations with Kerrado and Tikkes about who gets to be dropped off first. Tikkes negotiates his drop off for all the younglings into our care; we accept. He wants to be dropped off far from normal space; we expect a trap.
Kerrado wants to be dropped off in Hutt Space. Since he is a Hutt we expect nothing but a trap.
Tikkes loses face when Kolton brings to light that his action of disabling the turbo lift endangered his own people. Kerrado seems to have one over most if not all of the minions to his employ.
The Youngings agree to stay with us, and we plan on continuing their training as we can.