
Feeding on the essence of the living, vampires are terrifying and charismatic predators, strikling fear into the hearts of mortals.


Vampires look much as they did in life, though their features are sharper and more feral, and their eyes may glow red or yellow if they are excited or angered. They tend to be pale and wiry (very few vampires are ever fat, due to the nature of their diet), with an animalistic grace that only highlights their unnaturality.

The vast majority of vampires were once human, though there are rumors of half-elven or full-elven vampires in lore. The hardy nature of dwarves seems to prevent them from being turned to a vampire, and this resistence may extend to gnomes as well.


Vampires speak whatever languages they spoke in life.

The Courts[]

Vampires tend to disagree as to ideal nature of vampirism and the role of humanity in their world. Therefore, they have divided themselves into various camps, or "courts", which try to outmaneuver and outnegotiate each other for supremacy.


According to legend, the first vampire was Queen Ari'Vashne, a queen in Scarlet-Age Khaphtela. Her beauty was legendary, but she feared that it would fade with age, so she made a deal with an Efreeti for eternal beauty.
