
Sorcery is the Ability to "see" the fluxes of energy that make up supernatural reality. This is the foundation of being a Wizard, the "second sight" all mages possess. Humans must have at least a Good Sorcery ability in order to perform magic. Faerie automatically have a Sorcery of Poor, with very few exceptions (like Auberon of the Seelie Court).

  • Poor Ability assumes you are psychically “blind”; you don’t even know there is a supernatural.
  • Average ability means that you are generally aware of the arcane through the occasional “feeling” or sensation of unearthly powers; you still cannot “see” the knots that make up subethric reality.
  • Good ability allows you to hazily percieve subethric knots, but certain levels of complexity still elude you.
  • Great means you clearly see all the knots and fluxes within a few hundred feet of yourself.
  • Exceptional ability means you are acutely attuned to the realm of the subethric; you tend to see objects as knots and weavings of evergy rather than as material objects, and you can spot the inner structures of these for as far you you could normally see.
  • Extraordinary ability means you are one of the best wizards ever born, the caster of spells that live in legend.

Reference: Castle Falkenstein Core Book p163
