
Many people creating RPGs use attack-defense for their damage formula. This can cause some problems. For example, lets say someone deals 200 damage. These would be the damage results.

10 Defense: 190 damage

100 Defense: 100 damage

200 Defense: 0 damage

Doing this can cause party members or enemies to deal close to no damage or no damage. There is a better attack formula for this. attack*(100/(100+defense)). These are the damage results.

10 Defense: 181 damage

100 Defense: 100 damage

200 Defense: 66 damage

500 Defense: 33 damage

With this, no matter how high someone's defense is, attacks still do damage to them. Unless their defence is ∞, in which case no attack can ever deal damage to them.

If needed, the constant of 100 in the formula above can also be changed, which causes damage to diminish faster (if the constant is lowered) or slower (if the constant is increased).
