This spell takes the form of set of ornate wicker armor, completely covering the body, including a complete face mask so that the wearers face cannot be seen, painted so that the mask resembles a fearsome snarling beast. The overall effect of the armor is to make the wearer seem larger and more intimidating, the slightly slouch in the shoulders create the impression that they keep their strength and speed in reserve. Despite that, the armor is not entirely feral -- adorned with the symbols of the dragon-blooded nation, and with a brace on the back for the war-banners of the Shogunate or the Scarlet Empire. The brace is empty, and locked so that it cannot be filled -- but when it is filled, the spells work will be done, and it will end.
Spell Construction:
Assumption of the Beastial Form[1]
Bastion of the Self (Sword)[4]
Armament of Flesh[2]
Surpassing Excellence[1]
Glorious Hero Form (Str, Sta, Dex)[4]
Gladdening Visage[1]
Spell of the Faerie Warrior