I came up with a different approach to the technomancer character I wrote up. Seeing as how we will need someone with social skills I added some along with some stealth as well. No combat skills, but able to talk/hack/sneak his way into a place to get any info needed. A: Skills 46/10
- Cracking group 6
- Stealth Group 4
- Impersonation 5
- Etiquette 2
- Con 5
- Compiling 6 Crack 8
- Registering 6 Crack 8
- Computer 5
- Hardware 3
- Software 6
- Perception 3
- Locksmith 3
B: Attributes 20
- Body 2, Strength 1, Reaction 2, Agility 2, Charisma 5, Intuition 5, Willpower 6, Logic 5, Resonance 6, Edge 2
C: Technomancer -Diffusion of Firewall free
D: Human 3 (spent on res)
E: 6,000 nuyen
- -Fake SIN 3, 7,500
- -Low Lifestyle 2,000
- -Actioneer Business Clothes 1,500
- -Renraku Sensei Comlink 1,000
- Focused concentration 5 20
- 5 Complex forms 20 Static Veil, Infusion Sleaze, Infusion Attack, Resonance Veil, Editor
- 6,000 nuyen 3
- 7 saved for submersion
- Full Corporate SIN 25 Karma
- 15 Contact Points
- Yakuza Wakagashira 3/2
- Shadowland Neo-Tokyo 4/1
- Shiawase Mid-Level Manager 3/2
- 20 Knowledge Skills
- Matrix Games-2
- Shiawase Corporate Culture-3
- Matrix Anomalies-4
- Technomancer Rights Movement-3
- Yakuza Syndicates-3
- English-5
- Japanese N
- 4,000 nuyen from gming, spent on 2 Karma
- 4karma from gming 13 total
- Submersion Grade 1, Overclocking 13 Karma 10+5d6 initiative in Hot SIM
Acquired Gear Current Nuyen 13350
- Gecko tape gloves 250
- Data tap 300
- Bug Scanner (6) 600
- Disguise Kit 500
- Electronics Kit 500
- Respirator (6) 300
- Autopicker (6) 3,000
- Keycard copier (6) 2,400
- Sequencer (6) 1,500
- Meta Link Com-Link 100
- Dart Pistol-smartlink 1,200
- 10 Nacroject rounds 1,100
- Contact Lenses 600
- Smartlink 2,00
- Flare Comp 100
- Vision Mag 500
- Flash Pack 250
- Dodge Scoot 3,000
- DIsguised Comlink -Autopicker,Card copiier, Sequencer Disguise threshold 4
- Fairlight Caliban Comlink 8000
- Rating 6 Fake SIN 15,000
- Lifestyle upgrade to High
- 5 Total Clips Nacroject 1,650
- Compuforce task master rcc 32,000
- Clearsight auto soft 3, 1,500
- Horizon flying eye stealth auto soft 3, 1,500
- Horizon flying eye manuever auto soft 3, 1,500
- Wrapper program 250
- 3 Horizon flying eyes with flash pack option 7,500
- 2 Aztechnology crawlers with weapon mounts and M23 AR's 14,100
- Software Package for crawlers, Targeting M23, Evasion, Manuever, Stealth all at rating 4, and virtual machine 8,080
Character Improvements
- Session 2: Strength to 2, -10 Karma, 2 karma left
- Session 4: Negotiation 2, Leadership 2, Exotic Weapon Dart Pistol 2 18K, 1K left
- Session 6: Exotic weapon dart pistol to 4 from 2, 14 karma, 0 left
- Session 8: Agility to 3, 13 Karma left
- Session 9: +8 Karma, 20,000 nuyen
- Session 10: Bought 6 Karma -12,000, +4GM Karma, =31 total Karma, Increase body to 3 and Edge to 3 1 Karma left over 17350 nuyen left
- Session 11: Bought 3 Karma -6,000 nuyen, 11 Karma total, 32350 nuyen in bank
- session 13: Bought 6 Karma -12,000 nyen, Essenseing grade 2 initiation, 16 K, Infusion firewall 4 K, 9 K left, 100 nuyen left
- Session 14: Bought 3 Karma - 6000 nuyen, upgrade edge to 4, 0 Karma 1,100 nuyen left
- Session 16: Idoru paragon 10 Karma, after run 16K left
- Session 17: Submerssion grade 3 SKinlink, aztechnology crawlers and software, 0 Karma and 33,000 and 6 Karma, Hardware Specialization Subway Sytems
- Session 19 9000 nuyen 29 Karma, secrets of Tskrang spiced fish, blood edge charm, Chairo Imitesu, 3/2
- Session 20 36 Karma 49,000 nuyen
- Session 25 Submerssions multitasking, mesh reality, 32 Karma, 4,000,