
Originally considered part of Ethereality, this ability makes use of the Faerie’s ability to alter its form, to manipulate illusions to reinforce that ability, and of its mental craftiness to complete the imposture. All Faerie Shapeshifting is based on copying a target physical item, whether milking stool or mortal prince. The item or individual should be in the Faerie’s recent memory, and must have been viewed with the naked eye (photographs or description will not suffice)

When the Faerie turns into an animal form (by this ability or the Kindred Power), it gains the attack forms of that animal (and damage). However, the Faerie uses its own Fisticuffs (or Brawling) ability to attack and retains its Health.

Poor - The Faerie may become amorphous, similar to the Ethereality ability at this level. Any type of appearance is rough and ineffective-tales of eldritch horrors with dripping flesh are often no more than badly-formed Faeries in Shapeshift.

Average - The Faerie may become a character of similar size and shape to its natural form, for up to one hour. The Faerie may lose that form if suddenly startled or otherwise caused to lose its concentration (Shapeshifting check).

Good - As for Average, but can retain that shape for up to one day.

Great - As for Good, but can remain in that state indefinitely.

Exceptional - As for Great, but in addition may take more complicated forms for one day.

Extraordinary - Can take any form indefinitely without having to concentrate.
