
Basic Information[]

Name: The Queen of the Wyld[]

Concept: Wyldshaping queen[]

Player: Esbilon[]

Contact Info[]

AIM: Esbilon[]

Email: doonesbury@gmail.com[]

Motivation: To improve Creation using the Wyld.[]

Exalt Type: Solar[]

Caste: Twilight[]

Age: 19[]

Anima: An everchanging mandala of gold, red and blue[]


Was apprenticed to the shaman of a clan of wyld barbarians. The shaman was killed in shaping battle with a young fair folk noble. She exalted when taking up the battle after the death of her master.

Skilled and eager storyteller


Shaman by anotherwanderer


Physical Social Mental
Strength 1 Charisma 3 Perception 3
Dexterity 5 Manipulation 1 Intelligence 5
Stamina 1 Appearance 5 Wits 3


Dawn Zenith Twilight
Archery 3 Integrity 1 Craft (Wood) 1
Martial Arts Performance 3 Investigation 1
Melee Presence 1 Lore 5
Thrown Resistance 1 Medicine 1
War Survival Occult 3
Night Eclipse Specialties
Athletics Bureaucracy Lor - The Wyld +3
Awareness 1 Linguistics 1 Per - Storytelling +3
Dodge 5 Ride
Larceny Sail
Stealth Socialize 1


Native Language: Old Realm
Language 1: Riverspeak


Artifact: 1
Resources: 3
Manse: 5


  • Orichalcum Hearthstone Amulet


The Dream-Anchor Palace[]

  • Level 5 Sidereal Manse
  • Hearthstone: Home's Heart
    • Each side of this irregular, six-sided gemstone is a different color. Once per day, it allows the bearer to teleport himself and up to fi ve other people to or from the stone’s manse. The stone can transport the bearer and his companions from anyplace in Creation to the manse in the blink of an eye. However, teleportation from the manse is limited to 100 miles’ range. Also, while the stone can transport characters both to and from the Wyld, this carries some danger. To do so, the bearer’s player must roll (Wits + Occult). Failure results in the characters all landing somewhere random in the Wyld. A botch additionally renders the stone useless for 48 hours, neither permitting another teleportation attempt nor granting Essence.
  • Powres:
    • Otherworld Gate to Pure Chaos
    • Magical Conviniences
      • Voice-commanded map summoning
      • Records all conversations
      • Can direct someone to any item or tome in the manse
      • Knows the content of any book stored in the archive
      • Can prepare a meal given raw materials
    • Archive
      • Lore (The Wyld)
      • Occult (The Fair Folk)
      • Celestial Circle Sorcery (Imbue Amalgam)
      • Celestial Circle Sorcery (Gift of Knowledge)
      • Terrestrial Circle Sorcery (Summon Elemental, Disguise of the New Face, Infallible Messenger, Open the Spirit Door, Silent Words of Dreams and Nightmares)
    • Sympathetic Dream Link


Dawn Charms[]


  • 2nd Archery Excellency
    • Trance of Unhesitating Speed

Zenith Charms[]


  • Integrity Protecting Prana / 5m, 1wp / Core; 199

Twilight Charms[]


  • 2nd Lore Excellency / 2m/suc / Core; 183
  • 3rd Lore Excellency / 4m / Core; 184
    • Chaos-Repelling Pattern / 8m / Cpre; 216
      • Wyld-Shaping Technique / 20m, 1wp / Core; 216

Night Charms[]


  • Shadow over Water / 1m / Core; 227
    • Seven Shadow Evasion (Conviction) / 3m / Core; 227

Eclipse Charms[]


  • Sagacious Reading of Intent / 3m / Core; 233

Charm Details[]


Mundane Equipment[]

Magical Equipment[]

Vital Information[]

Willpower 10/10[]


Compassion 1/1[]

Conviction 5/5 (Primary)[]

Temperance 1/1[]

Valor 3/3[]

Limit 0/10[]

Virtue Flaw: Deliberate Cruelty[]
  • The character wholly embraces cruelty. Her conscience vanishes, and she uses terror and cruelty to accomplish her goals, with only contempt for any perceived or exhibited weakness. She casually tortures and mutilates prisoners to sow terror and inspire obedience. This cruelty causes a minimum two-die penalty on all Social interactions not involving fear or intimidation.
  • Partial Control: The character can moderate her cruelty when necessary. She casually intimidates and tortures wherever effective and is incapable of kindness. However, she can show restraint and indifference when cruelty would be less effective. She still suffers from a one-die penalty to other Social interactions.
  • Duration: One full day
  • Limit Break Condition: The character is subjected to severe stress or backed against the wall.

Combat Statistics[]

Defense Values[]

Dodge DV 7[]

Dodge DV is (Dexterity + Dodge + Essence if 2 or greater)/2, round up

(5+5+3)/2 = 7

Parry DV 4[]

Parry is rated as (Dexterity + Ability + Weapon Defense Bonus)/2, round up.


Mental Dodge DV 7[]

Mental Dodge is calculated as (Willpower + Integrity + Pertinent Specialty + Essence)/2

(10+1+3)/2 = 7

Mental Parry DV 3[]

Mental Parry DV is calculated as the higher of Charisma or Manipulation + the highest of Investigation, Performance or Presence, plus any pertinent specializations, divided by two, rounded up. (Mathematically, that's (Attribute + Ability + Specialization)/2, rounded up. Stunts must be appropriate to the attribute/ability combination used. (You may use a sub-optimal ability at any time on your own behest.)

(3+3)/2 = 3


Bashing Soak 1[]

Lethal Soak 0[]

Aggravated Soak 0[]

Health 7/7[]

~0 [ ]
~1 [ ] [ ]
~2 [ ] [ ]
~4 [ ]
Incapacitated [ ]
Dying [ ]

Essence 3[]

Personal Pool: 19[]

Peripheral Pool: 40 (41)[]

Committed: 1 Peripheral[]

  • Orichalcum Hearthstone Amulet 1

Other Information[]


Various OOC Notes[]

Bonus Point Expenditure[]

5 Willpower 5->10
1 Conviction 4->5
4 Manse 3->5
7 Essence 2->3
1 Per - Solo Performances +2
